Balanced scorecard:
Balanced scorecard was firstly developed by Kaplan and
Norton(1992),is a strategic management technique for communicating
and evaluating the achievement of the mission and strategy of the
organization, it's not only translates the strategy of operational
terms,but it aligns the organization to their strategy by focusing
business unit andemployees on their role in accomplishing the
company mission.
Benefits of balanced scorecard:
- It's establishing a business model and translating it into
indicator facilitates consensus for the entire company not only of
the management,but also on how to achieve it.
- It's best tool for imporving all organization performance.
- Translation of the strategy is practical term and enables to
link them to each other through cause effect relationship.
- Possibility of implementation of in any type of entity.
- To create a symmetry for effective control and to consider all
relevant perspective for sustainable success in well balanced
- Complements financial measure with non financial ones and
measures the operation flexibility.