In: Psychology
Different cultures conceptualize and measure components of intelligence in various ways. Some cultures value a person’s ability to quickly process and respond to information. Other cultures may value one’s ability to consult with members of the same culture who have more life experience in order to solve problems. Still, other cultures value creativity, formal education, and literacy as a basis of intelligence. With so many variations in cultural beliefs, how do researchers ensure accurate measurements of intelligence among different cultures? For example, can standardized tests of intellectual ability from a Western culture adequately and appropriately measure the intelligence valued by Kpelle farmers in Liberia?
For this Assignment, consider how cultures interpret intelligence differently. Reflect on how various cultures measure intelligence. Use your Final Project culture of interest and, in addition, select another culture that defines intelligence differently. Consider how you might test different cognitive abilities (e.g., memory, organization, and visualization) in each of these two different cultures.
The Assignment (4–5 pages)
American and another culture
1. Describe the two cultures you selected and compare how each culture perceives intelligence.
2. Explain three cultural factors that might influence how intelligence is perceived in each culture you selected.
3. Explain how you might measure intelligence in each culture and why you selected this method.
4. Support your responses using the Learning Resources and the current literature.
The concept of intelligence is based on the different social and cultural differences in our environment.Concepts of intelligence may differ even within cultures. A study was conducted where concepts of intelligence varied within subgroups of tribes in rural Uganda. In this study, some tribes viewed intelligence as practical skills whereas, cognitive speed was not appreciated. This shows that intelligent behaviour differs from the place, time and events. Cross-cultural studies of intelligence have varied schools of thought. The relativist school of thought argues that intelligence is that demonstration which a specific culture characterizes or values as keen. This proposes intelligence is relative, contingent upon how unique activities are completed at various circumstances by various gatherings. This proposes intelligence will have an indigenous importance and idea for a specific gathering of individuals sharing a typical culture. Anastasi contended that it is the blend of capacities that are utilized for survival and progression in that culture that ought to be characterized as intelligence in that same condition. This is a relativist perspective. Relativism, be that as it may, does not take into consideration fruitful quantitative investigation or estimation of intelligence inside a group. Any endeavour is probably going to cause more damage than great inside that group, as an elucidation of such estimations may turn out to be off base. Universalism is the direct contrast to relativism. The assumption is that there are universal abilities which all species possess despite cultural differences. Regardless of the environment in which they find themselves humans will possess innate abilities which enable them to carry out tasks that measure intelligence and solve problems. It has been noted that human abilities develop according to “ecological demands”. These demands he points out enable individuals to function within a cultural environment. Individuals possess common abilities such as spatial abilities and cognitive abilities. These abilities, he points out, develops over time. Individuals are species that adjust to suit their condition consequently the distinctions in marking of those practices that are satisfactory as astute in each culture. These abilities may change as indicated by singular cultures and condition. Notwithstanding, the development of cognitive styles, spatial abilities and the attainment of Piagetian stages are universal regardless of culture. This proposes we as a whole have some normal intrinsic abilities which are what specialists look to gauge or find when people notwithstanding culture are tried.
Asian Conceptions of Intelligence
Eastern originations of insight are depicted as established in Eastern Conventions. Culture and conventions administer impression of insight in the district. Originations of knowledge will shift altogether in Asia as the landmass comprises of an extensive variety of social contrasts and convictions. For example, India situated in South East Asia has more than 200 unique dialects. Hindi is the official dialect and is likewise a standout amongst the most normally talked dialects on the planet, besides English and Chinese. Some Asian societies grasp Confucian, Taoist, Hindu and Buddhist methods of insight. These methods of insight empower good and religious dispositions which are intelligent of individual conduct, in this way knowledge is joined with religion and good conduct. Some South East and East Asian societies additionally have numerous similitudes because of their initial transitory examples. The number of inhabitants in this district has been impacted by different southward movements. This likewise made diverse ethnic examples. Contemporary social practices and convictions in this locale show that many convey with them the social legacy of their Chinese progenitors. Thus, there exists a substantial local Chinese populace in the area. The Taiwanese are cases of such social mixing. The official dialect in Taiwan is Mandarin Chinese albeit articulated in four unmistakable tones. Cantonese, Hokkien, and Teochew are Southern Chinese dialects additionally broadly talked in South East Asia among huge populaces alongside their indigenous dialects. There are a few nations which share some social similitudes, (for example, Singapore, Thailand, Korea) while others contrast extensively, (for example, Vietnam, Philippines). As a dialect, sustenance, religion, and aggregate lifestyles may fluctuate starting with one Asian culture then onto the next, thusly, ideas of knowledge may likewise differ. These distinctions in an impression of knowledge may happen when a specific subgroup conceptualizes certain practices as astute while another subgroup does not see such conduct as smart. East Asian societies, be that as it may, do bear a few similitudes. Confucian, Taoist, Buddhist and Hindu customs are intelligent of Asian societies since most punctual circumstances. Ideas of insight may, thusly, be affected by these conventions.
Western Conceptions of Intelligence
As Asian culture is generally assorted so are societies of Western nations. People in Scandinavian nations, North American nations and Europe may have an extensive variety of ideas of insight. Unfortunately, they have had a tendency to be categorized together as Western originations of insight. This may not be a sensible thought. Inside Western culture there exist bigger quantities of "subcultures". For example, Europeans talk an assortment of dialects going from Belgian to French, Danish, English, Dutch and German. They may likewise have distinctive social esteems. Along these lines, originations of knowledge inside these countries may shift. Western originations of insight are all the more verifiably based. That is, it has developed because of human adjustment to Western culture. Western movement is more innovative than different societies. Because of this innovative condition, ideas of insight may incorporate reasonable aptitudes and capacities. It is likewise bureaucratic in nature consequently requiring psychological aptitudes and techniques, for example, getting a handle on relations and thinking emblematically. This proposes as a result of the complexities of Western culture knowledge is versatile in nature. People utilize those abilities significant to regular daily existence, for example, surmising, unique thinking, critical thinking, issue exchange and basic leadership. Western originations of insight have been contemplated widely. For example, an examination researched lay and master originations of insight in the USA. This examination was led by haphazardly enrolling laypersons at prepare stations, general stores or school premises and requesting that members "round out" open-finished surveys about their originations of shrewd conduct. The practices depicted by the laypersons were assembled into three qualities to be specific: Intelligent, Academically keen and Everyday clever. The specialists proceeded with their examination by soliciting specialists in the field from knowledge to rate whether the practices recorded under each of the three gatherings are to be sure normal for a canny individual. Likewise, factor examination of evaluations from 65 respondents' additionally regarded specialists in the field of insight was led. The Americans evaluated verbal knowledge as essential with high loadings appearing for qualities, for example, "shows a decent vocabulary", and "is verbally familiar". Critical thinking capacities, for example, "ready to apply information to issue close by", "prepares", and "uses sound judgment" were likewise appraised as imperative by the two specialists and laypersons in the United States. The down to earth insight factors likewise had huge loadings for practices, for example, "shows attention to world around him/her" and "presentations enthusiasm for the world on the loose". Another American investigation found that more established grown-ups in the United States put an immense accentuation on viable parts of knowledge and furthermore put a lot of significance on general intellectual capacity. Other Western examinations portrayed subjective aptitudes, basic leadership, critical thinking and social abilities as attributes of knowledge.
The Eastern/Asian and Western originations of knowledge explored above propose that similitudes do exist between social gatherings. They additionally see subjective aptitudes and capacities as imperative descriptors of a canny individual. Basic leadership, verbal precision, critical thinking aptitudes, perceptual abilities and induction are exceedingly vital qualities of insight inside these societies. Every one of the three societies lay accentuation on learning as a result of insight. For example, Confucian conventions anticipate that one will look for learning, develop oneself in order to be viewed as clever. This implies being seen as keen includes a procedure of self-development which is the center of the Confucian way. The procedure of self-development is additionally persistent in nature. Western originations of insight likewise incorporate learning. Both the way of life look for learning through ecological encounters. This might be accomplished formally or casually by perusing instructive or religious books, learning in school or at home. Information can be obtained casually through those regular encounters which are repetitive, for example, basic leadership, conceptual thinking and critical thinking. Social aptitudes are additionally portrayed as normal for a savvy individual in each of the three societies. Relational aptitudes, social characteristics, and social connections are required to be looked after effectively. For example, Confucianism depicts social connections as an amicable connection amongst man and man, nature and man and paradise and man. American culture tends to relate an abnormal state of social fitness with insight. Social insight in Asian societies might be established in the family framework. Families are typically reached out in nature and in that capacity social ability are instilled in all parts of family life. The collaboration between relatives is likewise a vital part of culture. This might be the reason Asian societies portray social knowledge as very vital. Be that as it may, contrasts in originations of knowledge likewise may exist. For example, Western and Asian societies lay accentuation on the capacity to exceed expectations scholastically while provincial African people group lean more towards social practices and down to earth capacity valuable in regular errands. Also, African originations, for example, luo, reiko, ngom et cetera are special to different African societies. Some of these thoughts of insight have no genuine proportionate in Western and Asian societies. In like manner some Western ideas of knowledge stay new in African societies, for example, speed while finishing errands as required by numerous IQ tests. This recommends the distinctive social esteem arrangement of each culture will impact thoughts of knowledge. Another significant contrast is that Asian societies have originations of knowledge which are generally entwined with religious and philosophical convictions. Asian culture is worried about the person's self-change. The individual is relied upon to continually take a shot at endeavoring to enhance one's self. Knowledge is likewise connected with ethics in Asian societies. In this manner, demonstrating that there are critical contrasts over the way of life evaluated.