The two primary transactions that take place in loan closing are
as follows:
- Clearance of all financial dues by the borrower: As part of the
loan closure process, the borrower repays any dues pending under
the terms and conditions of the loan which include but are not
limited to the following:
- Interest
- Principal
- Prepayment/foreclosure charges levied by the bank
- Processing charges
- Other miscellaneous charges
- The second most important transaction under the loan closure
process is the clearance of bank's lien over any property kept as
mortgage under the loan arrangement. For example: A car under the
car loan, house under a housing loan, gold under gold loan, etc.
This also includes discontinuation of any personal guarantees
offered by the borrower under the loan arrangement. Thus, this
frees borrower from any right that the bank may have held on any of
his assets or enforcement of any liabilities. The same shall be
duly reflected on relevant ownership documents such as property
title deeds, car registration document, etc
Once the loan is closed, the borrower would get a 'No dues
certificate' from the lender which acts as a proof that the loan
account has been closed.