
In: Statistics and Probability

The following table lists the game stats of a certain team M (e.g., Men’s Basketball) on...

The following table lists the game stats of a certain team M (e.g., Men’s Basketball) on a game-by-game basis:

Points Scored:

51 76 55 55 71 59 61 64 64 63 71 56 56 53 61 77

58 76 74 79 79 60 61 68 61 79 79 70 59 74 58 66

Points Allowed:

81 79 50 82 46 64 78 80 61 79 86 56 50 55 61 58

87 47 72 52 83 52 68 90 61 47 54 63 60 55 88 76

a) Find how many times team M won their game against their rivals.

b) Find how many times team M won by a margin of 10 points.

c) Calculate the season average of Points Scored by team M.

d) Identify the games won by team M in the season.

Solve in Matlab please.


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% Matlab script to analyze the data for the team M

% define the matrix to store the Points Scored and Points Allowed by M in
% the 2 halves game-by-game basis
Points_Scored = [51,76,55,55,71,59,61,64,64,63,71,56,56,53,61,77; 58,76,74,79,79,60,61,68,61,79,79,70,59,74,58,66];
Points_Allowed = [81,79,50,82,46,64,78,80,61,79,86,56,50,55,61,58; 87,47,72,52,83,52,68,90,61,47,54,63,60,55,88,76];

% calculate the total points scores and allowed in the entire game (summing
% the points scored and allowed in 2 halves)
Total_Points_Scored = sum(Points_Scored,1);
Total_Points_Allowed = sum(Points_Allowed,1);

% a) Find out how many times team M won their game against their rivals
% find returns the indices where Total_Points_Scored > Total_Points_Allowed
% length returns the number of elements returned by find function
M_won = length(find(Total_Points_Scored > Total_Points_Allowed));

fprintf('M won %d games against their rivals\n',M_won);

% b) Find out how many times M won by a margin of 10 points
% calculate the difference in scores of Total_Points_Scored and Total_Points_Allowed
score_difference = Total_Points_Scored-Total_Points_Allowed;

% find returns the indices where score difference = 10
% length returns the number of elements returned by find function
M_won_margin10 = length(find(score_difference == 10));

fprintf('M won %d games by a margin of 10 points\n',M_won_margin10);

% c) Calculate season average of Points Scored by team M
% mean returns the average value of the vector Total_Points_Scored
season_avg_Points_Scored = mean(Total_Points_Scored);

fprintf('Season Average of Points Scored by team M : %.2f\n',season_avg_Points_Scored);

% d) Identify the games won by team M in the season
% find returns the indices where Total_Points_Scored > Total_Points_Allowed
games_won_by_M = find(Total_Points_Scored > Total_Points_Allowed);

fprintf('Games won by M in the season: ');
format compact;

%end of script

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