
In: Computer Science

Problem Statement: Implement the MyString class using a header and implementation file named MyString.h and MyString.cpp...

Problem Statement:

Implement the MyString class using a header and implementation file named MyString.h and MyString.cpp respectively. Make sure to properly test your code on your own by creating a test driver that tests every function created in the MyString class.





Memory Requirements:

Your MyString should start with 10 bytes of allocated memory and should grow in size by doubling. So, we should be able to predict the capacity of your MyString as acquiring a patten of 10, 20, 40, 80, … bytes of memory depending of the number of characters stored.


int size;  // The number of characters currently stored in the string
           // object. Do NOT count the NULL character.
int capacity; // The number of bytes currently allocated. This should always be at least
              // size + 1. The extra byte is needed to store the NULL character.
char *data; // Character pointer that points to an array of characters.

Member Functions:

// Default Constructor
MyString( );

// Constructor with an initialization character string
MyString(const char *);

// Destructor
~MyString( );

// Copy constructor
MyString(const MyString &);

// Overloaded assignment operator, make a copy of MyString object
MyString& operator = (const MyString&);

// Overloaded equivalence relational operator
bool operator == (const MyString&) const;

// Overloaded [ ] should return a char by reference
char& operator [ ] (int);

// Overloaded += operator, use to concatenate two MyStrings
void operator += (const MyString&);

// Create a new MyString object that is the concatenation of two MyString objects
MyString operator + (const MyString&) const;

// Reads an entire line from a istream. Lines are terminated with delimit which is newline 
// ‘\n’ by default
void getline(istream&, char delimit = ‘\n’);

// Return the length of the string
int length( ) const;

// Overloaded insertion operator
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, MyString&);


Expert Solution


#include <ostream>
#include <istream>

using namespace std;

class SerializableIfc
    virtual void writeObject( ostream & ) = 0;
    virtual void readObject( istream & ) = 0;

class MyString : public SerializableIfc
    int size;
    int capacity;
    char *data;

    * Function: Default Constructor
    * Description: Called upon initialization of a MyString object. Sets
    *              initial values to MyString members.

    * Function: Deconstructor
    * Description: Deletes the data member of a n object to free dynamically
    *              allocated memory.

    * Function: Constructor with initialization string
    * Description: Called upon initialization of a MyString object with a value
    *              passed through. Sets initial values to MyString members.
    MyString(const char *);

    * Function: Copy Constructor
    * Description: Called when one MyString object is initialized with another
    *              MyString object.
    MyString(const MyString &);

    * Function: Overloaded Assignment Operator
    * Description: Called when one MyString object is assigned to another
    *              MyString object.
    MyString operator =(const MyString &);

    * Function: Overloaded Equivalence Operator.
    * Description: Called when one object is compared to another object and
    *              returns true or false.
    bool operator==(const MyString &) const;

    * Function: Overloaded array operator
    * Description: Returns a character of a specified index within a MyString
    *              object.
    char& operator [ ] (int);

    * Function: Overloaded Concatenation Operator
    * Description: Concatenates two MyString Objects and returns the newly
    *              concatenated MyString.
    void operator+=(const MyString &);

    * Function: Overloaded Addition Operator
    * Description: Creates a new MyString object which holds the sum of two
    *              MyStrings.
    MyString operator+(const MyString &) const;

    * Function: Getline Function
    * Description: Reads an entire line of a file delimited by backslash n
    void getline(istream&, char delimit = '\n');

    * Function: length
    * Description: Returns the length of a string
    int length() const;

    * Function: Overloaded Insertion Operator
    * Description: Outputrs the contents of a MyString
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &, MyString &);

    // Serializable pure virtual void functions
    void writeObject( ostream & );
    void readObject( istream & );



#include "MyString.h"

* Function: Default Constructor
* Description: Called upon initialization of a MyString object. Sets
*              initial values to MyString members.
* Pre-C: No MyString exists
* Post-C: A MyString now exists
* Returns: MyString
    size = 0;
    capacity = 10;
    data = new char[capacity];
    data[size] = '\0';

* Function: Deconstructor
* Description: Deletes the data member of a n object to free dynamically
*              allocated memory.
* Pre-C: a MyString exists
* Post-C: MyString is changed
* Returns: MyString
    delete [] data;
    data = NULL;

* Function: Constructor with initialization string
* Description: Called upon initialization of a MyString object with a value
*              passed through. Sets initial values to MyString members.
* Pre-C: No MyString exists
* Post-C: A MyString now exists
* Returns: MyString
MyString::MyString(const char *charPtr)
    size = 0;
    capacity = 10;
    data = new char[capacity];

    for (int i = 0; charPtr[i] != '\0'; i++)
        data[i] = charPtr[i];
        size ++;
        // Grow
        while (size >= capacity)
            capacity *= 2;
            char *temp = new char[capacity];

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                temp[i] = charPtr[i];
            delete [] data;
            data = temp;
    // Shrink
    while (size * 4 < capacity)
        capacity /= 2;
        char *temp = new char[capacity];

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            temp[i] = data[i];
        delete [] data;
        data = temp;

    data[size] = '\0';

* Function: Copy Constructor
* Description: Called when one MyString object is initialized with another
*              MyString object.
* Pre-C: No MyString exists
* Post-C: a MyString now exists
* Returns: MyString
MyString::MyString(const MyString &aMyString)
    // Set the capacity/size of new MyString = that of aMyString
    capacity = aMyString.capacity;
    size = aMyString.size;
    // Allocate memory for new MyString
    data = new char[capacity];

    for (int i = 0;[i] != '\0'; i++)
        data[i] =[i];

    data[size] = '\0';

* Function: Overloaded Assignment Operator
* Description: Called when one MyString object is assigned to another
*              MyString object.
* Pre-C: a MyString exists
* Post-C: MyString is changed
* Returns: MyString
MyString MyString::operator=(const MyString &aMyString)
    // Make sure not to assign an object to itself
    if (this != &aMyString)
        // clear and delete data
        delete [] data;
        // Set the capacity/size of new MyString = that of aMyString
        capacity = aMyString.capacity;
        size = aMyString.size;
        // Allocate memory for new MyString
        data = new char[capacity];

        for (int i = 0;[i] != '\0'; i++)
            data[i] =[i];

        data[size] = '\0';
    return *this;


* Function: Overloaded Equivalence Operator.
* Description: Called when one object is compared to another object and
*              returns true or false.
* Pre-C: a MyString exists
* Post-C: MyString remains unchanged
* Returns: bool
bool MyString::operator==(const MyString &aMyString) const
    bool result = true;
    // if sizes are equivalent continue
    if (size == aMyString.size)
        //Check the value at each index to see if both MyStrings are
        // equivalent
        for (int i = 0; i < size && result; i++)
            if (data[i] !=[i])
                result = false;
        result = false;

    return result;

* Function: Overloaded array operator
* Description: Returns a character of a specified index within a MyString
*              object.
* Pre-C: a MyString exists
* Post-C: MyString remains unchanged
* Returns: char&
char& MyString::operator [ ] (int index)
    // Returns a char by reference IF and ONLY IF
    // the index, x, is within the bounds of the char array
    if (index >= 0 && index < size)
        return *(data + index);

* Function: Overloaded Concatenation Operator
* Description: Concatenates two MyString Objects and returns the newly
*              concatenated MyString.
* Pre-C: a MyString exists
* Post-C: MyString is changed
* Returns: void
void MyString::operator+=(const MyString &aMyString)
    capacity = size + aMyString.size + 1;
    char *temp = new char[capacity];

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        temp[i] = data[i];
    delete [] data;

    int j = 0;
    for (int i = size;[j] != '\0'; i++)
        temp[i] =[j];
    size += aMyString.size;
    temp[size] = '\0';
    data = temp;


* Function: Overloaded Addition Operator
* Description: Creates a new MyString object which holds the sum of two
*              MyStrings.
* Pre-C: a MyString exists
* Post-C: MyString is changed
* Returns: MyString
MyString MyString::operator+(const MyString &aMyString) const
    MyString anotherMyString = data;
    anotherMyString += aMyString;

    return anotherMyString;

* Function: Getline Function
* Description: Reads an entire line of a file delimited by backslash n
* Pre-C: a MyString exists
* Post-C: MyString is changed
* Returns: void
void MyString::getline(istream &inFile, char delimit)
    char aChar;

    // Delete everything if theres anything in data
    if (size > 0)
        delete [] data;
        size = 0;
        capacity = 10;
        data = new char[capacity];

    while(aChar != delimit)
        data[size] = aChar;

        // Grow if necessary
        while (size >= capacity)
            capacity *= 2;
            char *temp = new char[capacity];

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                temp[i] = data[i];
            delete [] data;
            data = temp;


    // Shrink if necessary
    while (size * 4 < capacity)
        capacity /= 2;
        char *temp = new char[capacity];

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            temp[i] = data[i];
        delete [] data;
        data = temp;

    data[size] = '\0';

* Function: length
* Description: Returns the length of a string
* Pre-C: a MyString exists
* Post-C: MyString remains unchanged
* Returns: int
int MyString::length() const
    int length = 0;

    for(int i = 0; data[i] != '\0'; i++)

    return length;

* Function: Overloaded Insertion Operator
* Description: Outputs the contents of a MyString
* Pre-C: a MyString exists
* Post-C: MyString remains unchanged
* Returns: bool
ostream& operator<<(ostream &output, MyString &aMyString)
    for (int i = 0; i < aMyString.size; i++)
        output <<[i];
    return output;


* Function: writeObject
* Description: Writes size, capacity, and data to a binary file
* Pre-C: a MyString exists
* Post-C: MyString remains unchanged
* Returns: void
void MyString::writeObject( ostream &out )
    out.write((char*)&size, sizeof(size));
    out.write((char*)&capacity, sizeof(capacity));
    out.write(data, size);

* Function: readObject
* Description: Reads size, capacity, and data from a binary file and stores
*              the values in a MyString
* Pre-C: a MyString exists
* Post-C: MyString remains unchanged
* Returns: void
void MyString::readObject( istream &in )
{*)&size, sizeof(size));*)&capacity, sizeof(capacity));
    delete [] data;
    data = new char[capacity];, size);

#include <iostream>
#include "MyString.h"

using namespace std;

int main()

    return 0;

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