In: Computer Science
1.Suppose a dictionary Groceries maps items to quantities.
Write a python to print the names of the grocery items whose quantity exceeds 400.
For example, if groceries = {‘cake mixes’: 430, ‘cheese’:312, ‘Orange’:525, ‘candy bars’: 217}
The output will be
Cake mixes
2. which Python string method would be the best choice to print the number of time “the” occurs in a sentence entered by the user?
Provide a one word answer. Just name the string method.
3. write a python statement that print a massage about a persons bonus which is based on the number of years (assume its stored in numYears) that they have worked for a company?
0-5 years = “1% of gross pay”
6-10 years = “2% of gross pay”
More than 10 years = “5% of gross pay”
4. write a python state to decrement the item in the fourth position in myList by 2.
5. write a python code to print the number of even numbers of integers divisible by 3
Example someList= [10, 11, 22, 16, 9, 15]
Output should be:
Number of even: 3
Number of items divisible by three: 2
6. write a python statement to decrease salary by 5% when sales in below 100
7. write a python function called isValideNumber: which accepts 3 paramters:
a. number can be any integer
b. lowerLimit can be any integer
c. upperLimit can be any integer
8. which string method would be used to create a list of words from a sentence entered by the use.
Note: just provide a one-word answer, just the name of the method
9. suppose a dictionary called Inventory pairs fruit with the quantity of that fruit. Print the Total of the quantities of the item in the dictionary.
groceries = {'cake mixes': 430, 'cheese':312, 'Orange':525, 'candy bars': 217}
# iterate through all the groceries using for loop
for key in groceries:
# print if it's value is greater than 400
if(groceries[key] > 400):
screenshot of the code:
We can use count() method. It will find all the occurrences of a substring.
Example code:
string = "the string with more than one the. one more the"
sub_str = "the"
res = string.count(sub_str) # count the total number of ccurences
print(res) # print result
screenshot of code:
#Assume a dictonary with names and yearsof experience of employes.
persons_with_years = {"alex":1,"bob":6,"smith": 11, "andrew":2,"williams":7}
# we can calculate the bonus based on if conditions
for key in persons_with_years:
if (persons_with_years[key] >= 0 and persons_with_years[key] <=5 ):
print(key+" will get bonus of 1% of gross pay")
elif(persons_with_years[key] >= 6 and persons_with_years[key] <=10 ):
print(key+" will get bonus of 2% of gross pay")
print(key+" will get bonus of 5% of gross pay")
screenshot of code:
# index starts form 0 so decrease 1
pos_to_decrement = 4-1
value_to_decrement = 2
# Now decrement the value in a given positoin from list
myList[pos_to_decrement] = myList[pos_to_decrement] - value_to_decrement
screenshot of the code:
we can see 4th value is decreased by 2 (40 to 38)
someList= [10, 11, 22, 16, 9, 15]
evenNums = []
# find the even numbers from given list and append to eveNumbers list
for num in someList:
if(num % 2 == 0):
divisibleBy3 =[]
# now find the elements which are divisible by 3
for num in someList:
if(num % 3 ==0):
print("count of Even Numbers:", len(evenNums))
print("count of Numbers divisible by 3:", len(divisibleBy3))
screenshot of the code:
#initialize the salary
salary = 1000
#initialize the sales
sales = 90
# check if the sales are lees than 100
if(sales < 100):
# if sales are less than 100 then decrease the salary
updatedSalary = salary - (salary * (5/100))
updatedSalary = salary
print("original salary:",salary)
print("updated salary:",updatedSalary)
screenshot of the code:
sample output-1:
Here sales is less than 100 so salary is decreased
sample output-2:
Here sales is above 100 so salary is not decreased
# isValidNumber function with 3 parameters
def isValidNumber(number,lowerLimit,upperLimit):
# condition to check the number is in between the given range or not
if(number >= lowerLimit and number <= upperLimit):
# if condition is true return true
return True
#else return false
return False
# call the above function with the required arguments and store result.
result = isValidNumber(5,1,10)
# print the result
screenshot of the code:
sample Output:
split() -- this method can be used to split the words as a list.
Ex: split(str)
#take a dictonary with fruits and it's quantity
fruitsDictonary = {"apple":10,"orange":5, "banana":8,"melon": 20}
# Initialize total Quantity to zero
totalQuantity = 0
# Iterate through all the fruits using for loop
for fruit in fruitsDictonary:
#add the quantity of the each fruit to totalQuantity.
totalQuantity = totalQuantity + fruitsDictonary[fruit]
#print the totalQuantity.
print("total Quantity:",totalQuantity)
screenshot of the code:
sample output:
I hope this answer is helpful,
Thank you.