5A Research and share two or more real life applications of radial, rotational, or gradient fields....


Research and share two or more real life applications of radial, rotational, or gradient fields.


Explain the concept of divergence and provide an example showing how to calculate the divergence of the vector field chosen in your example.

In: Advanced Math

Write notes on Multicollinearity define what the issue is explain whether, or under what circumstances, it...

  1. Write notes on Multicollinearity
    1. define what the issue is
    2. explain whether, or under what circumstances, it causes a problem for inference in OLS regression
    1. explain how it can be detected (if it can)
    2. state what action, if any, you should take to deal with the issue

In: Advanced Math

Write notes on omitted variable bias.   define what the issue is explain whether, or under what...

  1. Write notes on omitted variable bias.  
    1. define what the issue is
    2. explain whether, or under what circumstances, it causes a problem for inference in OLS regression
    1. explain how it can be detected (if it can)   
    2. state what action, if any, you should take to deal with the issue.

In: Advanced Math

PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY YOU CHOOSE EACH ANSWER 1). How many distinct ways can a President, Vice...


1). How many distinct ways can a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer be selected from a group of 10 people if no one can hold more than on position?

A). P(10,4)

B). 10 choose 4

C). 10^4

D). 4^10

E). 13 choose 10

F). None of these

2). How many shortest lattice paths are there from (0,0) to (10,4)

A). P(10,4)

B). 10 choose 4

C). 10^4

D). 4^10

E). 13 choose 10

F). None of these

3). At a movie theater with 4 different movies, how many ways can 10 people select a show? They do not have to all go to the same shoe but several poeple can go to the same show.

A). P(10,4)

B). 10 choose 4

C). 10^4

D). 4^10

E). 13 choose 10

F). None of these

In: Advanced Math

The tarot minor arcana deck has 56 cards in four suits (swords, batons, coins, and cups),...

The tarot minor arcana deck has 56 cards in four suits (swords, batons, coins, and cups), each having 10 numbered cards and 4 court cards (king, queen, knight, and page). A “spread” is a draw of 9 cards. What is the probability of getting a spread of all court cards?

In: Advanced Math

Creating a Hypothetical Budget – Portfolio Activity Expense Amount Rent (monthly) $657.00 Telephone (monthly) $56.34 Groceries...

Creating a Hypothetical Budget – Portfolio Activity



Rent (monthly)


Telephone (monthly)


Groceries (weekly)


Clothing (monthly with ½ job related)


Water & Electric (monthly)


Weekly Dinner & Movie


You are paid $11.75/hr. You work 40 hr/wk. Your deductions are FICA (7.65%), Federal tax withholding (10.75%), and state tax withholding (7.5%)

  1. Assuming you budget a month as 4 weeks, how much is your total realized income, fixed expenses, and discretionary expenses.
  2. If you are able to work 20 hours of overtime the next month and are paid 1.5 times your regular rate, how does this change your budget for that month?
  3. How much can you put towards savings each month if you eliminated your discretionary expenses?

Be sure to include in your response:

  • A detailed budget showing income and expenses for the two different months.
  • Answers to the original questions.
  • An explanation for how you calculated the first 40 hours of income and then the additional 20 hours of overtime.

Month 1

Realized Income:


Total Income

Expense (Fixed):


Total Expenses (Fixed)

Expense (Discretionary):

Total Expenses (Discretionary)

Total Expenses (Fixed & Discretionary):

Month 2

Realized Income:


Total Income

Expense (Fixed):


Total Expenses (Fixed)

Expense (Discretionary):

Total Expenses (Discretionary)

Total Expenses (Fixed & Discretionary):

In: Advanced Math

​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​ The value of a European put option must satisfy the following restriction: ??0 ≥????−????...



  1. The value of a European put option must satisfy the following restriction:

??0 ≥????−???? −??0

where ??0 is the current put price, ??0 is the current price of the underlying stock, ?? is the exercise price, ?? > 0 is the annualised continuously compounded risk-free rate, and ?? is the time till expiration. Prove by contradiction that the above arbitrage restriction must hold, i.e. show that if the condition does not hold, there is an arbitrage opportunity

In: Advanced Math

let S in Rn be convex set. show that u point in S is extreme point...

let S in Rn be convex set.
show that u point in S is extreme point of S if and only if u is not convex combination of other points of S.

In: Advanced Math

Solve it step by step and please with clear handwritten. Be ready to follow the comment...

Solve it step by step and please with clear handwritten. Be ready to follow the comment

Integrability Topic

Question1. Let g : [0, 1] —> R be defined by if x=0, g(x)=1; if x=m/n (m and n are positive integer with no common factor), g(x)=1/n; if x doesn't belong to rational number, g(x)=0

Use the sequential criterion for continuity to prove that g is discontinuous at every rational number in[0,1]

Question.2 g is continuous at any irrational point in[0,1]. Explain why g is Riemann integrable on[0,1] based on the following fact that

Suppose h:[a,b]→R is continuous everywhere except at a countable number of points in[a,b]. Then h is Riemann integrable on[a,b]


Letf:[0,1]→R be defined by f(x)=0 if x=0; f(x)=1 if 0<x<=1 we know that f is integrable on [0,1] Suppose c is a rational number in [0,1]. Compute(f◦g)(c). Now suppose c is an irrational number in[0,1]. Compute(f◦g)(c). Can you recognize the function f◦g:[0,1]→R?

In: Advanced Math

Use R to solve: Find the approximate solution x' to : 0.89x1 + 0.53x2 = 0.36...

Use R to solve:

Find the approximate solution x' to :

0.89x1 + 0.53x2 = 0.36

0.47x1 + 0.28x2 = 0.19

Find the error x'-x* between the computed solution and the true solution.

Compare the size of this error with the size of the residual r=b-Ax'

In: Advanced Math

Rudin Ch 4, p. 99 #7. If E ⊂ X and if f is a function...

Rudin Ch 4, p. 99 #7. If E ⊂ X and if f is a function defined on X, the restriction of f to E is the function g whose domain of definition is E, such that g(p) = f (p) for p ∈ E. Define f and g on 2 by: f (0, 0) = g(0, 0) = 0, f (x, y) = € xy 2 x 2 + y 4 , g(x, y) = € xy 2 x 2 + y 6 if (x, y) ≠ (0, 0). Prove that f is bounded on 2 , that g is unbounded in every neighborhood of (0, 0) and that f is not continuous at (0, 0); nevertheless, the restrictions of both f and g to every straight line in 2 are continuous! .Explain step by step in detal

In: Advanced Math

Find the subgroup of d4 and the normal and non normal subgroups of d3 and d4...

Find the subgroup of d4 and the normal and non normal subgroups of d3 and d4 using u and v, u being the flips and v being the rotations.

In: Advanced Math

Give 2 different examples of an infinite dimensional vector space and provide an explanation in possible....

Give 2 different examples of an infinite dimensional vector space and provide an explanation in possible.

This is a review question for linear algebra and I am trying to better understand the concept.

Thank you!

In: Advanced Math

A semi trailer of 9.0% wb moisture soybeans sits outside overnight without a tarp and it...

A semi trailer of 9.0% wb moisture soybeans sits outside overnight without a tarp and it rains 1.5 in. The trailer had been level, filled to a depth of 4.5 feet. Assume trailer dimensions of 52 ft × 99 in. Assume the 1.5 in. rain came straight down and was uniformly distributed over the entire volume of soybeans and that nothing leaked from the trailer. Also assume that a bushel of soybeans (1.25 ft3) weighs 60 lb before it rains. Calculate the new moisture content of the soybeans. Assume that 1 bu occupies 1.25 ft3, water = 62.4 lb/ft3. Note: all information is accurate but not necessarily useful in solving the problem.

In: Advanced Math

a) In your own words, explain the concept of variable scope. Include one or more code...

a) In your own words, explain the concept of variable scope. Include one or more code fragments that you write for this discussion post to help illustrate your case. Clearly mark as appropriate any code fragments as either "script" code or "function" code, and use comments in your code to note the locality of each variable at least the first time the variable appears in the script or function. If a variable is local in scope, be sure to notate what the variable is local to (i.e. the script, a particular function, etc.). Your code for this discussion post should include at least two different local variables, and at least one global variable.

b) Compare and contrast separate function files with anonymous functions. In your opinion, when may it be best to use one over the other? Can you use them interchangeably in all circumstances?

In: Advanced Math