
In: Computer Science

Write a program that creates a concordance. There will be two ways to create a concordance. The first requires a document to be read from an input file, and the concordance data is written to an output file.

Concepts tested by this program

            Hash Table,

            Link List,

hash code, buckets/chaining,

exception handling, read/write files (FileChooser)

A concordance lists every word that occurs in a document in alphabetical order, and for each word it gives the line number of every line in the document where the word occurs.

Write a program that creates a concordance. There will be two ways to create a concordance. The first requires a document to be read from an input file, and the concordance data is written to an output file. The second reads the input from a string and returns an ArrayList of strings that represent the concordance of the string.

Because they are so common, don't include the words "the" or “and” in your concordance. Also, do not include words that have length less than 3. Strip out all punctuation, except apostrophes that occur in the middle of a word, i.e. let’s, we’d, etc.

Data Elements – ConcordanceDataElement, implements Comparable and consists of a String (the word) and a reference to a LinkedList (list of line numbers where word occurs). Follow the Javadoc provided for you.

Data Structure – ConcordanceDataStructure,

Implements the ConcordanceDataStructureInterface Interface that is provided.

You will be implementing a hash table with buckets. It will be an array of linked list of ConcordanceDataElements. The add method will take a word and a line number to be added to the data structure. If the word already exists, the line number will be added to the linked list for this word. If the line number for the word already exists, don’t add it again to the linked list. (i.e. if Sarah was on line 5 twice, the first line 5 would be added to the linked list for Sarah, the second one would not). If the word doesn’t exist, create a ConcordanceDataElement and add it to the HashTable. Two constructors will be required, one that takes in an integer that is the estimated number of words in the text, the other is used for testing purposes. Look at the provided Javadoc.

Data Manager – ConcordanceDataManager

Implements the ConcordanceDataManagerInterface interface that is provided.

The data manager allows the client (user) to create a concordance file or a concordance list (ArrayList of strings). The input is read (from a file or string) and is added to the data structure through the add method. The add method requires a word and a line number. The line number is incremented every time a newline appears in the file or the string.  

Concepts tested by this program

            Hash Table,

            Link List,

hash code, buckets/chaining,

exception handling, read/write files (FileChooser)

A concordance lists every word that occurs in a document in alphabetical order, and for each word it gives the line number of every line in the document where the word occurs.

Write a program that creates a concordance. There will be two ways to create a concordance. The first requires a document to be read from an input file, and the concordance data is written to an output file. The second reads the input from a string and returns an ArrayList of strings that represent the concordance of the string.

Because they are so common, don't include the words "the" or “and” in your concordance. Also, do not include words that have length less than 3. Strip out all punctuation, except apostrophes that occur in the middle of a word, i.e. let’s, we’d, etc.

Data Elements – ConcordanceDataElement, implements Comparable and consists of a String (the word) and a reference to a LinkedList (list of line numbers where word occurs). Follow the Javadoc provided for you.

Data Structure – ConcordanceDataStructure,

Implements the ConcordanceDataStructureInterface Interface that is provided.

You will be implementing a hash table with buckets. It will be an array of linked list of ConcordanceDataElements. The add method will take a word and a line number to be added to the data structure. If the word already exists, the line number will be added to the linked list for this word. If the line number for the word already exists, don’t add it again to the linked list. (i.e. if Sarah was on line 5 twice, the first line 5 would be added to the linked list for Sarah, the second one would not). If the word doesn’t exist, create a ConcordanceDataElement and add it to the HashTable. Two constructors will be required, one that takes in an integer that is the estimated number of words in the text, the other is used for testing purposes. Look at the provided Javadoc.

Data Manager – ConcordanceDataManager

Implements the ConcordanceDataManagerInterface interface that is provided.

The data manager allows the client (user) to create a concordance file or a concordance list (ArrayList of strings). The input is read (from a file or string) and is added to the data structure through the add method. The add method requires a word and a line number. The line number is incremented every time a newline appears in the file or the string.  


Expert Solution

import java.util.LinkedList;
ublic class ConcordanceDataElement
   private String concordanceWord;
   private LinkedList pageNumbers;
   private int hashCodeNumber;
   * The constructor
   * @param word the word for the concordance data element
   public ConcordanceDataElement(java.lang.String word)
       concordanceWord = word;
       pageNumbers = new LinkedList();
   * Returns the word followed by page numbers.
   * @return a string in the following format: word: page num, page num Example: after: 2,8,15
   public java.lang.String toString()
       String display;

       display = concordanceWord + ": ";
       for(int i = 0; i < pageNumbers.size(); i++)
           // add a "," after the page number up until before the last page number in the linked list.
           if(i < pageNumbers.size() - 1)
           display += pageNumbers.get(i) + ", ";
           // do not add a "," at the end of the last page number that will be displayed.
               display += pageNumbers.get(i);
       return display;      
   * Return the word portion of the Concordance Data Element
   * @return the word portion of the Concordance Data Element
   public java.lang.String getWord()
       return concordanceWord;  
   * Returns the hashCode. You may use the String class hashCode method
   * @return the hashCode.
   public int hashCode()
       hashCodeNumber = concordanceWord.hashCode();
       return hashCodeNumber;      
   * Returns the linked list of integers that represent the line numbers
   * @return the linked list of integers that represent the line numbers
   public java.util.LinkedList getList()
       return pageNumbers;      
   * add the page number if the number doesn't exist in the list
   * @param lineNum the line number to add to the linked list
   public void addPage(int lineNum)

import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class ConcordanceDataManager implements ConcordanceDataManagerInterface
   private ConcordanceDataStructure x = new ConcordanceDataStructure();

        * Display the words in Alphabetical Order followed by a :,
        * followed by the line numbers in numerical order, followed by a newline
        * here's an example:
        * after: 129, 175
        * agree: 185
        * agreed: 37
        * all: 24, 93, 112, 175, 203
        * always: 90, 128
        * @param input a String (usually consist of several lines) to
        * make a concordance of
        * @return an ArrayList of Strings. Each string has one word,
        * followed by a :, followed by the line numbers in numerical order,
        * followed by a newline.
   public ArrayList createConcordanceArray(String input)
       String[] line; // will hold the contents of each line in the string passed in
       String[] word; // will hold each singular word from
       int lineNum = 0;
       //split each line of the string into an array
       line = input.split("\n");
       // loop through the array containing each line of text
       for(int i = 0; i < line.length; i++)
           // split each word in the current line into a new array.
           word = line[i].split(" ");

           lineNum = i + 1; // keep track of the current line number

           // loop through the array containing all the words of a line
           for(int j = 0; j < word.length; j++)
               // "don't include the words "the" or �and� in your concordance.
               // Strip out all punctuation, except apostrophes that occur in the middle of a word, i.e. let�s, we�d, etc."
               if( !word[j].equals("the") && !word[j].equals("and") && word[j].length() >= 3 )
                   // Strip out all punctuation, except apostrophes that occur in the middle of a word, i.e. let�s, we�d, etc."
                   word[j] = word[j].replaceAll("[.:,']","");
                   word[j] = word[j].replaceAll("_","");
                   word[j] = word[j].replaceAll("\"","");
                   // Also make the word all lowercase
                   word[j] = word[j].toLowerCase();
                   //Also, do not include words that have length less than 3.
                   if(word[j].length() >= 3 )
                       //System.out.println(word[j] + ": " + lineNum);
                       // Add each word into the ConcordanceDataStrcuture structure, for it to store the word in the correct concordance position
                       x.add(word[j], lineNum);          
       ArrayList concordance = x.showAll();
       return concordance;

        * Creates a file that holds the concordance
        * @param input the File to read from
        * @param output the File to write to
        * Following is an example:
       * about: 24, 210
       * abuse: 96
       * account: 79
       * acknowledged: 10
        * @return true if the concordance file was created successfully.
        * @throws FileNotFoundException if file not found
   public boolean createConcordanceFile(File input, File output) throws FileNotFoundException
       ArrayList dataFile = new ArrayList<>(); // Will hold the contents of each line in the string passed in
       String inputData = "";
       String[] line;
       String[] word;
       int lineNum = 0;

       if( !input.canRead() || !output.canWrite() )
           throw new FileNotFoundException();
       Scanner inputFile;
       inputFile = new Scanner(input);
       // Read each content, line by line from the .txt file into a String ArrayList
       while (inputFile.hasNext())
       // loop through the ArrayList containing all the lines
       for(int i = 0; i < dataFile.size(); i++)
           // split each word in the current line into a new array.
           word = dataFile.get(i).split(" ");
           lineNum = i + 1; // keep track of the current line number
           // loop through the array containing all the words of a line
           for(int j = 0; j < word.length; j++)
               // "don't include the words "the" or �and� in your concordance.
               if( !word[j].equals("the") && !word[j].equals("and") && word[j].length() >= 3)
                   // Strip out all punctuation, except apostrophes that occur in the middle of a word, i.e. let�s, we�d, etc."
                   word[j] = word[j].replaceAll("[.:,']","");
                   word[j] = word[j].replaceAll("_","");
                   word[j] = word[j].replaceAll("\"","");
                   // Also make the word all lowercase
                   word[j] = word[j].toLowerCase();  
                   //Also, do not include words that have length less than 3.
                   if(word[j].length() >= 3 )
                       // Add each word into the ConcordanceDataStrcuture structure, for it to store the word in the correct concordance position
                       x.add(word[j], lineNum);          
           ArrayList concordanceOutputData = x.showAll();
           // Will use the output file that is passed into this method to write the concordance into it.
           PrintWriter outFile = new PrintWriter(output);

           for(int k = 0; k < concordanceOutputData.size(); k++)
               // Print the words that have been arranged into concordance into the output file.
       return true;

import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class ConcordanceDataManager implements ConcordanceDataManagerInterface
   private ConcordanceDataStructure x = new ConcordanceDataStructure();

        * Display the words in Alphabetical Order followed by a :,
        * followed by the line numbers in numerical order, followed by a newline
        * here's an example:
        * after: 129, 175
        * agree: 185
        * agreed: 37
        * all: 24, 93, 112, 175, 203
        * always: 90, 128
        * @param input a String (usually consist of several lines) to
        * make a concordance of
        * @return an ArrayList of Strings. Each string has one word,
        * followed by a :, followed by the line numbers in numerical order,
        * followed by a newline.
   public ArrayList createConcordanceArray(String input)
       String[] line; // will hold the contents of each line in the string passed in
       String[] word; // will hold each singular word from
       int lineNum = 0;
       //split each line of the string into an array
       line = input.split("\n");
       // loop through the array containing each line of text
       for(int i = 0; i < line.length; i++)
           // split each word in the current line into a new array.
           word = line[i].split(" ");

           lineNum = i + 1; // keep track of the current line number

           // loop through the array containing all the words of a line
           for(int j = 0; j < word.length; j++)
               // "don't include the words "the" or �and� in your concordance.
               // Strip out all punctuation, except apostrophes that occur in the middle of a word, i.e. let�s, we�d, etc."
               if( !word[j].equals("the") && !word[j].equals("and") && word[j].length() >= 3 )
                   // Strip out all punctuation, except apostrophes that occur in the middle of a word, i.e. let�s, we�d, etc."
                   word[j] = word[j].replaceAll("[.:,']","");
                   word[j] = word[j].replaceAll("_","");
                   word[j] = word[j].replaceAll("\"","");
                   // Also make the word all lowercase
                   word[j] = word[j].toLowerCase();
                   //Also, do not include words that have length less than 3.
                   if(word[j].length() >= 3 )
                       //System.out.println(word[j] + ": " + lineNum);
                       // Add each word into the ConcordanceDataStrcuture structure, for it to store the word in the correct concordance position
                       x.add(word[j], lineNum);          
       ArrayList concordance = x.showAll();
       return concordance;

        * Creates a file that holds the concordance
        * @param input the File to read from
        * @param output the File to write to
        * Following is an example:
       * about: 24, 210
       * abuse: 96
       * account: 79
       * acknowledged: 10
        * @return true if the concordance file was created successfully.
        * @throws FileNotFoundException if file not found
   public boolean createConcordanceFile(File input, File output) throws FileNotFoundException
       ArrayList dataFile = new ArrayList<>(); // Will hold the contents of each line in the string passed in
       String inputData = "";
       String[] line;
       String[] word;
       int lineNum = 0;

       if( !input.canRead() || !output.canWrite() )
           throw new FileNotFoundException();
       Scanner inputFile;
       inputFile = new Scanner(input);
       // Read each content, line by line from the .txt file into a String ArrayList
       while (inputFile.hasNext())
       // loop through the ArrayList containing all the lines
       for(int i = 0; i < dataFile.size(); i++)
           // split each word in the current line into a new array.
           word = dataFile.get(i).split(" ");
           lineNum = i + 1; // keep track of the current line number
           // loop through the array containing all the words of a line
           for(int j = 0; j < word.length; j++)
               // "don't include the words "the" or �and� in your concordance.
               if( !word[j].equals("the") && !word[j].equals("and") && word[j].length() >= 3)
                   // Strip out all punctuation, except apostrophes that occur in the middle of a word, i.e. let�s, we�d, etc."
                   word[j] = word[j].replaceAll("[.:,']","");
                   word[j] = word[j].replaceAll("_","");
                   word[j] = word[j].replaceAll("\"","");
                   // Also make the word all lowercase
                   word[j] = word[j].toLowerCase();  
                   //Also, do not include words that have length less than 3.
                   if(word[j].length() >= 3 )
                       // Add each word into the ConcordanceDataStrcuture structure, for it to store the word in the correct concordance position
                       x.add(word[j], lineNum);          
           ArrayList concordanceOutputData = x.showAll();
           // Will use the output file that is passed into this method to write the concordance into it.
           PrintWriter outFile = new PrintWriter(output);

           for(int k = 0; k < concordanceOutputData.size(); k++)
               // Print the words that have been arranged into concordance into the output file.
       return true;

import java.util.ArrayList;

   public interface ConcordanceDataManagerInterface {
        * Display the words in Alphabetical Order followed by a :,
        * followed by the line numbers in numerical order, followed by a newline
        * here's an example:
        * after: 129, 175
        * agree: 185
        * agreed: 37
        * all: 24, 93, 112, 175, 203
        * always: 90, 128
        * @param input a String (usually consist of several lines) to
        * make a concordance of
        * @return an ArrayList of Strings. Each string has one word,
        * followed by a :, followed by the line numbers in numerical order,
        * followed by a newline.
       public ArrayList createConcordanceArray(String input);
        * Creates a file that holds the concordance
        * @param input the File to read from
        * @param output the File to write to
        * Following is an example:
       * about: 24, 210
       * abuse: 96
       * account: 79
       * acknowledged: 10
        * @return true if the concordance file was created successfully.
        * @throws FileNotFoundException if file not found
       public boolean createConcordanceFile(File input, File output) throws FileNotFoundException;
   } // end class Concordance
   import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedList;

public class ConcordanceDataStructure implements ConcordanceDataStructureInterface {
   // Since there are 500 words in the data file given to us for this assignment, I just chose to use the first prime number thats greater than 75% of 500.
    private static final int HASHTABLE_SIZE = 379;
    // The primary storage area
    private LinkedList[] table;

     * Constructor which will initializes the hash table.
     * @param word the word to be added/updated with a line number.
     * @param lineNum the line number where the word is found
    public ConcordanceDataStructure()
         table = new LinkedList[HASHTABLE_SIZE];

            for (int i = 0; i < HASHTABLE_SIZE; i++){
                    table[i] = new LinkedList();
    * Use the hashcode of the ConcordanceDataElement to see if it is in the hashtable.
    * If the word does not exist in the hashtable - Add the ConcordanceDataElement
    * to the hashtable. Put the line number in the linked list
    * If the word already exists in the hashtable
    * 1. add the line number to the end of the linked list in the ConcordanceDataElement (if the line number is not currently there).
    * @param word the word to be added/updated with a line number.
    * @param lineNum the line number where the word is found
    public void add(String word, int lineNum)
       ConcordanceDataElement dataElement = new ConcordanceDataElement(word);

        // Use the hashcode for the word to insert it into the correct storage location in the table.
        int index = Math.abs(dataElement.hashCode() % table.length);
        //System.out.print(index + " ");

        LinkedList current = table[index];
         // If the hash location does not contain the word then add it to the table.
        if(current.contains(dataElement.getWord()) == false)
        // If the hash location of the table already contains the word, but not the page number, then add the page number to the linkedlist.
           for (int i = 0; i < current.size(); i++)
               ConcordanceDataElement oldElement = current.get(i);
                if( oldElement.equals(dataElement))
                   if (!oldElement.getList().contains(lineNum))

     * Display the words in Alphabetical Order followed by a :,followed by the line numbers in numerical order, followed by a newline
     * here's an example:
     * after: 129, 175
   * agree: 185
     * agreed: 37
     * all: 24, 93, 112, 175, 203
     * always: 90, 128
     * @return an ArrayList of Strings. Each string has one word,
     * followed by a :, followed by the line numbers in numerical order,
     * followed by a newline.
    public ArrayList showAll()

        ArrayList showArray = new ArrayList();
        for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++)
                LinkedList row = table[i];
                for (int a = 0; a < row.size(); a++)
                        showArray.add(row.get(a).toString() + "\n");
        return showArray ;

import java.util.ArrayList;

   public interface ConcordanceDataStructureInterface{

        * Use the hashcode of the ConcordanceDataElement to see if it is
        * in the hashtable.
        * If the word does not exist in the hashtable - Add the ConcordanceDataElement
        * to the hashtable. Put the line number in the linked list
        * If the word already exists in the hashtable
        * 1. add the line number to the end of the linked list in the ConcordanceDataElement
        * (if the line number is not currently there).
        * @param word the word to be added/updated with a line number.
        * @param lineNum the line number where the word is found
      public void add(String word, int lineNum);
       * Display the words in Alphabetical Order followed by a :,
       * followed by the line numbers in numerical order, followed by a newline
       * here's an example:
       * after: 129, 175
       * agree: 185
       * agreed: 37
       * all: 24, 93, 112, 175, 203
       * always: 90, 128
       * @return an ArrayList of Strings. Each string has one word,
       * followed by a :, followed by the line numbers in numerical order,
       * followed by a newline.
      public ArrayList showAll();
   }// end of ConcordanceDataStructureInterface

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Write a program that will read in from input file one line at a time until...
Write a program that will read in from input file one line at a time until end of file and output the number of words in the line and the number of occurrences of each letter. Define a word to be any string of letters that is delimited at each end by either whitespace, a period, a comma or the beginning or end of the line. You can assume that the input consists entirely of letters, whitespaces, commas and periods....
In this assignment you will write a PHP program that reads from a data file, creates...
In this assignment you will write a PHP program that reads from a data file, creates an associative array, sorts the data by key and displays the information in an HTML table. Create a PHP file called hw4.php that will do the following: - Display your name. - Read text data from a file. The data file is hw3.txt. The file hw3.txt will hold the following text: PQRParrot, Quagga, Raccoon DEFDo statements, Else statements, For statements GHIGeese, Hippos, If statements...