Check if each of the following ODEs is an exact. If it is not an exact...

Check if each of the following ODEs is an exact. If it is not an exact find an integrating factor to make it an exact. Then solve each of the following ODEs.

(e) dx + (x/y−siny)dy = 0

(f) ydx + (2x−yey)dy = 0

(g) (3x2y + 2xy + y3)dx + (x2 + y2)dy = 0

In: Advanced Math

green inc. produces A and B it wishes to maximize the profit from the two items....

green inc. produces A and B it wishes to maximize the profit from the two items.

the linear program is given as below:
Max 4A+2B
s.t 4A + B <_ 16 available in graphics dept
5A + 5B <_ 40 hrs in printing
3A + 10B <_30 hrs in finishing

A, B >_ 0

provide complete optimal solution as follow:
1. graph the constraints and piuny iht the feasible region.

2. grapgh the objective function line
3. move the objetive function line parallel upwards and point out the optimal solution.
4. calculate rhe co-ordinates of the optimal and discuss what it means in terms of decsiom variables

<_ = less than with the line underneath

In: Advanced Math

let f(x,y)=x^2y(2-x+y^2)-4x^2(1+x+y)^7+x^3y^2(1-3x-y)^8 find the coefficient of x^5y^3

let f(x,y)=x^2y(2-x+y^2)-4x^2(1+x+y)^7+x^3y^2(1-3x-y)^8 find the coefficient of x^5y^3

In: Advanced Math

The Eiffel Tower is 325 metres tall. Assuming the earth is perfectly spherical, how far can...

The Eiffel Tower is 325 metres tall. Assuming the earth is perfectly spherical, how far can a person with perfect eye-sight can see from the top of the Eiffel Tower? Again, a good sketch would come in very handy for this problem. Since the precise definition of the word ”far” is somewhat unclear, an approximate answer should suffice. If you make any assumption, then explain why they are reasonable assumption.

In: Advanced Math

Graphing equations on a coordinate plane is a simple way to visually represent the relationship between...

Graphing equations on a coordinate plane is a simple way to visually represent the relationship between the input values (x) of an equation and the output values (y). This visual representation allows us to make predictions, solve problems, find the point(s) that solve both equations (when there are two), and analyze many other useful business and everyday situations.

Name some real-life situations where graphing could be useful. Discuss your ideas. Name some real-life situations where finding the coordinates of the midpoint of a line segment could be useful.
Choose three non-collinear points on the coordinate plane, making sure none of your points is the origin. On a sheet of paper, graph the three points and draw line segments to connect the points and make a triangle. Label the vertices of the triangle A, B, and C. Now describe the new coordinates of points A, B, and C after the following transformations:
Translation of point A around the origin
90° rotation around point B
Reflection of the triangle across the x-axis

Detail your work and tell what the coordinates of all of the relevant points are.

Choose two coordinate points. On a sheet of paper or in a graphing utility, graph the segment that connects the two points. Now choose a ratio. Divide the segment into two parts according to your ratio. Detail your work and tell what the coordinates of all of the relevant points are.
Choose two different coordinate points. On a sheet of paper or in a graphing utility, graph the line that connects the two points.
Write the equation of this line in slope intercept form. Label it line A.
Now create a new line in slope intercept form that is parallel to line A and that passes through the origin. Label it line B.
Now create a third line in slope intercept form that is perpendicular to line A and passes through the y-intercept of line A. Label it line C.

In: Advanced Math

Tom has taken out a loan for college. He started paying off the loan with a...

Tom has taken out a loan for college. He started paying off the loan with a first payment of $200. Each month he pays, he wants to pay back 1.2 times as the amount he paid the month before. Explain to Tom how to represent his first 30 payments in sigma notation. Then explain how to find the sum of his first 30 payments, using complete sentences. Explain why this series is convergent or divergent.

In: Advanced Math

Calculate the length of the curve r (t) = (3cost, 5t, 3sint) and calculate what is...

Calculate the length of the curve r (t) = (3cost, 5t, 3sint) and calculate what is indicated below
a) Unit tangent vector T=
b) Main Normal Vector N =
c) Binormal vector B =
d) Function curvature k =
e) Torsion function t =
f) the tangential and normal acceleration components at = and aN =

In: Advanced Math

Problem 3. An isometry between inner-product spaces V and W is a linear operator L in...

Problem 3. An isometry between inner-product spaces V and W is a linear
operator L in B (V ,W) that preserves norms and inner-products. If x, y in V
and if L is an isometry, then we have <L(x),L(y)>_W = <x, y>_V .
Suppose that V and W are both real, n-dimensional inner-product spaces.
Thus the scalar field for both is R and both of them have a basis consisting of
n elements. Show that V and W are isometric by demonstrating an isometry
between them.
Hint: take both bases, and cite some linear algebra result that says that
you can orthonormalize them. Prove (or cite someone to convince me) that you
can define a linear function by specifying its action on a basis. Finally, define
your isometry by deciding what it should do on an orthonormal basis for V , and
prove that it preserves inner-products (and thus norms).

In: Advanced Math

Problem 1. Show that the cross product defined on R^3 by [x1 x2 x3] X [y1...

Problem 1. Show that the cross product defined on R^3 by [x1 x2 x3] X [y1 y2 y3]
= [(x2y3 − x3y2), (x3y1 − x1y3), (x1y2 − x2y1)] makes R^3 into an algebra.
We already know that R^3 forms a vector space, so all that needs to be shown is that
the X operator is bilinear.
Afterwards, show that the cross product is neither commutative nor associative.
A counterexample suffices here. If you want, you can write a program that
checks the commutative and associative laws for x, y, z in R^3, and then simply
generate random integer vectors x, y, z in Z^3 a subset of R^3 until those laws fail.

In: Advanced Math

5. The cost of heart procedures for a county-run hospital is $125,000, with a fixed cost...

5. The cost of heart procedures for a county-run hospital is $125,000, with a fixed cost of $50,000 and a variable cost of $75,000. The hospital completed 250 procedures last year. [A] Assuming no changes in the number of procedures the hospital will perform next year, calculate the cost of surgery for next year, if (a) a 2% increase in variable and 1.5% increase in fixed costs, and (b) it wants to maintain 3.5% safety margin. [B] What would be the cost if the number of procedures (1) will increase by 2%, and (2) will decrease by 4%, with and without safety margin, assuming no changes in cost conditions next year?

In: Advanced Math

7. Prove that the folowing is a valid argument, explaining each rule of inference used to...


Prove that the folowing is a valid argument, explaining each rule of inference used to arrive at the conclusion.

  1. “I take the bus or I walk. If I walk I get tired. I do not get tired. Therefore I take the bus.”

  2. “All lions are fierce. Some lions do not drink coffee. Therefore, some fierce creatures to not drink coffee."

In: Advanced Math

If technology is so wonderful, why do i need to understand the basics of matrix operations?...

If technology is so wonderful, why do i need to understand the basics of matrix operations? Why cant i just an app on a smart phone?

In: Advanced Math

4(a). Find the equation y = ax + b of the line passing through (2,3) and...

4(a). Find the equation y = ax + b of the line passing through (2,3) and (5,8). (Your answer should be an equation of the form y = ax + b, for some constants a and b.)

(b) Find the equation y = ax^2 + bx + c of the parabola passing through the points (-2, -6), (1,6), and (3,4). (Your answer should be an equation of the form y = ax^2 + bx + c, for some constants a, b, and c.)

Hint: Substituting the x- and y-coordinates of a point into the equation y = ax^2 + bx + c will produce a linear equation in a, b, and c. Do this for the three given points to get the three linear equations. Then solve the system of linear equations.

In: Advanced Math

Consider the solid S with the following properties: • The base of S is the triangle...

Consider the solid S with the following properties: • The base of S is the triangle T with vertices (0, 0),(1, 0), and (0, 1). • When S is sliced perpendicularly to the x-axis, it has square cross sections.

(a) (4 points) Sketch the base T and determine the equations of its three edges.

(b) (3 points) Set up an integral to compute the volume of S.

(c) (3 points) Evaluate the integral from part (b).

In: Advanced Math

Show that the integers have infinite index in the additive group of rational numbers.

Show that the integers have infinite index in the additive group of rational numbers.

In: Advanced Math