
In: Operations Management

Based on your learning from chapter 14, write a brief (1 to 1.5 pages) social media...

Based on your learning from chapter 14, write a brief (1 to 1.5 pages) social media strategy for your business, organization, non-profit, community group, etc... Your business could be whatever you and your group wants. In your strategy please state what your business is and the products or services you will be selling/advertising.   

Consider the following questions (and whatever else comes to mind):

What do you wish to accomplish through social media?

Who is your target audience? Which social media platforms are they using?

How will you begin to establish your platform?

What will you offer your readers that will be value-added for them?

What’s your ongoing action plan for maintaining your feed? (e.g. 3 tweets/day, scheduling posts, etc…)

How will you evaluate the success of your plan?


Expert Solution

> The product I have selected is mobile phones

>My aim of social media campaign is to create a buzz about the brand, improve brand presence, increase top of mind recall.

> My target audience are mainly people of age between 18 and 45 years and Socio economic classification - A and B. Social Media platforms they generally use would be facebook, twitter, instagram, etc. So, I would target them through this

> Creating a facebook page , an instagram account , a twitter account is the start. First important thing is to drive traffic to the pages or accounts. To drive traffic, one can put some interesting article or topic to read or a quiz contest on mobile technology and goodies can be given to the winners

> Articles on various mobile technologies , tips to increase battery life , how to use various feautes of a phone etc, are all value added articles to the audience

> To maintain feed, a weekly quiz contest on facebook page . Clues will be posted for this quiz on various accounts like facebook, twitter through out the week. In addition to this , information and tips regarding mobile phones would be provided now and then

> To evaluate the success of plan one measure is to see the number of unique users across all platforms. Average number of times an user is visiting the page in a week,month,etc.

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