
In: Psychology

Violence against men far outnumbers violence against women. Thoughts/Comments?

Violence against men far outnumbers violence against women. Thoughts/Comments?


Expert Solution

  • I guess its the other way around but,yes violence against men do happen but gets highlighted less than of a woman. Women also physically and mentally abuse their male partners sometimes intentionally and sometimes without noticing. For example , a case in india highlight mental torture by a female partner to her boyfriend of constantly just complaining to pressurising him to meet her every day, and eventually accused him of having an affair. A time came when the abuse was no longer restricted to words; she turned violent. She would pick fights with him and hit him.
  • The problem is that men dont really talk about it since in such situations unfortunately women get an upper hand by playing the "woman card" inappropriately.In fact what troubles many men victims is the fact that few can speak out about it.
  • If a man speaks about abuse, he is either called a sissy and blamed for it or told to take things in his stride. It's double jeopardy. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. So, they learn to bottle things up.According to informal studies conducted by the Save Indian Family Foundation, another men's rights group, about 10 per cent of young men face physical abuse from their girlfriends and about 30 per cent emotional abuse.
  • Most gender activists, however, stress that abuse against men is not a widespread trend. "There may be some women who indulge in violence and abusive behaviour, but spousal abuse against women is of a far different scale and order. Studies on domestic violence across the world have shown that women and children are the most affected.
  • Over the years, men have been demanding that a similar body be set up to address problems that affect men. The fact that men have to approach a women's commission to lodge complaints shows that there is a genuine need for a body to address such issues.

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