
In: Anatomy and Physiology

Unfortunately, we now plagued with COVID-19, a disease that is caused by a novel Coronavirus (aka...

Unfortunately, we now plagued with COVID-19, a disease that is caused by a novel Coronavirus (aka Severe acute respiratory syndrome, SARS-CoV-2). However, there is a significant percentage of those infected with the virus who show mild to no symptoms. On the other hand, others die from the disease complications in a short period of time.

Why is there such a contrasting effect on our human population?

If another cycle or season of the corona virus appears, what are your expectations of the outcomes?


Expert Solution

Corona virus disease con be ranging from mild flu like illness to fatal complications leading to death.... It is not predictable and can be varying.

However if the person is previously infected by any group of the corona viruses, it will cause some immunity which will help against the present novel corona virus and these patients will have less symptoms and mostly recover

On the other hand, if this virus infects a person for the first time, it will cause severe host damage as there is lack of any supporting cross immunity from previous infections. Also the virus is mostly affecting the old age people with comorbidities which has little reserve to fight against the virus

If this virus without undergoing any mutation presents at a later time, the outcome will be good overall as the people who recovered from the infection previously will cause herd immunity (immunity in the community) and thus the transmission and the pathogencity of the virus decreases leading to better outcomes

Hope this helps.... If you still have any doubts feel free to comment. Thank you!!!

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