
In: Computer Science

Let's get some practice implementing a known interface. Create a public class named MyString. MyString should...

Let's get some practice implementing a known interface. Create a public class named MyString. MyString should provide a public constructor that accepts a single String argument. You should reject null Strings in your constructor using assert. MyString should also implement the Java Comparable interface, returning 1 for a positive result and -1 for a negative result. Normally Strings are compared lexicographically: "aaa" comes before "z". MyString should compare instances based on the length of its stored String. So MyString("aaa") should come after MyString("z"), since "aaa" is longer than "z". You will probably need to review the documentation for Comparable. Note that compareTo accepts an Object as an argument, but you can reject non-MyString arguments using assert.


Expert Solution

Note: Could you plz go through this code and let me know if u need any changes in this.Thank You


public class MyString implements Comparable<MyString> {
   private String str;

   * @param str
   public MyString(String s) {
       assert s==null : "Invalid String";

   * @return the str
   public String getStr() {
       return str;

   * @param str
   * the str to set
   public void setStr(String str) {
       this.str = str;

   public int compareTo(MyString other) {
       if (this.str.length() < other.getStr().length())
           return -1;
       else if (this.str.length() > other.getStr().length())
           return 1;

       return 0;




public class Test {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       MyString ms1 = new MyString("aaa");
       MyString ms2 = new MyString("z");

       int res = ms1.compareTo(ms2);
       if (res == -1) {
           System.out.println(ms2.getStr() + " is longer than " + ms1.getStr());
       } else if (res == 1) {
           System.out.println(ms1.getStr() + " is longer than " + ms2.getStr());
       } else {
           System.out.println(ms1.getStr() + " is same as " + ms2.getStr());






=====================Could you plz rate me well.Thank You

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