
In: Physics

A EEG signal of a patient has a peak voltage of 1mV and operates in the...

A EEG signal of a patient has a peak voltage of 1mV and operates in the range 5Hz to 70 Hz. Design a bioinstrumentation system that would be able to measure this system . Do make good measurements the signal has to be in the range of 0.5V to 5V and the 50Hz line frequency needs to be eliminated. Draw Circuit diagram


Expert Solution

The entire schematic circuit goes as:

Vin ------>Band Pass Filter ------> Band Stop Filter ------> Amplifier --------> Vout

One should need a Band pass filter of lower cutoff frequency of 5 Hz and a upper cutoff of 70 Hz.

Band Pass Filters can be used to isolate or filter out certain frequencies that lie within a particular band or range of frequencies.

Working of Band pass Filter

Lower cutoff:

If R1 is taken to be 10 k Putting in the formula,


Upper cutoff:

If R2 is taken to be 1 k Putting in the formula,

A Band Pass filter

To cut out 50 Hz signal, the signal output of Band pass filter must pass through a Band stop filter working around 50 Hz.

A band Stop Filter known also as a Notch Filter, blocks and rejects frequencies that lie between its two cut-off frequency points passes all those frequencies either side of this range..

I want the band stop filter to have a very small bandwidth with respect to the band width of the band pass filter. Lets say it works around 49 Hz and 51 Hz (bandwidth of 2 Hz).


If R1 is taken to be 10 Putting in the formula,

If R2 is taken to be 10 Putting in the formula,

Working of Band Stop filter

Schematic Circuit

Circuit Diagram of Band stop filter with unity Gain

Finally I want my filtered signal to be amplified such that 1 mV input signal will correspond to 5 V output signal. This can be achieved by passing the filtered signal through an inverting Amplifier (OPAmp).


Say the OPAmp operates between -15V and 15V.

Gain is:

If Rin=5 k then Rf=5 M

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