
In: Operations Management

Provide a supported response that discusses (1 five changes/trends with which the human resource professional should...

Provide a supported response that discusses (1 five changes/trends with which the human resource professional should be most concerned (be sure to discuss the significance of your choices), (2) the impact of these changes/trends, and 3) what public and nonprofit organizations can do to better “manage” and “adjust” to these changes within the framework of two human resource activities (activities to include human resource planning , job design, recruitment, selection, compensation, performance management, or operating policies).


Expert Solution

Globalisation is being affected by many factors and its been gradually changing as well as developing. Discuss Pacific development is taking shape with the help of some of the external forces in the globalisation which can be described as follows.

Technological advancement

Increased customer demand

Intense competition

• Technological advancement

World is moving towards a digital age and most of the organisations are turning digital. This specific advancement process of being digital is leaving a huge impact on the overall organisational structures across the globe. By having an organisational structure which is directly Technology oriented, overall efficiency as well as productivity of the specific organisations is also increased. If a company is not technologically advanced it will definitely go out of the race as it couldn't be able to match the pace of the specific industry. Technological advancement plays an important role in increasing the overall communication as well as efficiency of different departments inside an organisation. From supply chain management managing the internal human resources of the organisation requires technological advancement and its benefits as it's really hard to keep track of increasing population as well as employee inside an organisation. With the help of the electronically managed system one can easily increase the overall level of compatibility towards the specific organisation. With the help of the technological advancement a company can easily compete with the help of different resources like Internet and other technological terms. By implementing automation as well as different robotic techniques which are literally technically very advanced can benefit a company or an organisation by a huge margin as it provides an edge over the human resources. We can see that technological advancement plays an important role in shaping the shape of globalisation of industries.

Steiner electric is one of the finest examples of taking benefit of the technological advancement, by implementing New Year digital strategies into the structure Schneider Electric has gained a very large share of market.

• Increased customer demand

Increase in customer demand also provides inability to supply more for the organisations. Specific increasing customer demand increases the overall production of the manufacturing plants which directly increases the sales of the organisations and provides a support as well as better revenue generating system for organisations. By having a support system for the customer demand, level of compatibility of the specific industry is widely increased toward the customer. What a customer needs and what region is requesting directly shapes the overall industry of that specific region and provides a very Basic support as well as advancement in the same industry. This specific increase in customer needs also increases the level of implementation of different innovative strategies and provide a better value for customer as the competition goes up.

For an example prices of soaps and cosmetics have been very much degraded since last few decades its thundering effect of increased in customer demand help the overall level of competitors and in the market and the price is lower with the help of new innovations as well as different strategic improvements.

• Intense competition

Globalisation is facing competition. It is the one of the main factors which influence the overall process of globalisation. Increased competition at a huge scale and directly involvement of the different companies into the competition increases the level of innovation in the organisations. This specific increase in innovation directly affects the user and the customer as it provides better services and products to the customer at the same price point because of the competition. Increasing competition also provides space for innovation which is required for each and every industry across the globe.

A fine example for competition would be automobile companies Industries across the globe who directly compete with each other for creating better products for the automobile industry.

Turnkey operation

Turnkey business can be defined that is ready to use in specific and conditions can be immediately operated. The specific turn turn key is used because it doesn't need any kind of specific arrangements to run that specific business and you can easily run the business just by turning the doors key and a business begins to operate. For keeping in the turnkey segment a business should be able to fully operate on the day of initiation.

Franchisees are one of the finest examples of the turnkey business where everything is set up and you just have to enter the specific franchise and start doing business.

Management contract

How management contract can be described as an arrangement between the operation and control of the enterprise which is directly contract in with different enterprises in a form of contract for a return of necessary managerial functions in return for a fee.

Hotel Management contracts are a good example of management contract. There is an contract between the owner of the hotel at and operating company which directly describe the working pattern as well as different conduct routine as well as maintenance and marketing promotion methods for the company or hotel.


Licensing can be described as a process in a company gives permission to another company to manufacture their product for a specified payment. Licensing can be done across each and every product which is patented by a specific organisation.

Warner brothers, marvel entertainment Inc are some of the brands which directly take the licensing of their specific cartoon characters and data sell it to other companies like McDonalds for manufacturing toys as well as different products.

Profit and nonprofit organisations have the similarities as well as differences. Where the main difference between these organisations is totally different in terms of marketing.

Profit organisations promote and develop their Strategies for the people to buy but non profit organisations encourage people to give. This strategy in marketing is the main difference between both of the marketing types.

Objective of the marketing for the profit environment is basically depending on targeting the potential customers and selling the goods. By knowing the needs of the society and also knowing the benefits required by the customers is a part of the prophet marketing. In this type of marketing the organisation keeps the money and customer is given the product or the specific service which he has paid for. It also focuses on development of the new market.

Non profit organisations on creating Awareness of any specific issues to gain financial support from the public. In this specific type of marketing strategy customer gives their money to the organisations for betterment of the society and to put in the causes.

Both of the organisation types conduct market analysis and use advertisements for possibly reaching the customers. Different Strategies for marketing are also applied in both of the organisations and these are some of the main similarities between both types of organisations.

The major differences between these two types of corporations is basically completing the customer needs. For the prophet marketing, customers develop their own need for the goods or services where in nonprofit organisations the customer recognise the need of others and give money to the organisations for developing a better strategy to help the people. Retail sales of products or services does not apply to the nonprofit organisation but sometimes non profit organisations also sell products to help to maintain funding in form of the primary product for raising funds.

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