In: Biology
The temperatures in our study were probably lower than those the
caterpillars normally
experience in their normal summer growing season. Predict how each
(deal with each separately) might have changed if the temperature
had been higher
and give reasons for your predictions. (Remember that the
caterpillars are
Explain the differences of temperature on Assimilation, Consumption, Production, and Trophic Level Transfer Efficiency among tobacco hornworm larva.
1. Consumption - The warmer temperature has increased rate of growth and rates of respiration of caterpillars, which correlates to increase in consumption of food.
2. Assimilation - At warmer temperatures the assimilation rate is increased because the mass of the caterpillars develop and increase within 3 to 4 days in the presence of warmer temperature and lower in lesser temperatures where it needs 7-10 days for the same development. Therefore warmer temperatures have higher assimilation. But increased temperatures will lead to decreased assimilation.
3. Production - The net production is also higher since the Trophic Level Transfer Efficiency is higher and has higher rates of respiration and assimilation at warmer temperature. whereas at higher temperatures it will decrease drastically.
4. Trophic Level Transfer Efficiency- The tropical level transfer efficiency is also high since the respiration rate and metabolic rate is high at warmer temperatures. Being ectothermic the caterpillars do not waste so much of energy in the form of heat.