
In: Mechanical Engineering

design and develop a miniature cryocooler in FORTRAN 77 software and validate it's result with EES...

design and develop a miniature cryocooler in FORTRAN 77 software and validate it's result with EES AND fluent......

everything is well defined dont can skip it....


Expert Solution

"!Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle"

"This problem demonstrates the use of the built-in refrigerant property tables for calculating the performance of a simple refrigeration cycle."

{Select Solve Table from the Parametrics menu (or F3) to produce a table of Coefficient of Performance (COP) vs Evaporator temperature (T[1]). A plot of the COP vs T[1] can be viewed in the Plot window.}

{Plot Window 2 shows a P-h plot for R12 with the refrigeration cycle state points for T[1]=10 C superimposed. This plot was constructed by setting T[1]=10 in the equations window. The Solve command calculates the state point information and places it in the Arrays Window. A P-h plot for R12 was generated using the Property Plot command in the Plot menu. Then the Overlay Plot command was used to plot the P vs h state point information in the Arrays window.}

$ifnot ParametricTable
T[1]=10 [C]

R$='R134a'           "string variable used to hold name of refrigerant"
"! Compressor"
x[1]=1            "assume inlet to be saturated vapor"
P[1]=pressure(R$,T=T[1],x=x[1])   "properties for state 1"
P[2]=pressure(R$,T=T[3],x=0)    "this is the pressure in the condenser"
h_2_ID=ENTHALPY(R$,P=P[2],s=s[1])    "ID for ideal identifies state as isentropic"
W_c_ID=(h_2_ID-h[1])       "energy balance on isentropic compressor"
Eff=0.8            "Isentropic efficiency"
W_c=W_c_ID/Eff            "definition of compressor isentropic efficiency"
h[2]=h[1]+W_c        "energy balance on real compressor-assumed adiabatic"
s[2]=entropy(R$,h=h[2],P=P[2])    "properties for state 2"

T[3]=48 [°C]           "known temperature of sat'd liquid at condenser outlet"
P[3]=P[2]            "neglect pressure drops across condenser"
h[3]=enthalpy(R$,T=T[3],x=0)    "properties for state 3"
Q_Con=h[2]-h[3]        "energy balance on condenser"

h[4]=h[3]            "energy balance on throttle - isenthalpic"
x[4]=quality(R$,h=h[4],P=P[4])    "properties for state 4"

P[4]=P[1]            "[kPa] neglect pressure drop across evaporator"
Q_Evap=h[1]-h[4]        "[kJ/kg] energy balance on evaporator"
COP=abs(Q_Evap/W_c)        "definition of COP"

$TabWidth 2 cm

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