
In: Accounting

Cash Receipts Budget and Accounts Receivable Aging Schedule Shalimar Company manufactures and sells industrial products. For...

Cash Receipts Budget and Accounts Receivable Aging Schedule

Shalimar Company manufactures and sells industrial products. For next year, Shalimar has budgeted the following sales:

Quarter 1 $4,770,000
Quarter 2 6,000,000
Quarter 3 5,710,000
Quarter 4 8,010,000

In Shalimar’s experience, 10 percent of sales are paid in cash. Of the sales on account, 65 percent are collected in the quarter of sale, 25 percent are collected in the quarter following the sale, and 7 percent are collected in the second quarter after the sale. The remaining 3 percent are never collected. Total sales for the third quarter of the current year are $5,240,000 and for the fourth quarter of the current year are $7,670,000.


1. Calculate cash sales and credit sales expected in the last two quarters of the current year, and in each quarter of next year.

Quarter Cash Sales Credit Sales
3, current year $ $
4, current year
1, next year
2, next year
3, next year
4, next year

2. Construct a cash receipts budget for Shalimar Company for each quarter of the next year, showing the cash sales and the cash collections from credit sales. If an amount is zero, enter "0".

Shalimar Company
Cash Receipts Budget
For the Coming Year
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Cash sales $ $ $ $
Received on account from:
Quarter 3, current year
Quarter 4, current year
Quarter 1, next year
Quarter 2, next year
Quarter 3, next year
Quarter 4, next year
Total cash receipts $ $ $ $

3. What if the recession led Shalimar’s top management to assume that in the next year 10 percent of credit sales would never be collected? The expected payment percentages in the quarter of sale and the quarter after sale are assumed to be the same. How would that affect cash received in each quarter? Construct a revised cash budget using the new assumption.

Shalimar Company
Cash Receipts Budget
For the Coming Year
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Cash sales $ $ $ $
Received on account from:
Quarter 4, current year
Quarter 1, next year
Quarter 2, next year
Quarter 3, next year
Quarter 4, next year
Total cash receipts $ $ $ $


Expert Solution

Quarter Cash Sales Credit Sales
3, current year          524,000       4,716,000
4, current year          767,000       6,903,000
1, next year          477,000       4,293,000
2, next year          600,000       5,400,000
3, next year          571,000       5,139,000
4, next year          801,000       7,209,000
Shalimar Company
Cash Receipts Budget
For the Coming Year
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Cash sales         477,000         600,000         571,000         801,000
Received on account from:
Quarter 3, current year         330,120
Quarter 4, current year      1,725,750         483,210
Quarter 1, next year      2,790,450      1,073,250         300,510
Quarter 2, next year      3,510,000      1,350,000         378,000
Quarter 3, next year      3,340,350      1,284,750
Quarter 4, next year      4,685,850
Total cash receipts      5,323,320      5,666,460      5,561,860      7,149,600
3,Shalimar Company
Cash Receipts Budget
For the Coming Year
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Cash sales         477,000         600,000         571,000         801,000
Received on account from:
Quarter 3, current year
Quarter 4, current year      1,725,750
Quarter 1, next year      2,790,450      1,073,250
Quarter 2, next year      3,510,000      1,350,000
Quarter 3, next year      3,340,350      1,284,750
Quarter 4, next year      4,685,850
Total cash receipts      4,993,200      5,183,250      5,261,350      6,771,600

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