Steps in tissue processing for paraffin sections
1) Obtaining a fresh specimen
- Fresh specimen can taken from various places.The
fixation of specimen has to take place at the site of removal
itself or immediatley transport the specimen to the laboratary for
the further tests.
2) Fixation
- The fixation of the specimen usually do it with
formaldehyde(fixative).This will slowly penetrate into the tissues
and make it harden.
3) Dehydration
- Dehydration is carried out by immersing the specimen in
a series of ethanol of increasing concentration until it gets
pure,water free alcohol is reached.All molecules of the water
should be removed.
4) Clearing
- After dehydration the tissue is water free,but still it
cannot infilterate it with wax because ethanol are immiscible.So to
make it miscible a intermediate solvent has to be used to miscible
ethanol and wax.This solvent remove ethanol and wax from the
tissues.This process is termed as clearing.
5) Wax infilteration
- After clearing the the tissue can infilterated with a
suitable wax.
- The wax formulations have very speculiar physical
properties to allow the tissues that are infilterated with these
wax to be sectioned to form ribbons and to retain elasticity to be
flatten fully when introduced into a warm water bath.
6) Embedding or blocking out
- After wax filteration the specimen is completley
infilterated with wax and must be formed into blocks.
- This is carried out using embedding centre (filled with
molten wax) and the speciemen placed into it.
- After the specimen oriented intoo the mould a cassete
is placed on the top with more wax and placed on a cold plate to
make it harden.
- After that the block attcahed with the cassete is
removed from the mould and is ready for microtomy.