
In: Economics

If wood packaging material is found to be ISPM15 non-compliant, who is responsible to pay the...

If wood packaging material is found to be ISPM15 non-compliant, who is responsible to pay the costs incurred in the disposition of the non-compliant packaging? *

The person who has custody of the non-complaint material at the time of entry to Canada

The carrier

The seller

The freight forwarder

The buyer

How long is a ATA Carnet valid for? *

Is valid for up to 1 year from the importing date

Is valid for up to 1 year from its issue date

Is valid for up to 4 years from its issue date

Is valid for 10 years from the exporting date

Is valid for up to 1 year from the exporting date

When stowing bags, sacks or bales in container, what method of stacking should be used? *

The bonding method

The chimney method

The rubbing-in method

The chafing method

The cross-tier method

Which document indicates the amount the buyer must remit to the seller? *

The commercial invoice

Canada Customs Coding Form

The packing list

The Proforma invoice

The certificate of origin

What document is required if goods are shipping through the U.S for further export and exceed the LVS? *

The consular invoice

The Canada customs invoice

The certificate of origin

The export declaration

The commercial invoice

Which function of packaging focuses on providing the customer with product information? *




Logistics and supply chain


Which of the following packaging is ideal for air transportation? *

Nailed wooden boxes


Created plywood boxes

Wire-bound boxes

Fiberboard boxes

Which of the following is ideal to use as an overpack of solid or corrugated cardboard boxes? *


Steel drums

Wire-bound boxes



How long is the time limit for removal of general goods from a Place of Safe-keeping? *

Within 90 days after they were deposited

Within 40 days after they were deposited

Within 30 days after they were deposited

Within 75 days after they were deposited

Within 70 days after they were deposited

For cargo travelling over various modes of transport, what is the most important thing to consider when planning the stow? *

The toughest part of the journey

The air portion of the journey

The port congestion during the high season

The weather conditions during the journey

The transloading facilities during the journey

Who issues most phytosanitary certificates? *

Global Affairs Canada

Canadian Food Inspection Agency




Which party usually prepares and signs the packing list? *

The shipper

The carrier

The importer

The Chamber of Commerce of the exporting country

The freight forwarder

Who issues the Consular invoice? *

The trade commissioner of the destination country in the exporting country

The Chamber of Commerce of the exporting country

The exporter

The Ministry of Health of the exporting country

The Ministry of trade of the exporting country

What types of warehouses are operated as a division of a company whose core business is warehousing? *

Customs bonded warehouse

Highway frontier examining warehouse

Private warehouse

Public warehouse

Queen’s warehouse

Sufferance warehouses

How long is the time limit to keep wine in customs bonded warehouse? *

4 years

90 days

48 hours

15 years

5 years

Which Canadian government department issues the import permit? *

Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Export Import Canada

Global Affairs Canada

Canadian Chamber of Commerce


What effect does unitization have on insurance claims and why? *

An increase in premiums as vessel certificate is required

An increase in premiums as surveys cannot be done

A decrease in claims as damage is reduced

An increase in claims as exposure to damage is increased

A decrease in claims as pilferage is reduced

course name essentials of freight forwarding
program IBM 1002


Expert Solution

If wood packaging material is found to be ISPM15 non-compliant, who is responsible to pay the costs incurred in the disposition of the non-compliant packaging- The person who has custody of the non-complaint material at the time of entry to Canada

How long is a ATA Carnet valid for? A Carnet is valid for a maximum period of 1 year from the date of issue.

When stowing bags, sacks or bales in container, what method of stacking should be used? The bonding method

Which document indicates the amount the buyer must remit to the seller? - The commercial invoice issued by a seller

What document is required if goods are shipping through the U.S for further export and exceed the LVS? The export declaration

Which function of packaging focuses on providing the customer with product information?- Marketing

Which of the following packaging is ideal for air transportation?  Fiberboard boxes

Which of the following is ideal to use as an overpack of solid or corrugated cardboard boxes? Wire-bound boxes

How long is the time limit for removal of general goods from a Place of Safe-keeping? Within 40 days after they were deposited

For cargo travelling over various modes of transport, what is the most important thing to consider when planning the stow? The port congestion during the high season

Who issues most phytosanitary certificates? Global Affairs Canada

Which party usually prepares and signs the packing list? The shipper

Who issues the Consular invoice? The trade commissioner of the destination country in the exporting country

What types of warehouses are operated as a division of a company whose core business is warehousing? Customs bonded warehouse

How long is the time limit to keep wine in customs bonded warehouse? 5 years

Which Canadian government department issues the import permit? Canadian Food Inspection Agency

What effect does unitization have on insurance claims and why?  A decrease in claims as pilferage is reduced course name essentials of freight forwarding program IBM 1002

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