
In: Anatomy and Physiology

The program will include exercises, sets, repetitions, rest periods, and tempo. You also need to list...

The program will include exercises, sets, repetitions, rest periods, and tempo. You also need to list flexibility, warm-up and cool-down exercises.

*You must answer the following question and fill out the charts provided.

  1. What are your fitness needs (i.e. strength training goals for the two weeks)? Your answer to this question does not have to be long but it must provide us with a rationale for your training plan.

Every day of the week is listed but this does not mean you have to train every day in the two weeks, rest periods are important as well. It is more for scheduling purposes. The information included in the table should coincide with question 1 (your needs).

Week 1








Warm-up (exercises and time)

Resistance training exercises

(3-5 exercises only)




Rest Intervals

Cool Down (exercises and time)

Flexibility Exercises

(2-4 exercises)

Week 2








Warm-up (exercises and time)

Resistance training exercises

(3-5 exercises only)




Rest Intervals

Cool Down (exercises and time)

Flexibility Exercises

(2-4 exercises)


Expert Solution

Goals of strength training mainly focuses on using or lifting heavy weight with less numbernof heavy weights with long rest periods.

Week 1-

Warm up should be some about same of like exercises which are going to do for strength. 10 minutes warm is good and sufficient. It includes 7-8 minutes walk on treadmill. Lifting some heavy weights with low repititions as you are going to lift for strength training.

For cardio session,you can also go for cycling as it increases the blood flow for exercise session.

Resistance training exercise- done using wieghts such as dumbbell,water bottle ,or your own body weights. These exercise include 8-10 repititions and after every set rest time should be of 2-3 minutes. After every set,increase your weight and do the repititions again,as this would build your muscles strength.

Exercises for strength training are- pushups,squats ,lunges, straight leg raise.

Rest periods should be of around 1-2 minutes.

These exercise are to be done twice a week for fitness strength training

Exercises for cool down include- stretching those legs, stretching arms,streching chest and some massage for 10 minutes.

Flexibility exercises include hamstring stretch,neck stretch,abdominal streching because it increase flexibility of these muscles

All these exercises have to be done twice a week and with same rest periods and repitions slowly increase with time as you start to lift heavy weights but remember that with heavy weights , repititions should not be more than 10-12 . More than that would cause muscle fatigue.

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