
In: Chemistry

If you were to leave calcium metal in contact with oxygen at a partial pressure of...

If you were to leave calcium metal in contact with oxygen at a partial pressure of 1.00 atm at 298 k, would the calcium oxide form spontaneously? Use free energy to answer this.


Expert Solution

The reaction that takes place is

2 Ca (s) + O2 (g) <====> CaO (s)

The equilibrium constant for the reaction can be written in terms of the partial pressures of the gaseous components. Since O2 is the only gaseous component involved, we can write

KP = 1/PCO2

Given PCO2 = 1.00 atm, we have,

KP = (1/1.00) = 1.00

The free energy change of the reaction at 298 K is given by

ΔG0 = -RTln KP = -(8.314 J/mol.K)*(298 K)*ln (1.00) = 0.0

Since the free energy change of the reaction is 0.0, the reaction is at equilibrium at 298 K. Hence, CaO will not form spontaneously at 298 K at a partial pressure of 1.00 atm O2. At equilibrium, formation and decomposition of CaO takes place such that the rates of formation and decomposition of CaO are equal and the reaction seems to be at “rest”.

Since R and T are both positive here, hence the free energy change of the reaction will be negative and hence the reaction will be spontaneous for partial pressures of O2 greater than 1.00 atm, i.e., when PCO2 > 1.00 atm at 298 K, the reaction will be spontaneous.

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