
In: Computer Science

Design and implement a program in python that takes a list of items along with quantities...

Design and implement a program in python that takes a list of items along with quantities or weights. The program should include at least two function definition that is called within the main part of your program. Each item has a price associated by quantity or weight. The user enters the item along with the quantity or weight and the program prints out a table for each item along with the quantity/weight and total price. Your program should be able to handle at least 7 different items with a mix of items that are sold by quantity and by weight. A good example is a grocery store self-checkout counter where you scan each item and depending on whether the item is sold by weight or quantity you either weigh the item or you enter the quantity. You program does not have to be for grocery items. The output should be formatted in a tabular manner so that the name of the item, quantity/weight, and the price are aligned. The weight should have a unit and the price should have a currency denomination. This question is for python.


Expert Solution

# holds all available items and their value with unit if any

# holds the final list of items
finalItemList = []

# to calculate total amount of an item, takes an item name and its quantity as input
# and returns item quantity along with total amounts
def calculate(item,quantity):

    # looping through available items
    if item in ITEMS.keys():
        # if item is available
        # return quantity along with unity if any and amount
        return [str(quantity)+' '+ITEMS[item][1],str(quantity*ITEMS[item][0])+' $']
        # else item is not available
        return ['none','none']

# takes items from user
def getItems():

    # repeats unless user selects calculate/exit
    while True:

        # to count items
        i = 1
        print('\nSelect Item:\n')

        # looping through available items
        for item in ITEMS.keys():

            # printing item along with a number
            i += 1
        # makes Calculate/Exit as last option

        # to print a newline

        # asking user to select an option
        option = int(input('Option: '))

        # if option is last(thus Calculate/Exit)
        if option == i:
            # then exit the loop
            # getting current item name from available items list according to user selection
            # sice list index starts from 0,we have to minus 1 from user selection
            currentItem = list(ITEMS.keys())[option-1]

            # asking user for current item quantity
            currentQuantity = float(input('Enter quantity/weight: '))

            # adding current item along with its quantity and amount in final list
# to print the data as a table
# takes a list of items as input
def printTable(itemsList):

    # to calculate totalAmount
    totalAmount = 0.0

    # priting table header
    # here ^ is for center so :^20 means 20 characters written in center

    # looping through items list
    for item in itemsList:
        # print each row here first (item[0]) is item name
        # second(item[1]) is quantity
        # third(item[2]) is amount for that item

        # adding current item amount to total,since it has a $ in end ,removing that and then converting it to float
        totalAmount += float(item[2].replace(' $',''))

    # making the total amount with a $ sign
    totalAmount = str(totalAmount) + ' $'

    # printing the total amount row
    print('|{:^41}|{:^20}|'.format('Total Amount',totalAmount))

# printing program header
print('|{:^62}|'.format('Item List'))

# calling to getItems from user

# printing output as table

Code Screenshot:


PS-: If you have any doubts/problems please comment below.Thank You

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