first matrix A [ 2 -1 3 ] [-4 0 -2 ] [2 -5 12 ]...

first matrix A

[ 2 -1 3 ]

[-4 0 -2 ]

[2 -5 12 ]

[4 0 4 ]

amd b





solve for Ax=b

using tan LU factorization of A

In: Advanced Math

Let y′=y(4−ty) and y(0)=0.85. Use Euler's method to find approximate values of the solution of the...

Let y′=y(4−ty) and y(0)=0.85.

Use Euler's method to find approximate values of the solution of the given initial value problem at t=0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5, and 3 with h=0.05.

Carry out all calculations exactly and round the final answers to six decimal places.

In: Advanced Math

[ 1 -1 3 -3 5 2 ] A=[ 1 -1 4 -1 9 -4 ]...

[ 1 -1 3 -3 5 2 ]

A=[ 1 -1 4 -1 9 -4 ]

[ -1 1 -3 3 -4 8  ]




use the row reduction algorithm to solve the following

Describe the solution set of Ax=b in parametric vector form

describe the solution set of Ax=0 as Span[ V1,V2,....,Vp]

In: Advanced Math

Show that at least four of any 37 days must fall in the same month of...

Show that at least four of any 37 days must fall in the same month of the year

In: Advanced Math

A study was conducted to determine whether the final grade of a student in an introductory...

A study was conducted to determine whether the final grade of a student in an introductory psychology course is linearly related to his or her performance on the verbal ability test administered before college entrance. The verbal scores and final grades for 1010 students are shown in the table below.

Student Verbal Score xx Final Grade yy
11 6565 7878
22 5151 5858
33 6161 7474
44 4949 6161
55 3131 3434
66 6969 8282
77 4747 5252
88 7575 9494
99 3333 3838
1010 2525 2626

Find the least squares line.

y=___ +___ x

In: Advanced Math

III. Use Table to generate a list of ordered pairs (x,sin x) for x=0, \[Pi]/12, 2\[Pi]/12,...

III. Use Table to generate a list of ordered pairs (x,sin x) for x=0, \[Pi]/12, 2\[Pi]/12, 3\[Pi]/12, ..., 2\[Pi]. You should end up with a list of lists. Then do it again but without using Table.

Mathematica assignment, any ideas?

In: Advanced Math

Fix a group G. We say that elements g1, g2∈G are conjugate if there exists h∈G...

Fix a group G. We say that elements g1, g2G are conjugate if there exists hG such that

hg1h1 = g2.

  1. Prove that conjugacy is an equivalence relation.
  2. Prove that if gZ(G), the center of G, then its conjugacy classes has cardinality one.
  3. Let G = Sn. Prove that h(i1i2 ... it)h1  = (h(i1) h(i2) ... h(it)), where ij∈{1, 2, ... , n }.
  4. Prove that the partition of S3 into conjugacy classes is {{e} , {(1 2), (2 3), (1 3)} , {(1 2 3), (1 3 2)}} .That is, there are three distinct conjugacy classes: the set consisting of the 1-cycle e is one class, the set of 2-cycles is another class, and the set of 3-cycles forms the last conjugacy class.
  5. Describe (with justification) the partition of S4  into conjugacy classes explicitly. Be sure to be clear as to exactly how many conjugacy classes there are, give a representative element of each, and tell us how to determine which conjugacy class a given element of S4 belongs. [Hint: You might want to invent a concept of "cycle type" to describe your answer.]
  6. Are the elements
    1   2   3  
    0 2 -7
    0 0 5
    1   0   0  
    0 5 π
    -1 0 2
    conjugate in the group GL3(R)? Justify.

In: Advanced Math

A recent 10-year study conducted by a research team at the Medical School was conducted to...

A recent 10-year study conducted by a research team at the Medical School was conducted to assess how age, blood pressure, and smoking relate to the risk of strokes. Assume that the following data are from a portion of this study. Risk is interpreted as the probability (times 100) that the patient will have a stroke over the next 10-year period. For the smoking variable, define a dummy variable with 1 indicating a smoker and 0 indicating a nonsmoker.



12 57 150 No
26 60 165 No
11 59 155 No
57 86 170 Yes
28 59 196 Yes
50 76 189 Yes
17 56 155 Yes
32 78 120 No
37 80 135 No
15 78 98 No
22 71 152 No
36 70 173 Yes
15 67 135 Yes
48 77 209 Yes
14 60 199 No
36 82 119 Yes
8 65 166 No
34 82 125 No
3 61 117 No
39 60 208 Yes
(a) Develop an estimated multiple regression equation that relates risk of a stroke to the person's age, blood pressure, and whether the person is a smoker.
Let x1 represent the person's age.
Let x2 represent the person's blood pressure.
Let x3 represent whether the person is a smoker.

Is smoking a significant factor in the risk of a stroke? Explain. Use a 0.05 level of significance.

(c) What is the probability of a stroke over the next 10 years for Art Speen, a 65-year-old smoker who has a blood pressure of 174?
If required, round your answer to two decimal places.

What action might the physician recommend for this patient?

What other factors could be included in the model as independent variables?
(i) Family History of Stroke
(ii) Weight/obesity
(iii) Gender
(iv) All of the above

In: Advanced Math

Consider the mixing process shown in the figure. A mixing chamber initially contains 2 liters of...

Consider the mixing process shown in the figure. A mixing chamber initially contains 2 liters of a clear liquid. Clear liquid flows into the chamber at a rate of 10 liters per minute. A dye solution having a concentration of 0.75 kilograms per liter is injected into the mixing chamber at a constant rate of r liters per minute. When the mixing process is started, the well-stirred mixture is pumped from the chamber at a rate of 10+r liters per minute.

Part A and B provided. Please solve part C...

(a) Develop a mathematical model for the mixing process. Let Q represent the amount of dye in kilograms in the mixture.
dQ/dt = _______ kg / min


(b) The objective is to obtain a dye concentration in the outflow mixture of 0.1 kilograms per liter. What injection rate r is required to achieve this equilibrium solution?
r =______ L / min


Would this equilibrium value of r be different if the fluid in the chamber at time t=0 contained some dye?

(c) Assume the mixing chamber contains 2 liters of clear liquid at time t=0. How many minutes will it take for the outflow concentration to rise to within 1% of the desired concentration of 0.1 kilograms per liter?
t = ___________ min

In: Advanced Math

prove that sign p=sign ^-p (if p is a permutation).

prove that sign p=sign ^-p (if p is a permutation).

In: Advanced Math

How many subgroups of order 9 and 49 may there be in a Group of order...

How many subgroups of order 9 and 49 may there be in a Group of order 441

In: Advanced Math

A brine solution of salt flows at a constant rate of 4 ​L/min into a large...

A brine solution of salt flows at a constant rate of 4 ​L/min into a large tank that initially held 100 L of pure water. The solution inside the tank is kept well stirred and flows out of the tank at a rate of 3 ​L/min. If the concentration of salt in the brine entering the tank is 0.6 ​kg/L, determine the mass of salt in the tank after t min. When will the concentration of salt in the tank reach 0.1 ​kg/L?

In: Advanced Math

Solve the Following Equation: y'' + y' + y = a*sin(ω*t), y(0) = 0 , y'(0)...

Solve the Following Equation:

y'' + y' + y = a*sin(ω*t), y(0) = 0 , y'(0) = 0


In: Advanced Math

Describe the level surfaces for the 3-variable function: f(x,y,z) = z/(x-y)

Describe the level surfaces for the 3-variable function: f(x,y,z) = z/(x-y)

In: Advanced Math

Let p and q be any two distinct prime numbers and define the relation a R...

Let p and q be any two distinct prime numbers and define the relation a R b on integers a,b by: a R b iff b-a is divisible by both p and q. For this relation R: Prove that R is an equivalence relation.

you may use the following lemma: If p is prime and p|mn, then p|m or p|n. Indicate in your proof the step(s) for which you invoke this lemma.

In: Advanced Math