
In: Electrical Engineering

Create a circuit that allows the client to add numbers one by one into a register...

Create a circuit that allows the client to add numbers one by one into a register file (8 four-bit registers) by inputting:

1) the number itsself

2) the memory location

The circuit can be logic gates OR verilog code. whichever you prefer!

Thank you and I will rate!


Expert Solution

We would be creating a Design that allows the client / user to write number one by one into a register file having 8 four-bit registers.

We are having 8 memory locations. So, bits required to represent 8 memory locations = log2(8) = log2(23) = 3log2(2) = 3.

The Design has DataIN (Number) as a 4 bit input, Address (Memory Location) as a 3 bit input, a Read/Write' input signal for reading/writing from/into the Register memory, CLK (Clock) signal as a clocking source for sequential stuffs and a DataOUT signal as a 4 bit output for reading from the Memory.

The Block Representation of the Design is shown below:

Verilog Implementation of this Design is given below:

module memory (output [3:0] DataOUT, input [3:0] DataIN, input [2:0] Address, input CLK, input RW); // module definition

reg [3:0] mem [2:0]; // register bank with 8 locations of 4 bits each

always @ (posedge CLK) // reading or writing will occur at positive edges of clock
   if (RW)   DataOUT <= mem[Address]; // if Read/Write' is HIGH, memory will be read to DataOUT
   else mem[Address] <= DataIN; // if Read/Write' is LOW, memory will be written from DataIN


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