
In: Statistics and Probability

Scenario Script Caption: Mieke has been working to tackle a difficult problem and she needs your...

Scenario Script Caption: Mieke has been working to tackle a difficult problem and she needs your help. She wants to know the most effective location for displaying Princess’ new granola bar in retail grocery stores. Mieke: Where we put our products in our grocery stores has a pretty significant impact on sales. Does the granola bar sells better in the aisles, or in promotional displays at the end of shelves or is most popular when it’s stocked in the checkout lanes as an impulse item? Caption: The marketing department conducted an experiment where they placed the granola bars at one of three locations in five stores for each treatment in similar stores. The data have been collected and now requires analysis.

With the information below, complete the following:

1. Conduct an ANOVA test at a significance of 5%.

2. Interpret the results and explain which location you would recommend and why.

Store Aisle End-Cap Checkout Lane
1 738 712 833
2 726 685 795
3 722 725 782
4 715 699 754
5 767 632 772


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Ho: there is no different in sales of bars at three different positions
H1: there is different in sales of bars at three different positions

Anova: Two-Factor Without Replication
SUMMARY Count Sum Average Variance
1 3 2283 761 4057
2 3 2206 735.33333 3090.333
3 3 2229 743 1143
4 3 2168 722.66667 800.3333
5 3 2171 723.66667 6308.333
aisle 5 3668 733.6 418.3
endcap 5 3453 690.6 1294.3
checkoutlane 5 3936 787.2 879.7
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Rows 2993.733 4 748.4333 0.8118 0.5516 3.8379
Columns 23422.53 2 11711.2667 12.7029 0.0033 4.4590
Error 7375.467 8 921.9333
Total 33791.73 14

F test = 12.7029

p value = 0.0033

p value < 0.05 , so REJECT Ho

so it is cuncluded that there is different sales of bars at three different positions


there is difference in  sales of bars at three different positions.

the sale of granola bars is most at the position of check out lane (mean= 787.2)

please revert back for doubt

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