
In: Computer Science

Design and write a python program that reads a file of text and stores each unique...

Design and write a python program that reads a file of text and stores each unique word in some node of binary search tree while maintaining a count of the number appearance of that word. The word is stored only one time; if it appears more than once, the count is increased. The program then prints out 1) the number of distinct words stored un the tree, Function name: nword 2) the longest word in the input, function name: longest 3) the most frequent word in the input, function name: mostfreq 4) the first 10 words appearing in reverse sorted order : first10

In all three format Preorder Postorder Inorder


Expert Solution

Answer : Given data

* The word is stored only one time; if it appears more than once, the count is increased.

def nword(txt):
    word_list=txt.split() #splitting text into an list of words
    unique_words = set(word_list) #Converting List into set [Set remove Duplicates]
    for word in unique_words:
        if word_list.count(word)==1: #checking count of each word in text is 1 or not
            result.append(word) # Storing them in a list named result
    return result
def longest(txt):
    word_list=txt.split() #splitting text into an list of words
    sorted_list = sorted(word_list, key=len) # Sorting List Using length
    return sorted_list[-1] #return longest word  usually appears at last of list accessed by [-1]
def mostfreq(txt):
    word_list=txt.split() #splitting text into an list of words
    unique_words = set(word_list) #Converting List into set [Set remove Duplicates]
    for word in unique_words:
        if word_list.count(word)>maxfreq: #checking count of each word in text is 1 or not
            mostfreq=word # Storing most fequent word
            maxfreq=word_list.count(word) # updating maximum Frequency
    return mostfreq # returning most fequent word
def first10(txt):
    word_list=txt.split() #splitting text into an list of words
    if len(word_list)>=11:
        f10=word_list[:10] #Splitting list to first 10 words
    for i in f10:
        result.append(i[::-1]) #reversing and storing element in result
    return result #Returning Sorted result
f = open("text.txt", "r") #opening a file #reading a file
print(nword(txt)) # the number of distinct words stored in the tree
print(longest(txt)) #the longest word in the input, function name
print(mostfreq(txt)) #the most frequent word in the input
print(first10(txt)) #the first 10 words appearing in reverse sorted order

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