
In: Finance

2. ‘As the number of assets, n, in a portfolio gets large the contribution to the...

2. ‘As the number of assets, n, in a portfolio gets large the contribution to the portfolio variance of the individual asset variances approaches zero but the contribution of the asset covariance terms approaches the average covariance, i.e. the individual risk of assets can be diversified away but the risk caused by asset covariance cannot’. Explain this statement in order to demonstrate how the relationship between assets in a portfolio affects the portfolio risk.


Expert Solution

Covariance is a mathematical measure of how two goods move in relation to one another. It provides diversification and reduces total portfolio flexibility. Good recruitment indicates that two goods are in tandem. A negative covariance indicates that the two goods move in opposite directions.

In building a portfolio, it is important to try to minimize risk and flexibility while striving for a good return rate. Analysts use pricing data to decide which assets should be included in the portfolio. By incorporating assets that show a negative covariance, the total portfolio flexibility will be reduced.

The creation of two inventory items comprises a formula that incorporates historical asset returns as an independent and reliable variable, as well as a historical definition of the price of each asset for the same number of trading periods for each asset. The formula assumes a daily return minus the return on an item, multiplied by another, and is then divided by the number of trading times of the estimated time frames.
Covariance can increase diversity in the asset portfolio. Adding assets with a negative covariance in the portfolio reduces overall risk. Initially, the accident occurred immediately; as other goods are added, they decrease slightly. The undivided risk cannot be significantly reduced without the addition of 25 different shares in the portfolio. However, including more assets with a negative covariance means the risk is drowning more quickly.

Covariance has some limitations. While covariance can indicate the correlation between two assets, it cannot be used to calculate the strength of the relationship between prices. Seeing the perfect interaction between assets is a great way to measure the strength of a relationship.

An additional drawback to the covariance is that the ratio is limited to the availability of the extractors in the underlying data. Thus, a simultaneous large price movement would question the absolute uncertainty of the price chain and provide an unreliable measure of the type of oversight between commodities.

Modern portfolio theory (MPT) uses fraud as an important factor in the development of portfolios. MPT thinks investors are risky and yet they want to give back the best. The MPT is thus trying to find the right balance of asset integration in the portfolio, or an appropriate location where the relationship between risk and return is most beneficial. The operating margin calculates the maximum return on the portfolio compared to the risk of the merger of the underlying assets. The purpose is to create a group of goods with a standard deviation of less than one security per unit. The effective boundary graph is curved, which shows how high-quality goods can be mixed with low-flexibility assets to maximize return but reduce the impact of high price fluctuations. By diversifying assets into a portfolio, investors can reduce risk while earning profits for their investment.

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