
In: Computer Science

Design and implement a Python program which will allow two players to play the game of...

Design and implement a Python program which will allow two players to play the game of Tic-Tac-Toe in a 4x4 grid!

X | O | X | O


O | O | X | O


X | X | O | X


X | X | O | X

The rules for this game is the same as the classic, 3x3, game –

  • Each cell can hold one of the following three strings: "X", "O", or " " (Blank)
  • 4 X’s (or 4 O’s) in a row or column; or across a diagonal wins
  • For additional information, check this site out


Part A: 20 Points – At a minimum, implement the following three functions –

  • create_board() which will allow a user to build an “empty” board (so that we can start a game
  • display_board() which will show the current board
  • check_winner() that determine if there is a winner for the game
  • If "X" appears in a winning Tic-Tac-Toe pattern, the function should return
  • the string "X"
  • If "O" appears in a winning Tic-Tac-Toe pattern, the function should return the string "O"
  • If no winning pattern exists, the function should return the string " "
  • Break your logic into functions, don’t implement the entire game in a single function, like “main”

Part B: 20 Points – Implement logic so that two players can play the game for as many times as they wish to. In addition -

  • Ask users for their names
  • Display the numbers of wins vs. losses for each player once they are done with playing

Part C: 5 Points – Enhance your project to include an option for a “player” to play against a “computer” instead


  • You may include additional functions, however, you MUST implement the specified functions – they are required.

Concepts Utilized in Project

  • Previously covered topics
  • Lists & Functions


Expert Solution

Given data,

Python solution with output screenshot:

Code :

def create_board():
    board = [' '] * 16
    return board

def display_board(board):
    for i in range(16):
            print(board[i], end=" | ")

def check_winner(board):
    if((board[0] == 'X' and board[1] == 'X' and board[2] == 'X' and board[3] == 'X') or
        (board[4] == 'X' and board[5] == 'X' and board[6] == 'X' and board[7] == 'X') or
        (board[8] == 'X' and board[9] == 'X' and board[10] == 'X' and board[11] == 'X') or
        (board[12] == 'X' and board[13] == 'X' and board[14] == 'X' and board[15] == 'X') or
        (board[0] == 'X' and board[4] == 'X' and board[8] == 'X' and board[12] == 'X') or
        (board[1] == 'X' and board[5] == 'X' and board[9] == 'X' and board[13] == 'X') or
        (board[2] == 'X' and board[6] == 'X' and board[10] == 'X' and board[14] == 'X') or
        (board[3] == 'X' and board[7] == 'X' and board[11] == 'X' and board[15] == 'X') or
        (board[0] == 'X' and board[5] == 'X' and board[10] == 'X' and board[15] == 'X') or
        (board[3] == 'X' and board[6] == 'X' and board[9] == 'X' and board[12] == 'X')):
            return 'X'
    elif((board[0] == 'O' and board[1] == 'O' and board[2] == 'O' and board[3] == 'O') or
        (board[4] == 'O' and board[5] == 'O' and board[6] == 'O' and board[7] == 'O') or
        (board[8] == 'O' and board[9] == 'O' and board[10] == 'O' and board[11] == 'O') or
        (board[12] == 'O' and board[13] == 'O' and board[14] == 'O' and board[15] == 'O') or
        (board[0] == 'O' and board[4] == 'O' and board[8] == 'O' and board[12] == 'O') or
        (board[1] == 'O' and board[5] == 'O' and board[9] == 'O' and board[13] == 'O') or
        (board[2] == 'O' and board[6] == 'O' and board[10] == 'O' and board[14] == 'O') or
        (board[3] == 'O' and board[7] == 'O' and board[11] == 'O' and board[15] == 'O') or
        (board[0] == 'O' and board[5] == 'O' and board[10] == 'O' and board[15] == 'O') or
        (board[3] == 'O' and board[6] == 'O' and board[9] == 'O' and board[12] == 'O')):
            return 'O'
        return ''

if __name__ == "__main__":
    player1 = 'X'
    player2 = 'O'
    print("------ Welcome to Tic-Tac-Toe Game -------\n")
    print("Player 1 - X")
    print("Player 2 - O\n")
    player1_name = input("Enter Player 1 Name: ")
    player2_name = input("Enter Player 2 Name: ")
    total_games = 0
    player1_win = 0
    player1_losses = 0
    player2_win = 0
    player2_losses = 0

        board = create_board()
        turn = 1
            if(turn == 1):
                print("\nPlayer 1 turn, Choose position from (1-16)")
                choice = int(input("Choice: "))
                board[choice-1] = 'X'
                turn = 2
                print("\nPlayer 2 turn, Choose position from (1-16)")
                choice = int(input("Choice: "))
                board[choice-1] = 'O'
                turn = 1
            winner = check_winner(board)
            if(winner == 'X'):
                print("\nGame Over")
                print("** Player 1 Won **")
                player1_win += 1
                player2_losses += 1
                total_games += 1

            elif(winner == 'O'):
                print("\nGame Over")
                print("** Player 2 Won **")
                player2_win += 1
                player1_losses += 1
                total_games += 1

                if(' ' in board):
                print("\nGame Over")
                print("** Draw **")
                total_games += 1
        print("\nDo you want to play again? (yes/no): ")
        again = input()
        if(again == 'yes' or again  == "Yes" or again == "YES"):

    print("\nTotal Games Played:", total_games)
    print(player1_name, "(Player 1) wins:", player1_win)
    print(player1_name, "(Player 1) losses:", player1_losses)
    print(player1_name, "(Player 2) wins:", player2_win)
    print(player1_name, "(Player 2) looses:", player2_losses)

Output :

  • I have not included whole screenshot because it is too long

    Note : for better formatting please refer to the code formatting below.

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