In: Psychology
As a healthcare professional, what would you tell expecting parents of the different options they have for giving birth? Please provide details of each delivery in your post including the pros and cons of these approaches and remember to reference/cite your work. 300-350 words
Expecting a child is the most beautiful feeling in the world. Every indiviual tries to enjoy each phase of their pregnancy but are always concerned about the delivery of their child. There are various methods for the child birth. They are listed below:
Natural birth: It is the most historical method and conventional method used for child birth. Most of the mothers choose to deliver their baby using this method. In this method the baby is born through the birth canal.
Advantages of natural birth are:
Disadvantage of natural child birth is:
Medicated Childbirth: The pain of the natural childbirth is too traumatizing, so the alternative to it is medicated childbirth. In this type of childbirth, the woman receives medication, which acts as a pain-killer and eliminates the pain of labor. The physician uses an IV drip mode to administer the analgesic into the body of the patient and the anesthetic blocks the nerves that carries the signal of pain.
Water Childbirth: This is gaining popularity in urban areas nowadays. This can be done at birth cnetres or at home as well. In this kind of child delivery, the expecting mother gives birth to the baby in a small tub or a pool of warm water.
Cesarean Childbirth: This is the most preferred mode of childbirth in the urban areas nowadays, as mothers are afraid of the pain associated with natural birth. In a cesarean childbirth (C-section), the baby does not deliver through the birth canal but through incision in the mother's abdomen or uterus.