
In: Finance

WeVest Financial Advisors suggests an investment in two stocks (40% in Stock A and 60% in...

WeVest Financial Advisors suggests an investment in two stocks (40% in Stock A and 60% in Stock B). They claim the investment will reduce risk through diversification, but they need proof. This is the historical returns for the two stocks.

Year Returns (%)
Stock A Stock B
2012 14.82 % 10.76 %
2013 15.72 11.82
2014 12.61 10.43
2015 10.84 11.96
2016 11.32 7.66

a. Using a 40/60 split, what is the weighted average standard deviation of the two stocks? (Enter your answer as a percent rounded to two decimal places.)

Weighted Average Standard Deviation %

b. Recalculate the standard deviation of a portfolio of the two stocks. (Enter your answer as a percent rounded to two decimal places.)

Portfolio standard deviation %

c. What is the reduction in standard deviation that results from the creation of a portfolio of the two stocks? (Enter your answer as a percent rounded to two decimal places.)

Reduction in standard deviation %


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WeVest Financial Advisors suggests an investment in two stocks (40% in Stock A and 60% in...
WeVest Financial Advisors suggests an investment in two stocks (40% in Stock A and 60% in Stock B). They claim the investment will reduce risk through diversification, but they need proof. This is the historical returns for the two stocks. Year Returns (%) Stock A Stock B 2012 15.47 % 13.36 % 2013 16.50 15.20 2014 12.09 7.31 2015 10.45 10.01 2016 10.80 5.71 a. Using a 40/60 split, what is the weighted average standard deviation of the two stocks?...
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Investment advisors estimated the stock market returns for four market segments: computers, financial, manufacturing, and pharmaceuticals....
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Investment advisors estimated the stock market returns for four market segments: computers, financial, manufacturing, and pharmaceuticals....
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Investment advisors estimated the stock market returns for four market segments: computers, financial, manufacturing, and pharmaceuticals....
Investment advisors estimated the stock market returns for four market segments: computers, financial, manufacturing, and pharmaceuticals. Annual return projections vary depending on whether the general economic conditions are improving, stable, or declining. The anticipated annual return percentages for each market segment under each economic condition are as follows: Economic Condition Market Segment Improving Stable Declining Computers 10 2 -4 Financial 8 5 -3 Manufacturing 8 4 -2 Pharmaceuticals 6 5 -1 (a) Assume that an individual investor wants to select...
Investment advisors estimated the stock market returns for four market segments: computers, financial, manufacturing, and pharmaceuticals....
Investment advisors estimated the stock market returns for four market segments: computers, financial, manufacturing, and pharmaceuticals. Annual return projections vary depending on whether the general economic conditions are improving, stable, or declining. The anticipated annual return percentages for each market segment under each economic condition are as follows: Economic Condition Market Segment Improving Stable Declining Computers 10 2 -4 Financial 8 5 -3 Manufacturing 6 4 -2 Pharmaceuticals 6 5 -1 (a) Assume that an individual investor wants to select...
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