
In: Computer Science

*Need in C language also need full documentation/explanation of each line* Thank you! Write a program...

*Need in C language also need full documentation/explanation of each line*
Thank you!

Write a program that records high-score data from a simulated FIFA soccer game available online. The program will ask the user to enter the number of scores, create two dynamic arrays sized accordingly, ask the user to enter the indicated number of names and scores, and then print the names and scores sorted by score in descending order.
The output from your program should look exactly like this (given the same inputs in bold):
How many FIFA scores will you enter?: 5
Enter the name for Player #1: Ronaldo
Enter the score for FIFA scorer #1: 10400
Enter the name for Player #2: Didier
Enter the score for FIFA scorer #2: 9800
Enter the name for Player #3: Pele
Enter the score for scorer #3: 12300
Enter the name for Player #4: Kaka
Enter the score for scorer #4: 8000
Enter the name for Player #5: Cristiano
Enter the score for scorer #5: 8400
Top Scorers:
Pele: 12300
Ronaldo: 10400
Didier: 9800
Cristiano: 8400
Kaka: 8000

Process returned 0 (0x0) execution time : 23.997 s
Press any key to continue.

Additional Requirements
The data must be stored in two dynamic arrays: an array of strings named names, and an array of ints named scores. These arrays must be declared and allocated using "new" in the main function.
The user input of the names and scores should be done in a function named readData() and should include appropriate input validation. It should have the following signature:
void readData(string names[], int scores[], int size) // void function for user input to be stored in two arrays
You must also write two more functions: one to sort both arrays in descending order by score, and one to display the final list of names and scores. They should have the following signatures.
void sortData(string names[], int scores[], int size) // void function with a descending sort on multiple arrays
void displayData(const string names[], const int scores[], int size) // void function displays content from two arrays
The main function should be very short. It should just get the number of scores, allocate the two arrays, invoke these three functions, and then deallocate the arrays.
Some of you may not have studied selection sorting algorithms in the Gaddis text Chapter 8 or reviewed the selection sort algorithm covered in the lesson notes from the array review module. You may use as much code from the Gaddis sort algorithms as you like but first make sure to understand and trace the sort and the necessary swaps made or you may use our own algorithm. You may use C++'s built-in swap() function, but do not use C++'s sort() function.


Expert Solution

#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int size;
//function definition
void readData(string names[], int scores[], int size)
cout<<"How many FIFA scores will you enter ? : ";
::size=size;//assigning local varible value to global variable
for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
cout<<"Enter the name for player #"<<i+1<<" : ";
cout<<"Enter the score for FIFA scorer #"<<i+1<<" : ";
void displayData(const string names[], const int scores[], int size)
cout<<"Top Scores :\n";
for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
void sortData(string names[], int scores[], int size)
string temp_name=names[0];
int temp_scores=scores[0];

for(int i=0;i<size;i++)//iterations for array sorting
for(int j=i;j<size;j++)

int main()
int *scores = new int[10]();//allocation of dynamic memory
string *names=new string[10]();
readData(names,scores,size);//function calls
delete [] scores;//deallocation of dynamic memmory
delete [] names;
return 0;


How many FIFA scores will you enter ? : 5
Enter the name for player #1 : Ronaldo
Enter the score for FIFA scorer #1 : 10400
Enter the name for player #2 : Didier
Enter the score for FIFA scorer #2 : 9800
Enter the name for player #3 : Pele
Enter the score for FIFA scorer #3 : 12300
Enter the name for player #4 : kaka Kaka
Enter the score for FIFA scorer #4 : 8000
Enter the name for player #5 : Cristiano
Enter the score for FIFA scorer #5 : 8400
Top Scores :
Ronaldo 10400
Didier 12300
Pele 9800
Kaka 8400
Cristiano 8000

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