In: Computer Science
A file concordance tracks the unique words in a file and their frequencies. Write a program that displays a concordance for a file. The program should output the unique words and their frequencies in alphabetical order. Variations are to track sequences of two words and their frequencies, or n words and their frequencies.
def getLines(fileName):
""" getLines validates the given fileName.
Returns all lines present in a valid file. """
lines = ""
if (fileName != None and len(fileName) > 0 and os.path.exists(fileName)):
if os.path.isfile(fileName):
file = open(fileName, 'r')
lines =
if (len(lines) > 0):
return lines
print("<" + fileName + "> is an empty file!", end="\n\n")
print("<" + fileName + "> is not a file!", end="\n\n")
print("<" + fileName + "> doesn't exists, try again!", end="\n\n")
return lines
from library import getLines
# List of English Punctuation Symbols
# Reference : Took maximum puntuations symbols possible from
# NOTE: Apostrophe is excluded from the list as having it or not having it will give always distinct words.
punctuations = ["[", "]", "(", ")", "{", "}", "<", ">", \
":", ";", ",", "`", "'", "\"", "-", ".", \
"|", "\\", "?", "/", "!", "-", "_", "@", \
"\#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "+", "~", "=" ]
def stripPunctuation(data):
""" Strip Punctuations from the given string. """
for punctuation in punctuations:
data = data.replace(punctuation, " ")
return data
def display(wordsDictionary):
""" Display sorted dictionary of words and their frequencies. """
noOfWords = 0
print("-" * 42)
print("| %20s | %15s |" % ("WORDS".center(20), "FREQUENCY".center(15)))
print("-" * 42)
for word in list(sorted(wordsDictionary.keys())):
noOfWords += 1
print("| %-20s | %15s |" % (word, str(wordsDictionary.get(word)).center(15)))
# Halt every 20 words (configurable)
if (noOfWords != 0 and noOfWords % 20 == 0):
print("\n" * 2)
print("\n" * 5)
print("-" * 42)
print("| %20s | %15s |" % ("WORDS".center(20), "FREQUENCY".center(15)))
print("-" * 42)
print("-" * 42)
print("\n" * 2)
def prepareDictionary(words):
""" Prepare dictionary of words and count their occurences. """
wordsDictionary = {}
for word in words:
# Handle subsequent Occurences
if (wordsDictionary.get(word.lower(), None) != None):
# Search and add words by checking their lowercase version
wordsDictionary[word.lower()] = wordsDictionary.get(word.lower()) + 1
# Handle first Occurence
wordsDictionary[word.lower()] = 1
return wordsDictionary
def main():
""" Main method """
print("\n" * 10)
print("Given a file name, program will find unique words and their occurences!", end="\n\n");
input("Press ENTER to start execution ... \n");
# To store all the words and their frequencies
wordsDictionary = {}
lines = ""
# Get valid input file
while (len(lines) == 0):
fileName = input("Enter the file name (RELATIVE ONLY and NOT ABSOLUTE): ")
print("\n\n" * 1)
lines = getLines(fileName)
# Get all words by removing all puntuations
words = stripPunctuation(lines).split()
# Prepare the words dictionary
wordsDictionary = prepareDictionary(words)
# Display words dictionary
Starting point