
In: Psychology

Officer or Rookie Officer or Rookie: When you think about how you are in your professional...

Officer or Rookie

Officer or Rookie: When you think about how you are in your professional roles at work, which of the two actors (senior officer or rookie) do you relate to the most? Explain.

Self-Evaluation: How do you think your natural inclinations will serve you in the public sector now or in the future? Is there anything you should work on to be a better employee, leader, or manager?


Expert Solution

Officer or Rookie: When you think about how you are in your professional roles at work, which of the two actors (senior officer or rookie) do you relate to the most?

I am both a Rookie and an Officer depending upon my situation. But I mostly tend to be an Officer.


In my professional role at work, when there is something to be mastered, I become a rookie so that I can learn as much as I can and apply it in real life. Whereas, when I am in a position to help or guide others or when I need to make decisions I am an officer and take quick decisions.

Self-Evaluation: How do you think your natural inclinations will serve you in the public sector now or in the future?

I am naturally dominant and outspoken. I think this will help me project my ideas with confidence. My ability to quickly adapt to situations in order to learn new things will help me grow further in the future.

Is there anything you should work on to be a better employee, leader, or manager?

Yes, I could be a better listener. I could also take more time and listen to more seniors when making decisions that affect many people.

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