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Accounting Information System
Accounting information system according to Manchilot (2019)
may be a computer-based electronic system used for collecting,
storing, processing and communicating financial and accounting data
through financial statements with the aim of supporting and guiding
organizational decision making process. Computers are the hub of
accounting information as they provide a platform for the
workability of all information systems.For an accounting
information system to be operational, its appropriate software
application must be on thecomputer system intending to be
used.Borhan and Bader (2018) defined accounting information system
is a system which contains a group ofharmonized business,
components, and resources which processes, manage, and control the
data for producingand carrying the relevant information for
decision makers in the organization. Accounting information
requiresseries of processes to carry out its function just like any
other system. It is a connected and homogeneous set ofthe resources
and different components (human, equipment, finance, etc) that
interact simultaneously inside aspecific framework to work towards
the achievement of organizational goals.According to Borhan and
Nafees (2018) accounting information system is the process of
collecting,analyzing and converting data into action. This
definition justifies accounting information system as a
computerbased system that collects data, process and analyses data
and produces results or output.Kashif (2018) states that accounting
information system is a combination of people, equipment,policies,
and procedures that work together to collect data and transform it
into useful information. AIS is asystem that provides people with
either data or information relating to an organization's operation
to support theactivities of employees, owners, customers, and other
stakeholders in the organization's environment byeffectively
supplying information to authorized people in a timely manner.
Financial PerformanceFinancial performance is a composite of an
organization’s financial health, its ability and willingness tomeet
its long-term financial obligations and its commitment to provide
services in a foreseeable future (Weber,2008). Financial
performance refers to the act of performing financial activity. In
broader sense, financialperformance refers to the degree to which
financial objectives being or has been accomplished. It is the
processof measuring the results of a firm's policies and operations
in monetary terms.Financial performance is broadly viewed as the
ability of the firm to meet its financial objectives. Twoprominent
indicators of financial performance are investor’s return and
accounting returns. The investors returnis measured from the
perspective of the shareholders, whereas accounting return focus on
how the firm’searning respond to different managerial policies
(Ofoegbu, 2003).According to Farah, Farrukh, and Faizan (2016)
financial performance is an extent to which a companyfinancial
health over a period of time is measured. In other words, it is a
financial action used in order togenerate higher sales,
profitability and worth of a business entity for its shareholders
through managing itscurrent and non-current assets, financing,
equity, revenues and expenses. Its main purpose is to provide
financial information to shareholders and stakeholders so as to
enable them make well informed investment decisions. It can be used
to evaluate similar companies from the same industry or to compare
industries in aggregation.
Measures of Financial Performance
According to Encyclopedia of Business (2011) performance
measures can be grouped into two thosethat relate to results
(outputs or outcomes such as competitiveness or financial
performance) and those that focuson the determinants of the results
(inputs such as quality, flexibility, resource utilization, and
innovation). Thissuggests that performance measurement frameworks
can be built around the concepts of results anddeterminants.
Zuriekat, Salameh and Alrawashdeh (2011) on the other hand opined
that performancemeasurement systems are considered information
systems that are used to evaluate both individual andorganizational
performance. Measuring the performance of the company is done using
different measures. The literature review ofFiori, Di'Donato and
Izzo (2009) indicated that financial performance can be measured
based on the firm’s:solvency, repayment capacity, profitability,
efficiency and liquidity.According to Lin and Liu (2005) financial
ratios are usually one of the indicators used to evaluate a
firm’sperformance. Generally, the financial information of a
company’s business operations will be reported in theyearly
financial statements, and a financial ratio simply constitutes one
item divided by another in the financialstatement. Financial ratios
can be viewed as a preliminary reference for the analysis of the
businessperformance.Traditionally, the measurement of a firm’s
performance usually employs the financial ratio method,because it
provides a simple description about the firm’s financial
performance in comparison with previousperiods and helps to improve
its performance of management. However, Glautier and Underdoon
(2009)maintained that there are two aspects of a company’s
financial performance of interest to investors. First, itsfinancial
performance may be assessed by reference to its ability to generate
profit. This agrees with Pandey(2004) who asserts that it is
assumed that profit maximization causes the efficient allocation of
resources underthe competitive market conditions, and profit is
considered as the most appropriate measure of a firm’sperformance.
Thus, ratios of financial efficiency in this respect focus on the
relationship between profit andsales and profit and assets
employed. Second, the company’s financial performance may be
assessed in terms ofthe value of its shares to investors. In this
way, ratios of financial performance focus on earnings per
share,dividend yield and price/ earnings ratios. The ratios used to
measure the overall profit performance of a firm aretermed
financial ratios.