In: Computer Science
Service Level Agreement
This memorandum of agreement sets out the operational arrangements and responsibilities of the college as the training provider and
Home Centre as the client for the provision of and/ or other equivalent qualifications at Vincent College.
The aim is to ensure that both parties have a mutual understanding and awareness of the roles and responsibilities of their institution in the partnership, to prevent unnecessary confusion and misunderstandings, which can sometimes occur.
This protocol agreement is intended to specify minimum standards and will be in addition to any other formal and legal contracts that may be in place between the Home Centre and off-site provider.
Off site Provider Charles College
Named College Charles College
Address Princes Road, Mumbai
Contact Sushil Smith 01245 293117
Client Vincent College
Home Centre Tuqlaq Road, Uttar Pradesh.
Home Centre URN or DCSF Number 8726489132069
Contact 8723597891
Funding Arrangements Private
Tuition costs 549223
All other funding requirements will be discussed and agreed in advance of them being incurred.
Sushil Smith
Part A: Service Level Agreement Between the Off-Site Provider and Home Learning Centres
Charles College (the off- site Provider) will:
1. Provide a structured programme of study with indicated Level of attainment of learning with clear aims, objectives and methods, if appropriate, leading to a nationally recognised qualification.
2. Provide appropriate cover arrangements as agreed with the Home Centre in the case of staff absence.
3. Provide the student with a Personal Guidance People (for example one of the course teacher).
4. Receive applications following the agreed timeline for the collaborative process and offer Year 9 taster/ familiarisation sessions if appropriate.
5. Contact the named person at Home Centre within 2 working days regarding any student whose behaviour or progress is causing concern following the agreed procedure.
6. Contact the named person at Home Centre if the student does not arrive at college on that same day by 10:00 am following the agreed student procedure. Absences must be recorded.
7. Provide students/ Home Centres and their parents/ carers and the Local Authority with all relevant programme details i.e. term dates, who to contact, timetables, etc.
8. Provide an induction programme, including health and safety, drugs, bullying and behaviour policies at the start of the programme and ensure the learner and parent agreement forms are completed. T his should include guidance on the location of safe and secure areas for students at lunchtimes, if they are required by students and/ or their parents.
9. Provide tools, equipment and materials required for all practical and classroom-based areas of the programme and personal safety equipment required for all practical work where necessary and provide the necessary training.
10. Keep all students’ details in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
11. Provide access to an area where students can have their lunch and ensure that they know that during lunchtime they must remain on the premises unless a letter from their parent/ carer has been received (where students are to have unsupervised rights, parents/ carers will be informed and their consent obtained). Provide an identified person to be available for support during lunch and break periods.
12. Where practical notify the Home Centre/ Local Authority of any timetable changes or variation at least six weeks/ half a term in advance.
13. Inform the Home Centre of any intended educational trips or visits at least four weeks in advance of the of the intended trip date. Comply with trips and visits guidelines as laid down by the local authority for students of secondary Home Centre going age.
14. Ensure that all necessary documentation is completed.
15. Produce marketing materials of programmes for Home Centres/ students and Essex Local Authority.
16. Ensure moderation and quality assurance systems are robust and meet any external requirements including monitoring for collaborative provision. Will provide the APG with an annual quality report.
17. Provide information, guidance and sign posting to a clear post-16 progression route in education, training or employment with training. Provide on-site facilities and time to allow Connexions Advisers/ Vocational Teacher to meet with students to discuss their future aspirations as part of their exit interview.
18. Invoice the Home Centre for the agreed amount by an agreed date.
19. Where providing work placements for students they must ensure that the placements meet all legal standards and comply with health and safety requirements.
20. Provide learners with the necessary resources to deliver on objectives agreed with partners on the five outcomes of the Every Child Matters Agenda.
27. Inform Connexions or other external agencies of a learner dropping out of a programme.
Part B ___________Vincent College______________________ (Home Centre) will:
Adhere to the quality standards for both IAG and Work Experience.
Ensure that learners are following a cohesive pathway leading to a recognised qualification.
1. Nominate appropriate members of staff to act as key contacts to work effectively with the host institutions and the Local Authority providing ongoing support to achieve the aims and objectives of the programme.
2. Identify and select appropriate students following the agreed procedure and in line with the aims and objectives of the programme. Carry out a risk assessment, making commitment to the programme for 2 years if the student is in Year 10.
3. Ensure that students attend any interviews and pre-programme tasters or familiarisation sessions and progression from the course and where possible accompany them.
4. Provide in writing, prior to the beginning of the programme, relevant reports as required (to support a student application) on the application form.
5. Provide an emergency contact number and information on any known medical conditions.
6. Provide a copy of their most recent statement for students who are statemented as having special needs. Where support is allocated, send TA to provider with learner.
7. Ensure that the Compliance Checklist has been completed prior to the start of the programme of study.
8. Take action to follow up non-attendees after notification of absence and provide support if other problems occur.
9. Support the host institution with carrying out the previously agreed cause for concern procedures and behaviour policies.
10. Collect any necessary data for audit and monitoring requirements.
11. Notify the provider of any known absence such as work experience or examinations.
12. Inform the Local Authority/ host institution immediately if a student is to be withdrawn. Complete all necessary documentation.
13. Ensure that all documentation regarding trips and visits is completed adhering to Local Authority regulations.
14. Notify the host institution contact of any significant change or circumstances involving the students or details likely to affect programme delivery.
15. Assist with the review of policies
16. Provide learners with the necessary resources to deliver on objectives agreed with partners on the five outcomes of the Every Child Matters Agenda.
HOME CENTRE REPRESENTATIVE: Shanti Priya______________
SIGNATURE: ______________________________
HOME CENTRE: Vincent College________________________________
Off SITE PROVIDER: Charles College_____________________________
SIGNATURE: __________________________________
DATE: 12.03.2021______________________________________________