
In: Computer Science

Write a Java class called CityDistances in a class file called    1. Your methods...

Write a Java class called CityDistances in a class file called   

1. Your methods will make use of two text files.

a. The first text file contains the names of cities. However, the first line of the file is a number specifying how many city names are contained within the file. For example,






El Paso

b. The second text file contains the distances between the cities in the file described above. This file does not contain an entry for how many distances are within the file. If, as in the example above, there are five (5) city names in the first text file, then this text file should contain 52 = 25 distance entries. The first entry should always be zero (since Dallas is a distance of zero miles from itself). The second entry is the distance from Dallas to Houston, and the third entry is the distance from Dallas to Austin, etc.

3. The CityDistances class contains four static methods: a. A public method called loadCities() that opens the file, reads in the data and returns a one-dimensional array of String containing the city names stored in the file. The method takes a single argument called filename of type String that is the name of the file to be opened. The first item read from the text file should be the number of city names within the file (read as an integer). If done correctly, the returned array should be the correct size to store all city names without any “extra” space within the array. If the file does not exist or a problem reading the file is encountered, then an IOException is thrown. Hint: Be aware that using the nextInt() method from the Scanner class will read the number but not the newline character found after the number. Your method should correctly handle the newline character.

b. A public method called loadDistances() that opens the file, reads in the data and returns a two-dimensional array of double containing the city distances stored in the file. The method takes an argument called filename of type String that is the name of the file to be opened and an argument called numCities of type int corresponding to the number of cities that were listed in the text file read by loadCities(). If done correctly, the returned two-dimensional array should be an n x n array where n is the number of cities represented and organized such that each row corresponds to the distances from a particular city. If the file does not exist or a problem reading the file is encountered, then an IOException is thrown.

c. A private method called getCityIndex() that takes two arguments: the first called cities of type String[] (that is, the array of city names), and the second called cityName of type String (that is, the name of a particular city). The method iterates through the array of city names and returns the index of the location within the array that contains the value of cityName. If the string specified by cityName is not found in cities, then the method returns -1. Hint: In Java, you need to use the equals() method found in the String class to compare two strings instead of the == operator.

d. A public method called findDistance that takes four arguments: the first is called cities of type String[]; the second is called distances of type double[][]; the third is called start of type String; and the fourth is called end of type String. The method makes use of the getCityIndex() helper method to retrieve the indices of the city names corresponding to start and end arguments. Then, the correct distance is retrieved from the distances array and returned to the caller.


Expert Solution


INPUT FILE: cityname.txt


El Paso


INPUT FILE: citydistance.txt








import java.util.Scanner;

public class CityDistances {
   private static final String FILE_CITY_NAMES = "cityname.txt";
   private static final String FILE_CITY_DISTANCES= "citydistance.txt";
   public static void main(String[] args){
       String[] cities = null;
       double[][] cityDistances = null;
           cities = loadCities(FILE_CITY_NAMES);
               cityDistances = loadDistances(FILE_CITY_DISTANCES, cities.length);
       }catch(IOException e){
           System.out.println("ERROR: "+e.getMessage());
       String startCity,endCity;
       //valid data
       startCity = "Houston";endCity="Austin";
       double d = findDistance(cities,cityDistances,startCity,endCity);
           System.out.println("Distance between "+startCity+" and "+endCity+" is NOT FOUND!");
           System.out.println("Distance between "+startCity+" and "+endCity+" is: "+d);
       //valid data
       startCity = "Nacogdoches";endCity="El Paso";
       d = findDistance(cities,cityDistances,startCity,endCity);
           System.out.println("Distance between "+startCity+" and "+endCity+" is NOT FOUND!");
           System.out.println("Distance between "+startCity+" and "+endCity+" is: "+d);
       //invalid data, as new york is not in the city list
       startCity = "New York";endCity="Dallas";
       d = findDistance(cities,cityDistances,startCity,endCity);
           System.out.println("Distance between "+startCity+" and "+endCity+" is NOT FOUND!");
           System.out.println("Distance between "+startCity+" and "+endCity+" is: "+d);
   * load city names from given filename
   * @param filename
   * @return
   * @throws IOException
   public static String[] loadCities(String filename) throws IOException{
       Scanner fileScanner = null;
           fileScanner = new Scanner(new File(filename));
       }catch(FileNotFoundException fe){
           throw new IOException("File "+filename+" Not Found!");
       String[] cityNames = null;
       int counter = 0;
       int numOfCities = 0;
       int cityIndex = 0;
                   numOfCities = Integer.parseInt(fileScanner.nextLine());
               }catch(NumberFormatException nfe){
                   throw new IOException("File "+filename+" is not properly formatted!");
               cityNames = new String[numOfCities];
               cityIndex = 0;
               String currentString = fileScanner.nextLine().trim();
                   cityNames[cityIndex++] = currentString;
           throw new IOException("citynames did not match the count of city given in the file "+filename+" !");
       return cityNames;
   * load distances from given filename and numCities
   * @param filename
   * @param numCities
   * @return
   * @throws IOException
   public static double[][] loadDistances(String filename,int numCities) throws IOException{
       Scanner fileScanner = null;
           fileScanner = new Scanner(new File(filename));
       }catch(FileNotFoundException fe){
           throw new IOException("File "+filename+" Not Found!");
       double[][] distances = new double[numCities][numCities];
       int rowIndex = 0;
       int colIndex = 0;
           String currentLineData = fileScanner.nextLine().trim();
           double distance;
               distance = Double.parseDouble(currentLineData);
           }catch(NumberFormatException nfe){
               throw new IOException("File "+filename+" is not properly formatted!");
               colIndex = 0;
           distances[rowIndex][colIndex++]= distance;
       //after coming out of the loop the (rowIndex+1) should become equal to numCities
       //as there should be numCities * numCities number of entries
           throw new IOException("File "+filename+" is not properly formatted!");
       return distances;
   * get index of given city name
   * -1 if city name not found in cities array
   * @param cities
   * @param cityName
   * @return
   private static int getCityIndex(String[] cities,String cityName){
       int cityIndex = -1;
       for(int i = 0; i < cities.length ; i++){
               cityIndex = i;
       return cityIndex;
   * find distance between start and end city
   * return distance (-1 if not found)
   * @param cities
   * @param distances
   * @param start
   * @param end
   * @return
   public static double findDistance(String[] cities, double[][] distances,String start,String end){
       int startCityIndex = getCityIndex(cities, start);
       int endCityIndex = getCityIndex(cities, end);
       if(startCityIndex!=-1 && endCityIndex!=-1){
           return distances[startCityIndex][endCityIndex];
           return -1; //indicating not found





Distance between Houston and Austin is: 56.0
Distance between Nacogdoches and El Paso is: 93.5
Distance between New York and Dallas is NOT FOUND!

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