
In: Computer Science

Question 1: What is the name of the utility used to manage software from the graphical...

Question 1: What is the name of the utility used to manage software from the graphical user interface.

Hint: Click on the activities menu and search for it.


Question 2: From the command line search the software repositories to find the chromium web browser. Provide the command used to find the package.


Question 3: From the command line use the software repositories to install the chromium web browser. How many dependencies will be installed alongside the browser? Provide the command used below.

Dependency #:           

Question 4: What command is used to update the Firefox web browser to the latest version using software repositories? If no update is available provide the command that would be used.


Question 5: What command is used to remove the chromium web browser.


Question 6: What single command can be used to update all system and application software on Fedora Linux?


Question 1: What is the name of the utility used to manage software from the graphical user interface.

Hint: Click on the activities menu and search for it.


Question 2: From the command line search the software repositories to find the chromium web browser. Provide the command used to find the package.


Question 3: From the command line use the software repositories to install the chromium web browser. How many dependencies will be installed alongside the browser? Provide the command used below.

Dependency #:           

Question 4: What command is used to update the Firefox web browser to the latest version using software repositories? If no update is available provide the command that would be used.


Question 5: What command is used to remove the chromium web browser.


Question 6: What single command can be used to update all system and application software on Fedora Linux?



Expert Solution

1) What is the name of the utility used to manage software from the graphical user interface.

Hint: Click on the activities menu and search for it.

utility --> dnf

2) From the command line search the software repositories to find the chromium web browser. Provide the command used to find the package.

command --> sudo dnf search chromium

3) command line use the software repositories to install the chromium web browser. How many dependencies will be installed alongside the browser? Provide the command used below.

Command to install chromium: sudo dnf install chromium
command to find Dependency #:   sudo
dnf deplist chrominum

4) command to update the Firefox web browser to the latest version using software repositories? If no update is available provide the command that would be used.

command --> sudo dnf update firefox

if no update is available then

command --> sudo dnf update

5) command to remove the chromium web browser.

command --> sudo dnf remove chromium-browser

6) command to update all system and application software on Fedora Linux

command--> sudo dnf upgrade

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