In: Psychology
How would you describe yourself in terms of the following coping concepts that were discussed during this week's reading: resilience, explanatory style, personal control and choice, and social support?
In term of resilience to stress, I see myself as a very determined and optimistic person. I tend to focus on positive emotions and try to ‘laugh out my worries’ to state my resilient nature in the popular statement . This helps me to combat with the egative effects of stress.
In terms of the explanatory approach to coping, I can see its existence in my own experiences in stressful sitauations. I have often fond that if I try to reflect and explore the causes that is try to find the explanation for an interpersonal conflict with a friend, then I am able to avoid stress and instead move towards reaching out to my friend and negotiate a resolution with , finding explanations or interpretations can be the first step towards generating solutions and thus help me in my coping skills.
Moreover, I can relate to the idea of Personal control and choice and I can how my own parents are better able to do dovetailing and manage their work pressure, relationships, and also run the household chores as they are motivated by an internal locus of control and view the stressful situations as instances where the outcomes can still be under their control and be changed for better, an attitude where one sees life events as under one’s own personal control and a matter of making specific decisions or choices, can produce a higher rate of coping.
And finally, even if one has an internal locus of control, external stimulation such as in the form of social support or the emotional and physical asistance provided by family, peers, neighbours, School counsellors, community health center, etc can help to combat multiple sources of stress whether it is stress from work, illness and Directly determines the quality of life of my family and others around me.