
In: Computer Science

1.Suppose a dictionary Groceries maps items to quantities.     Write a python to print the names...

1.Suppose a dictionary Groceries maps items to quantities.

    Write a python to print the names of the grocery items whose quantity exceeds 400.

    For example, if groceries = {‘cake mixes’: 430, ‘cheese’:312, ‘Orange’:525, ‘candy bars’: 217}


    The output will be

                                Cake mixes


2. which Python string method would be the best choice to print the number of time “the” occurs in a sentence entered by the user?

Provide a one word answer. Just name the string method.

3. write a python statement that print a massage about a persons bonus which is based on the number of years (assume its stored in numYears) that they have worked for a company?

0-5 years = “1% of gross pay”

6-10 years = “2% of gross pay”

More than 10 years = “5% of gross pay”

4. write a python state to decrement the item in the fourth position in myList by 2.


5. write a python code to print the number of even numbers of integers divisible by 3

Example someList= [10, 11, 22, 16, 9, 15]

Output should be:

                                      Number of even: 3

                                    Number of items divisible by three: 2

6. write a python statement to decrease salary by 5% when sales in below 100

7. write a python function called isValideNumber: which accepts 3 paramters:

   a. number can be any integer

b. lowerLimit can be any integer

c. upperLimit can be any integer


  1. check the number to see if it is between and/or including the range from lowerLimit to upperLimit
  2. return True if the number is in the specified range
  3. return False if the number is not within the specified range
  4. note: there should not be any print statement in the function.

8. which string method would be used to create a list of words from a sentence entered by the use.

Note: just provide a one-word answer, just the name of the method

9. suppose a dictionary called Inventory pairs fruit with the quantity of that fruit. Print the Total of the quantities of the item in the dictionary.


Expert Solution




groceries = {'cake mixes': 430, 'cheese':312, 'Orange':525, 'candy bars': 217}

# iterate through all the groceries using for loop

for key in groceries:

# print if it's value is greater than 400

if(groceries[key] > 400):


screenshot of the code:

sample output:


We can use count() method. It will find all the occurrences of a substring.

Example code:

string = "the string with more than one the. one more the"

sub_str = "the"

res = string.count(sub_str) # count the total number of ccurences

print(res) # print result

screenshot of code:



#Assume a dictonary with names and yearsof experience of employes.

persons_with_years = {"alex":1,"bob":6,"smith": 11, "andrew":2,"williams":7}

# we can calculate the bonus based on if conditions

for key in persons_with_years:

if (persons_with_years[key] >= 0 and persons_with_years[key] <=5 ):

print(key+" will get bonus of 1% of gross pay")

elif(persons_with_years[key] >= 6 and persons_with_years[key] <=10 ):

print(key+" will get bonus of 2% of gross pay")


print(key+" will get bonus of 5% of gross pay")

screenshot of code:




# index starts form 0 so decrease 1

pos_to_decrement = 4-1

value_to_decrement = 2

# Now decrement the value in a given positoin from list

myList[pos_to_decrement] = myList[pos_to_decrement] - value_to_decrement


screenshot of the code:


we can see 4th value is decreased by 2 (40 to 38)



someList= [10, 11, 22, 16, 9, 15]

evenNums = []

# find the even numbers from given list and append to eveNumbers list

for num in someList:

if(num % 2 == 0):


divisibleBy3 =[]

# now find the elements which are divisible by 3

for num in someList:

if(num % 3 ==0):


print("count of Even Numbers:", len(evenNums))

print("count of Numbers divisible by 3:", len(divisibleBy3))

screenshot of the code:




#initialize the salary

salary = 1000

#initialize the sales

sales = 90

# check if the sales are lees than 100

if(sales < 100):

# if sales are less than 100 then decrease the salary

updatedSalary = salary - (salary * (5/100))


updatedSalary = salary

print("original salary:",salary)


print("updated salary:",updatedSalary)

screenshot of the code:

sample output-1:

Here sales is less than 100 so salary is decreased

sample output-2:

Here sales is above 100 so salary is not decreased



# isValidNumber function with 3 parameters

def isValidNumber(number,lowerLimit,upperLimit):

# condition to check the number is in between the given range or not

if(number >= lowerLimit and number <= upperLimit):

# if condition is true return true

return True


#else return false

return False

# call the above function with the required arguments and store result.

result = isValidNumber(5,1,10)

# print the result


screenshot of the code:

sample Output:


split() -- this method can be used to split the words as a list.

Ex: split(str)



#take a dictonary with fruits and it's quantity

fruitsDictonary = {"apple":10,"orange":5, "banana":8,"melon": 20}

# Initialize total Quantity to zero

totalQuantity = 0

# Iterate through all the fruits using for loop

for fruit in fruitsDictonary:

#add the quantity of the each fruit to totalQuantity.

totalQuantity = totalQuantity + fruitsDictonary[fruit]

#print the totalQuantity.

print("total Quantity:",totalQuantity)

screenshot of the code:

sample output:

I hope this answer is helpful,

Thank you.

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