Prove that the proof by mathematical induction and the proof by strong induction are equivalent

Prove that the proof by mathematical induction and the proof by strong induction are equivalent

In: Advanced Math

Use Theorem 4.2.1 to determine which of the following sets of vectors are subspaces of F(−∞,∞)....

Use Theorem 4.2.1 to determine which of the following sets of vectors are subspaces of F(−∞,∞). (Justify!)

(a) The set of all functions f ∈ F(−∞,∞) for which f(0) = 0.

(b) The set of all functions f ∈ F(−∞,∞) for which f(1) = 0.

(c) The set of all functions f ∈ F(−∞,∞) for which f(0) = 1.

(d) The set of all functions f ∈ F(−∞,∞) for which f(−x) = f(x) for all x ∈ R

In: Advanced Math

Let M be the integer corresponding to the first letter of your last name. For example,...

Let M be the integer corresponding to the first letter of your last name. For example, if your last name begins with "A", M=1 and if your last name begins with "Z", M=26.

Let k=1/M and consider the logistic equation dy/dt = k y (M - y).

Construct a single figure including

  1. Title "Logistic Equation Slope Field and Euler's Method solutions by FirstName LastName" with your actual first and last names, along the top
  2. Labels for the axes
  3. a slope field for -3 ≤ t ≤ 3, -M/2 ≤ y ≤ 3M/2
  4. Euler's method solutions for initial conditions   y(0)=5M/4, y(0)=M, y(0)=M/2, y(0)=0 and y(0)=-M/4, in each case for -3 ≤ t ≤ 3, h=0.1
  5. For each initial condition, a label "y(0) = (value)" but with the actual value, at an appropriate location
  6. For each solution curve, a label "y(3) ≈ (Euler's method value)" but with the actual value, or "y(3) = ?", at an appropriate location

Last name starts with a P

In: Advanced Math

1. Explain how to convert positive integers from base 3 to base 10 and vice versa....

1. Explain how to convert positive integers from base 3 to base 10 and vice versa. Include examples.

2. Explain how to convert fractions from base 3 to base 10 and vice versa. Include examples.

In: Advanced Math

Prove that the equivalence classes of an equivalence relation form a partition of the domain of...

Prove that the equivalence classes of an equivalence relation form a partition of the domain of the relation. Namely, suppose ? be an equivalence relation on a set ? and define the equivalence class of an element ?∈? to be


That is [?]?=?(?). Divide your proof into the following three peices:

  1. Prove that every partition block is nonempty and every element ? is in some block.
  2. Prove that if [?]?∩[?]?≠∅, then ???. Conclude that the sets [?]? for ?∈? are partitions of ?.
  3. Prove that ???⟺[?]?=[?]?.

In: Advanced Math

Below is a proof of Theorem 4.1.1 (b): For the zero vector ⃗0 in any vector...

  1. Below is a proof of Theorem 4.1.1 (b): For the zero vector ⃗0 in any vector space V and k ∈ R, k⃗0 = ⃗0.

    Justify for each of the eight steps why it is true.

    1. k⃗0+k⃗0=k(⃗0+⃗0)

    2. = k ⃗0

    3. k⃗0 is in V

    4. and therefore −(k⃗0) is in V .

    5. It follows that (k⃗0 + k⃗0) + (−k⃗0) = (k⃗0) + (−k⃗0)

    6. and thus k⃗0 + (k⃗0 + (−k⃗0)) = (k⃗0) + (−k⃗0).

    7. We conclude that k⃗0 + ⃗0 = ⃗0

    8. and so k⃗0 = ⃗0, as desired.

In: Advanced Math

Indicate which of the following relations below are equivalence relations, strict partial orders, (weak) partial orders....

Indicate which of the following relations below are equivalence relations, strict partial orders, (weak) partial orders. If a relation is none of the above, indicate whether it is transitive, symmetric, or asymmetric. I won't be grading proofs of your results here, but I highly suggest you know how to prove your results.

  1. The relation ?=?+1 between intgers ?,?.
  2. The superset relation ⊇ on the power set of integers.
  3. The divides relation on the nonnegative integers ?.
  4. The divides relation on all the integers ?.
  5. The divides relation on the positive powers of 4.

In: Advanced Math

Use 3 steps of the Runge-Kutta (fourth order) method to solve the following differential equation to...

Use 3 steps of the Runge-Kutta (fourth order) method to solve the following differential equation to t = 2.4, given that y(0) = 2.3. In your working section, you must provide full working for the first step. To make calculations easier, round the tabulated value of y at each step to four decimal places.
a) Provide the four K-values that are calculated at the first step, with four decimal places. b) Provide your answer for y(2.4) with four decimal places.
(dy /dt) = 1.1ty

In: Advanced Math

Use 4 steps of the Modified Euler’s method to solve the following differential equation to t...

Use 4 steps of the Modified Euler’s method to solve the following differential equation to t = 2.6, given that y(0) = 1.1. In your working section, you must provide full working for the first two steps. To make calculations easier, round the calculations at each step to four decimal places, and provide your final answer with four decimal places. dy/ dt = 1.4sin(ty)

In: Advanced Math

If the infimum of a bounded set E does not exist in E, then why must...

If the infimum of a bounded set E does not exist in E, then why must E have a limit point. And if the infimum does exist in E, why is it inconclusive?

In: Advanced Math

The tank in the form of a right-circular cone of radius 7 feet and height 39...

The tank in the form of a right-circular cone of radius 7 feet and height 39 feet standing on its end, vertex down, is leaking through a circular hole of radius 4 inches. Assume the friction coefficient to be c=0.6 and g=32ft/s^2 . Then the equation governing the height h of the leaking water is


If the tank is initially full, it will take _________ seconds to empty.

In: Advanced Math

Let x1 > 1 and xn+1 := 2−1/xn for n ∈ N. Show that xn is...

Let x1 > 1 and xn+1 := 2−1/xn for n ∈ N. Show that xn is bounded and monotone. Find the limit. Prove by induction

In: Advanced Math

Using only real numbers between 0 and 100, inclusive, show the set of three numbers whose...

Using only real numbers between 0 and 100, inclusive, show the set of three numbers whose product is 64 and whose sum is minimal is give by {4, 4, 4}.

(a) When is an absolute minimum or maximum guaranteed?

(b) State the steps to find an absolute minimum and maximum.

(c) Is the space closed and bounded? Explain.

(d) Use Lagrange Multipliers to find the minimum and maximum

please label and write neatly.

In: Advanced Math

Consider an SEIR model with both horizontal and vertical transmission. What assumption can you make about...

Consider an SEIR model with both horizontal and vertical transmission. What assumption can you make about the new born of mothers from the E and I compartment. Should the infected new born enter the E compartment or I compartment or both? Think of the possibilities. Draw a transfer diagram according to the different assumptions you made and derive the corresponding differential equations.
Note that :
S = susceptible
E = exposed
I = infectious
R = recovery

In: Advanced Math

Let T∈ L(V), and let p ∈ P(F) be a polynomial. Show that if p(λ) is...

Let T∈ L(V), and let p ∈ P(F) be a polynomial. Show that if p(λ) is an eigenvalue of p(T), then λ is an eigenvalue of T. Under the additional assumption that V is a complex vector space, and conclude that {μ | λ an eigenvalue of p(T)} = {p(λ) | λan eigenvalue of T}.

In: Advanced Math