
In: Computer Science

Question 1 [20 Marks] In system modelling, a graphical notation is used to represent a system...

Question 1 [20 Marks]
In system modelling, a graphical notation is used to represent a system in a way which is simple to express and understand. Different models are developed to represent the system from different perspectives. Discuss the Structural and Behavioural system models in detail.


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1 .Structural system Model:

Structural models:

  • In terms of the components that make up the system and their relationships, structural software models represent the organisation of a system.
  • Structural models can be static models showing the system design structure or dynamic models showing the system organisation as it is implemented.
  • When you discuss and design the system architecture, you produce structural models of a scheme.

Class diagrams

  • Class diagrams are used to display the classes in a system and the relations between these classes when designing an object-oriented system model.
  • It is possible to think of an object class as a general description of one type of device object.
  • An association is a connexion between classes that suggests that these classes have some relationship.
  • Objects reflect something in the real world when you create models during the early stages of the software engineering process, such as a patient, a medication, a doctor, etc.

UML classes and association

Classes and associations in the MHC-PMS

The Consultation class

Key points

  • An abstract view of a system that ignores system information is a model. It is possible to create complementary system models to demonstrate the meaning, relationships, structure and behaviour of the system.
  • Context models illustrate how a system that is being modelled is placed with other systems and processes in an environment.
  • The interactions between users and systems in the system being built are defined use case diagrams and sequence diagrams. Use cases explain interactions between a system and external actors; by displaying interactions between system artefacts, sequence diagrams add more detail to these.
  • Structural models display a system's organisation and architecture. The static structure of classes in a scheme and their associations are described by class diagrams.


  • Generalization is an everyday strategy that we use for uncertainty management.
  • Instead of learning the detailed features of each entity we meet, we put these entities in more general classes (animals, vehicles , buildings, etc.) and learn the features of these classes.
  • This helps us to assume that there are certain similar features of various members of these groups, such as squirrels and rats being rodents.
  • In modelling systems, analysing the classes in a system to see if there is space for generalisation is also useful. If changes are proposed, then to see if they are impacted by the change, you do not have to look at all groups in the system.
  • Generalization is implemented in object-oriented languages, including Java, using the class inheritance mechanisms built into the language.
  • Higher-level class features and operations are also correlated with lower-level generalisation classes.
  • Subclasses are lower-level classes that inherit the attributes and operations from their superclasses. More complex attributes and operations are then introduced by these lower-level classes.

A generalization hierarchy

A generalization hierarchy with added detail

Object class aggregation models

  • A model of aggregation illustrates how other groups compose groups that are sets.
  • In semantic data models, aggregation models are analogous to part-of relationships.

The relation of aggregation

2 .Behavioral system Model:

Behavioral models

  • Behavioral models are models of a system's complex behaviour as it is implemented. They demonstrate what happens when a device reacts to a stimulus from its environment, or what is expected to happen.
  • These stimuli can be thought of as being of two kinds:
  1. Data Any data that the device has to process arrives.
  2. Events An occurrence that activates system processing occurs. Events may have similar facts, but this is not always the case.

Data-driven modeling

  • Data-processing systems are many business systems that are mostly powered by data. They are managed by the data input, with very little processing of external events, to the system.
  • The sequence of behaviour involved in processing input data and producing an related output is shown by data-driven models.
  • During the analysis of requirements, they are particularly useful as they can be used to display end-to - end processing in a system.

An action model of the function of the insulin pump

They are not flowcharts or flowgraphs; they are merely 'activities' which need to be
It must or must take place.
(This is a Pipe-Filter Architectural Model example (later))

Processing of Order-Sequence Diagram-Behavorial

Displays the Event Sequence over time as messages are transmitted from one object to another.
A particular one.
Terms: object life; lifelines; actors; unnamed objects; recursion; and more.
The scenarios in motion are very important to demonstrate. Dynamic!

Event Driven Modeling:

  • Real-time systems, with limited data processing, are mostly event-driven. for example :A landline phone switching system, for example, responds by producing a dial tone to events such as 'receiver off hook'.
  • Event-driven modelling demonstrates how external and internal events are responded by a system.
  • This is based on the premise that a system has a finite number of states and that a transition from one state to another can be induced by events (stimuli).

State Machine Modeling:

  • The system's action in response to external and internal events is modelled.
  • They display the responses of the system to stimuli, so they are also used to model real-time systems.
  • State machine models display device states between these nodes as nodes and events as arcs. The machine shifts from one state to another when an occurrence happens.
  • Statecharts are an important component of the UML and are used to display models of state machines.

State diagram of a microwave oven:

Microwave Oven Operation :

Thank You if you still need some information please try to connect with me.

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