
In: Economics

Use 5 months moving average and exponential smoothing method (using alpha=0.3) on the following sale of...

Use 5 months moving average and exponential smoothing method (using alpha=0.3) on the following sale of Maggi. You are supposed to forecast the sale of Maggi in the 13th Month. Compare whether there is any difference in forecast based on two methods and Comment.

Period (Month)

Actual Sale of Maggi



























Expert Solution

Forecast using 5 month moving average

Forecastmonth n= (Demandmonth n-1 + Demandmonth n-2 + Demandmonth n-3 + Demandmonth n-4 + Demandmonth n-5)/5

Forecast Errormonth n = Demandmonth n - Forecastmonth n

Compute Absolute Error Deviation by taking the positive value of error

Compute Mean Absolute Deviation = Sum of Absolute value of error for all the months / number of months.

For 5 months moving average, we have the Error and Absolute error for month 6 to 12 = 7 months

Forecastmonth 13 = (Demandmonth 12 + Demandmonth 11 + Demandmonth 10 + Demandmonth 9 + Demandmonth 8) / 5

                         = (1000 + 900 + 1200 +1400 +650) / 5 = 1030

13th month forecast using 5 month moving average is 1030

Sum of Absolute value of Error = 1750

Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD5 months moving average) = 1750 / 7 = 250

Forecast using Exponential method

α = 0.3

Forecastmonth n = Forecastmonth n-1 + α * (Demandmonth n-1 - Forecastmonth n-1)

Forecast Errormonth n = Demandmonth n - Forecastmonth n

Compute Absolute Error Deviation by taking the positive value of error

Compute Mean Absolute Deviation = Sum of Absolute value of error for all the months / number of months.

For Exponential method, we have the Error and Absolute error for month 1 to 12 = 12 months

Assume the demand for Forecast for month 1 same as the demand for month 1

Forecastmonth 13 = Forecastmonth 12 + α * (Demandmonth 12 - Forecastmonth 12)

                         = 1020 + 0.3 * (1000 - 1020) = 1014

13th month forecast using Exponential method is 1014

Sum of Absolute value of Error = 1966

Mean Absolute Deviation (MADExponential method) = 1966 / 12 = 163.8

MADExponential method of 163.8 <MAD5 months moving average of 250 thus Exponential method is giving a more accurate forecast.

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