The amphibians are the first first vertebrate group to develop
the limbs and are able to be on the land.amphibiaqns shows wide
range of the survival stratagies.The amphibians of the current
state like the mammals birds and the reptiles come s under the
super class "TETRAPODA" which means having four limbs.These are
believed to be evolved around 395 million years ago in the denovian
period and are a transition from the lobe finned fishes named as
sarcoptegians in which we will find the current lung fishes.
And this group of fishes most charecteristic feature is by their
fins nad they formed a bony base and subsequently transformed into
the tetrapods.
- Here are some most important adaptations which made tham slowly
update themselves to leave water and get adapted on the land.
- The evolution of lungs which are the homlologous organs to gas
bladder in the fishes which helps the fish for the buyoncy.first
they appered as an additional feature in some sarcoptegians as some
of them used to live in waters with low oxygen content and so by
this evoultion of lungs they are able to take oxygen from air
rather than which is dissolved in water.
- Development of internal nostrils which are also known as
"CHOANAES"generally fishes have two external nostrils through which
water passes through where as these have only one nostril which is
connected to the internal nostrils and in communication with its
- development of quirdium like limb :It is the most basic
charecteristic of tetrapods.having the parts like stylopodium(one
bone either tibia or fibula)Zeugopodium (having two bones like
radius or ulna,tibiaor fibula)Autopodium(comprise fingers or toes
containing meta carpels or tarsals and the falanges.
- Both of them lays eggs.
- they both are exothermic (cold blooded animals)
- Both have stream lined body.
- Both have fins.