
In: Mechanical Engineering

0.025 of moist air at 18°C dry-bulb and 10°c wet-bulb temperatures mixes with 0.005 kg/s of...

0.025 of moist air at 18°C dry-bulb and 10°c wet-bulb temperatures mixes with 0.005 kg/s of air at 38°C and 29°c wet-bulb. What is the mixture dry-bulb temperature, humidity ratio, relative humidity, and dew point? What are these parameters if the second stream flow rate is increased to 0.01 kg/s?


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The dry- and wet-bulb temperatures of atmospheric air at 98 kPa are 28 and 14°C, respectively....
The dry- and wet-bulb temperatures of atmospheric air at 98 kPa are 28 and 14°C, respectively. Determine the following values.   1. The specific humidity in  kg H2O/kg dry air 2. The relative humidity in % 3. The enthalpy of air in  kJ/kg dry air
The dry and wet-bulb temperatures of atmospheric air at 95 kPa are 25C and 20C, respectively....
The dry and wet-bulb temperatures of atmospheric air at 95 kPa are 25C and 20C, respectively. Determine (a) the specific humidity, (b) the relative humidity), and (c) the enthalpy of the air in kj/kg dry air.
Air with a dry bulb temperature 75 F and a wet bulb temperature 65 F is...
Air with a dry bulb temperature 75 F and a wet bulb temperature 65 F is at a sea level pressure of 14.7 psia. Using equations to calculate (a) humidity ratio, (b) the relative humidity of the air, (c) enthalpy, (d) dew point, and (e) the mass density of the dry air. (50)
0.2 kg/s of moist air at 45oC (DBT) and Humidity ratio 0.006 kgw/kgda (dry air) is...
0.2 kg/s of moist air at 45oC (DBT) and Humidity ratio 0.006 kgw/kgda (dry air) is mixed with 0.3 kg/s of moist air at 250C (DBT) and a humidity ratio of 0.018 kgw/kg da in an adiabatic mixing chamber. After mixing, the mixed air is heated to a final temperature of 40o C using a heater. Assume the barometric pressure to be 1 atm. Find Enthalpies of both fluids Temperature and humidity ratio of air after mixing. Heat transfer rate...
Moist air at 55 oF dry bulb temperature and 40% relative humidity is first heated through...
Moist air at 55 oF dry bulb temperature and 40% relative humidity is first heated through a heating coil. The air is then adiabatically humidified by saturated water vapor at 4.5 psia. The exit air has a dry bulb temperature of 90 oF and wet bulb temperature 65 oF. Air is supplied at a volume flow rate of 478.5 cfm. Assume sea level pressure throughout. Determine the following. a) Show the inlet and outlet air condition clearly on the psychrometric...
Humid air at given : dry-bulb temperature, wet-bulb temperature and total pressure enters a drier at a given molar flow rate.
  Humid air at given : dry-bulb temperature, wet-bulb temperature and total pressure enters a drier at a given molar flow rate. Using psychometric chart to estimate :relative humidity, absolute humidity, dew point temperature and humid volume of air A- volumetric flow rate entering drier?B-mass flow rate BDA entering drier?C-Ha and Hm if more mass flow rate of water is added during passing through drier?D-molar composition air leaving drier?E-percentage humidity (Hp) air entering drier?
The air in a building is to be maintained at 25°C dry bulb temperature and 60%...
The air in a building is to be maintained at 25°C dry bulb temperature and 60% relative humidity when the outside conditions are 35°C, 50% saturation with a barometric pressure of 101.3 kPa. The total heat gains to the room are 15 kW sensible heat and 3 kW latent heat. There is no recirculation and the fresh air passes over a cooling coil to dehumidify it, and then a heater before entering the room. The cooling coil by pass factor...
The air in a room has a pressure of 1 atm, a dry-bulb temperature of 24°C,...
The air in a room has a pressure of 1 atm, a dry-bulb temperature of 24°C, and a wetbulb temperature of 17°C. Using the psychrometric chart, determine (a) The specific humidity, (b) The enthalpy, in kJ/kg dry air, (c) The relative humidity, (d) The dew-point temperature, and (e) The specific volume of the air, in m3/kg dry air.
Air entering a dryer has a temperature (dry bulb) of 60°C and a dew point of...
Air entering a dryer has a temperature (dry bulb) of 60°C and a dew point of 26.7°C. Using the humidity chart, determine the actual humidity H, percentage humidity HP, humid heat cS and humid volume vH.
An air stream at 87.8°C having a humidity H = 0.030 kg H2O/kg dry air is...
An air stream at 87.8°C having a humidity H = 0.030 kg H2O/kg dry air is contacted in an adiabatic saturator with water. It is cooled and humidified to 90% saturation. (a) What are the final values of H and T? (b) For 100% saturation, what would be H and T?