
In: Statistics and Probability

One state lottery has 1,000 prizes of $1; 130 prizes of $10; 20 prizes of $55;...

One state lottery has 1,000 prizes of $1; 130 prizes of $10; 20 prizes of $55; 5 prizes of $300; 2 prizes of $1,010; and 1 prize of $2,500. Assume that 31,000 lottery tickets are issued and sold $1

What is the lottery's expected profit per ticket?

What is the lottery's standard deviation of profit per ticket?


Expert Solution

1,000 prizes of $1;

130 prizes of $10;

20 prizes of $55;

5 prizes of $300;

2 prizes of $1,010;

1 prize of $2,500

1,000 prizes of $1; 130 prizes of $10; 20 prizes of $55; 5 prizes of $300; 2 prizes of $1,010; and 1 prize of $2,500

No. of prizes f(i) Amount in $ (xi)
1000 1
130 10
20 55
5 300
2 1010
1 2500

Assume that 31,000 lottery tickets are issued and sold $1

Thus , The lottery makes $31,000 on sales.

Its pay out is given by - No . of prizes * Amount of prize

No. of ticket f(i) Prize in $ (xi) xi*fi
1000 1 1000
130 10 1300
20 55 1100
5 300 1500
2 1010 2020
1 2500 2500

It pays out = 1000+1300+1100+1500+2020+2500 = 9420

It pays out = 9420

Total 31,000 lottery tickets are issued and sold $1

Ticket sold without giving any prizes ( i.e prize =0 ) = 31,000 - (1000+130 + 20 + 5 + 2 + 1)

                                                            = 29842

Prizes in $ (xi) No. of ticket f(i)
0 29842
1 1000
10 130
55 20
300 5
1010 2
2500 1

We find Probability of each Prize value tickets P(x) = No. of ticket f(i) / 31,000

Let us define a variable X = Prize of ticket - selling price of each ticket ($1 )

                                             = xi - 1

Prizes in $ (xi) No. of ticket f(i) X=winnig P(x) P(x)*X
0 29842 -1 0.962645 -0.96265
1 1000 0 0.032258 0
10 130 9 0.004194 0.037742
55 20 54 0.000645 0.034839
300 5 299 0.000161 0.048226
1010 2 1009 6.45E-05 0.065097
2500 1 2499 3.23E-05 0.080613
Total 31000 3869 1 -0.69613

Thus lottery's expected profit per ticket is given by = - P(x)*X = - (-0.69613)

                          Lottery's expected profit per ticket = 0.69613

{ we have taken negative sign in (- P(x)*X ) because we defined variable X as Prize of ticket - 1 }

Total Profit = expected profit per ticket * Total Number of tickets sold = 0.69613 * 31000 = 21580

                   = $ 21,580

Now to find lottery's standard deviation of profit per ticket

Standard deviation =

Now = P(x)*(X - Mean(X) )2

Here Mean of X = E(X) = 0.69613

X=winnig P(x) P(x)*X (X-E(X)) 2*P(x)
-1 0.962645 -0.96265 2.769391985
0 0.032258 0 0.015632129
9 0.004194 0.037742 0.289194154
54 0.000645 0.034839 1.832640149
299 0.000161 0.048226 14.32661702
1009 6.45E-05 0.065097 65.57564678
2499 3.23E-05 0.080613 201.6011679
3869 1 -0.69613 Total =286.4102901

Thus Var(X) =sum ( ( X- E(X) ) 2*P(x) )


Hence , lottery's standard deviation of profit per ticket =

                                                                                       = 16.92366

And lottery's expected profit per ticket is 0.69613

And total profit is $ 21,580

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