
In: Computer Science

The language is java Write a class called Tablet that stores information about a tablet's age,...

The language is java

Write a class called Tablet that stores information about a tablet's age, capacity (in GB), and current usage (in GB). You should not need to store any more information

Write actuators and mutators for all instance data

Write a toString method

When you print a tablet, the info should be presented as such:

This tablet is X years old with a capacity of Y gb and has Z gb used. There is A gb free on the tablet, which means it is B % full

Write a driver class called MyTablets that creates these Tablets and store them in an ArrayList

2 years old, 512gb capacity, 200gb used

5 years old, 256gb capacity, 18gb used

2 months old, 512gb capacity, 308.5gb used

Print the 3 tablets using a loop.

Delete everything from the 2 year old tablet's hard drive

Up the capacity on the 2 month old tablet to 1 tb

Add 25gb of usage to the 5 year old tablet

Print the 3 tablets using a loop.

Delete the 5 year old tablet from the ArrayList

Add another tablet to the ArrayList that is 10 years old, has 128gb of storage and has 127gb of storage used

Print the 3 tablets

Print the total storage capacity of the 3 tablets combined, as well as the total free space.


Expert Solution

Given below is the code for the question. Please do rate the answer if it helped. Thank you.
public class Tablet
   private double age;
   private double capacity;
   private double used;
   public Tablet()
   public Tablet(double age, double capacity, double used) {
       this.age = age;
       this.capacity = capacity;
       this.used = used;
   public double getAge() {
       return age;

   public void setAge(int age) {
       this.age = age;

   public double getCapacity() {
       return capacity;

   public void setCapacity(double capacity) {
       this.capacity = capacity;

   public double getUsed() {
       return used;

   public void setUsed(double used) {
       this.used = used;

   public String toString(){
       double free = capacity - used;
       double percent = used * 100 / capacity;
       String ageStr;
       if(age < 1)
           ageStr = (int)(age * 12) + " months";
           ageStr = String.format("%.1f years", age);
       return String.format("This tablet is %s old with a capacity of %.1f gb and has %.1f gb used." +
       " There is %.1f gb free on the tablet, which means it is %.1f%% full", ageStr, capacity, used, free, percent);
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class MyTablets {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       ArrayList<Tablet> tabs = new ArrayList<Tablet>();
       Tablet t1, t2, t3;
       t1 = new Tablet(2, 512, 200);
       t2 = new Tablet(5, 256, 18);
       t3 = new Tablet(2.0/12, 512, 308.5);
       System.out.println("adding the 3 tablets to arraylist");
       for(Tablet t : tabs)
       System.out.println("\nupdating the 3 tablets");
       t2.setUsed(t2.getUsed() + 25);
       for(Tablet t : tabs)
       System.out.println("\ndeleting the 5 year old tablet");
       System.out.println("\nadding 10 year old tablet");
       tabs.add(new Tablet(10, 128, 127));
       for(Tablet t : tabs)
       double totalCapacity = 0, totalFree = 0;
       for(Tablet t : tabs) {
           totalCapacity += t.getCapacity();
           totalFree += t.getCapacity() - t.getUsed();
       System.out.println("Total capacity = " + totalCapacity + " gb");
       System.out.println("Total free space = " + totalFree + " gb");

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