
In: Biology

Write down all the food items you consume in one complete day. Assemble information from food...

Write down all the food items you consume in one complete day. Assemble information from food labels, menus, and dietary tables to calculate the number of grams of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats consumed. Calculate the number of Calories in each food type using 4 Cal/g for proteins and carbohydrates and 9 Cal/g for fats. Then obtain information about recommended dietary requirements for persons of your sex, age, weight, height, and level of activity from health or biology teachers or the Internet.


Expert Solution

My calorie consumption is excessive for a male of my age and activity level. Based upon the Calorie Calculator web site I need 2500 calories per day to maintain my weight. I am obese according to the BMI Calculator: 32.6. My calorie consumption is excessive for a male of my age and activity level. Based upon the Calorie Calculator web site I need 2500 calories per day to maintain my weight. I am obese according to the BMI Calculator: 32.6. I know I am overweight, but the term obese hurts! I would not consider myself obese. As far as energy intake needs I am not quite sure how much energy I need to consume to maintain a healthy body weight because it has been a long time since I have been at a healthy weight. I am striving to get 60% of my calories from carbohydrates, 20% of my calories from fats and proteins. I also need approximately 30g of fiber each day.

Based upon my food consumption, I would say that I am extremely excessive in my calorie intake. I nearly tripled what I would need in a typical day. Over the course of the two days my carbohydrate, fat and protein intake were way too high. I probably eat out a couple of times every week and that really kicked me well over the edge. My fat intake is incredibly high especially saturated fat. I think I could have really improved my protein choices on this day. Percentage-wise I was much closer to meeting my goal as far as my protein intake goes. I also love fruits and vegetables, but I rarely consume them. I was close to meeting my fiber needs. I'm not sure how as I ate very few servings of vegetables and no fruit servings. Sometimes I have very little time and am in a rush (like so many people) and I just go out and buy what tastes good.

I definitely need to make some significant changes. First, I need to drastically cut down on my total energy intake. This could best be achieved by eating three much smaller meals each day with a small mid-afternoon snack. I need to add whole grains to my breakfast. I can do this by eating oatmeal and/or some whole grain toast. I could also start my day off with a piece of fresh fruit. I can add a salad to my lunch and perhaps some lettuce to a lean protein sandwich like tuna or turkey. I could consume another piece of fruit with this meal. For my afternoon snack I could choose a green smoothie with spinach, water, a banana and some blueberries. For dinner I can choose some whole grain pasta with some fresh, sautéed vegetables. My dessert could be a small Greek yogurt with some honey and fresh fruit topped with some chopped almonds.

I must make these changes soon as high fat diets lead to cardiovascular disease and my uncle who was only 53 recently had triple heart bypass surgery. My father is a type 2 diabetic and my mother is obese. The proposed changes may allow me to decrease my BMI and lower my risks for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Additionally, by eating an energy sufficient and nutrient dense diet I may start to have more energy and begin an exercise program.

This assignment really helped me identify why I have become obese. The changes I proposed should allow me to get to a healthy body weight and decrease the risks associated with being obese.

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