a)The demand function for a product is modeled by p = 12,000 1 − 7 7...

a)The demand function for a product is modeled by

p = 12,000

1 −

7 + e−0.001x


Find the price p (in dollars) of the product when the quantity demanded is x = 1000 units and x = 1500 units. What is the limit of the price as x increases without bound?

  x = 1000 units (Round your answer to two decimal places.)____$
  x = 1500 units (Round your answer to two decimal places.)___$
What is the limit of the price as x increases without bound?___$

B)The population P (in thousands) of Charlotte, North Carolina from 1980 through 2013 can be modeled by

P = 321e0.0275t where t = 0 corresponds to 1980.† (Round your answers to the nearest whole number.)What was the population of Charlotte in 2013? people
In what year will the population of Charlotte reach 1,900,000?

In: Advanced Math

Let G, H, K be groups. Prove that if G ≅ H and H ≅ K...

Let G, H, K be groups. Prove that if G ≅ H and H ≅ K then G ≅ K.

In: Advanced Math

I want to estimate the interpolation error in [a,b] where f is interpolated by polynomials at...

I want to estimate the interpolation error in [a,b] where f is interpolated by polynomials at x_j, h=(b-a)/n, x_j=a+jh, j=0,1,...,n.

I want the answers in detail especially for n=2,3.

In: Advanced Math

Write an 8-10 sentence paragrpah describing Galois Theory.

Write an 8-10 sentence paragrpah describing Galois Theory.

In: Advanced Math

This is a problem from Jeff ’s notes - reproduced here for ease. The d-dimensional hypercube...

This is a problem from Jeff ’s notes - reproduced here for ease. The d-dimensional hypercube is the graph defined as follows. There are 2d vertices, each labeled with a different string of d bits. Two vertices are joined by an edge if and only if their labels differ in exactly one bit. See figures in Jeff ’s notes if you need to - but it would be more instructive to draw them yourself and recognize these objects. Recall that a Hamiltonian cycle is a closed walk that visits each vertex in a graph exactly once. Prove that for every integer d ≥ 2, the d-dimensional hypercube has a Hamiltonian cycle.

In: Advanced Math

The Polynomial f(x) = X^3 - X^2 - X -1 has one real root a, which...

The Polynomial f(x) = X^3 - X^2 - X -1 has one real root a, which happens to be positive. This real number a satisfies the following properties:

- for i = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, one has {a^i} not equal to zero

- one has

[a] = 1, [a^2] = 3, [a^3] = 6, [a^4] = 11, [a^5] = 21, [a^6] = 7, [a^7] = 71, [a^8] = 130

(for a real number x, [x] denotes the floor of x and {x} denotes the fractional part of x.)

find this real root a

In: Advanced Math

Of the following intervals, which includes the most prime numbers? A. 20 and 30 B. 30...

Of the following intervals, which includes the most prime numbers?
A. 20 and 30
B. 30 and 40
C. 40 and 50
D. 50 and 60

Please explain clearly. How do we even find prime numbers between these intervals.

Thank you.

In: Advanced Math

Thank You Define the gcd of three integers a, b, c as the largest common divisor...

Thank You

Define the gcd of three integers a, b, c as the largest common divisor of a, b, c, and denote it by (a, b, c). Show that (a, b, c) = ((a, b), c) and that (a, b, c) can be expressed as a linear combination of a, b, c.

In: Advanced Math

a, The vectors v1 = < 0, 2, 1 >, v2 = < 1, 1, 1...

a, The vectors v1 = < 0, 2, 1 >, v2 = < 1, 1, 1 > , v3 = < 1, 2, 3 > , v4 = < -2, -4, 2 > and v5 = < 3, -2, 2 > generate R^3 (you can assume this). Find a subset of {v1, v2, v3, v4, v5} that forms a basis for R^3.

b. v1 = < 1, 0, 0 > , v2 = < 1, 1, 0 > and v3 = < 1, 1, 1 > is a basis for R^3 (you can assume this.) Given an arbitrary vector w = < a, b, c > write w as a linear combination of v1, v2, v3.

c. Find the dimension of the space spanned by x, x-1, x^2 - 1 in P2 (R).

In: Advanced Math

In parts a, b, and c, determine if the vectors form a basis for the given...

In parts a, b, and c, determine if the vectors form a basis for the given vector space. Show all algebraic steps to explain your answer.

a. < 1, 2, 3 > , < -2, 1, 4 > for R^3

b. < 1, 0, 1 > , < 0, 1, 1> , < 2, 0, 1 > for R^3

c. x + 1, x^2 + 1, x^2 + x + 1 for P2 (R).

In: Advanced Math

Part a (worth 60 pts): Formulate a linear programming model (identify and define decision variables, objective...

Part a (worth 60 pts): Formulate a linear programming model (identify and define decision variables, objective function and constraints) that can be used to determine the amount (in pounds) of Brazilian Natural and Colombian Mild that will maximize the total contribution to profit. For “Part a” you do NOT need to solve this problem using Excel, you just need to do the LP formulation in the standard mathematical format.

Part b (bonus worth 20 pts): Solve the LP problem that you formulated in “Part a” using Excel. Give the values of each decision variable and the objective function. You MUST attach a copy of the solution report.

In: Advanced Math

1.29 Prove or disprove that this is a vector space: the real-valued functions f of one...

1.29 Prove or disprove that this is a vector space: the real-valued functions f of one real variable such that f(7) = 0.

In: Advanced Math

Find all unlabeled trees on 2,3,4 and 5 nodes. How many labeled trees do you get...

Find all unlabeled trees on 2,3,4 and 5 nodes. How many labeled trees do you get from

each? Use this to find the number of labeled trees on 2,3,4 and 5 nodes.

In: Advanced Math

Discuss the situation of a linear program that has one or more columns of the A...

Discuss the situation of a linear program that has one or more columns of the A matrix equal to zero. Consider both the case where the corresponding variables are required to be nonnegative and the case where some are free. (the available answer mentioned about the degenerate solution, which is still confusing, why and how the solution is degenerate if one or more columns of the A matrix equal to zero )

In: Advanced Math

Let f: X-->Y and g: Y-->Z be arbitrary maps of sets (a) Show that if f...

Let f: X-->Y and g: Y-->Z be arbitrary maps of sets

(a) Show that if f and g are injective then so is the composition g o f

(b) Show that if f and g are surjective then so is the composition g o f

(c) Show that if f and g are bijective then so is the composition g o f and (g o f)^-1 = g ^ -1 o f ^ -1

(d) Show that f: X-->Y is injective iff there exists h: Y-->X such that h o f = id sub x

(e) Show that f: X-->Y is surjective iff there exists h: Y-->X such that f o f = id sub y. The only if requires requires the axiom of choice.

In: Advanced Math