
In: Advanced Math

4. Gradient descent. Gradient descent is one of the most popular algorithms in data science and...

4. Gradient descent. Gradient descent is one of the most popular algorithms in data science and by far the most common way to optimise neural networks. A function is minimised by iteratively moving a little bit in the direction of negative gradient. For the two-dimensional case, the step of iteration is given by the formula xn+1 , yn+1 = xn, yn − ε ∇f(xn, yn). In general, ε does not have to be a constant, but in this question, for demonstrative purposes, we set ε = 0.1. Let f(x, y) = 3.5x 2 − 4xy + 6.5y 2 and x0 and y0 be any real numbers. (a) For all x, y ∈ R compute ∇f(x, y) and find a matrix A such that [3] A x y = x y − ε ∇f(x, y). Write an expression for xn yn in terms of x0 and y0 and powers of A. (b) Find the eigenvalues of A. [1] (c) Find one eigenvector corresponding to each eigenvalue. [2] (d) Find matrices P and D such that D is diagonal and A = P DP −1 . [1] (e) Find matrices Dn , P −1 and An . Find formulas for xn and yn. [4] (f) Suppose x0 = y0 = 1. Find the smallest N ∈ N such that xN yN ≤ 0.05. [3] (g) Sketch the region R consisting of those (x0, y0) such that xN ≥ 0, yN ≥ 0 and [4] xN yN ≤ 0.05, xN−1 yN−1 > 0.05, where N is the number found in part (f). Write an equation for the boundary of R. Which points of the boundary belongs to R and which do not?


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