
In: Operations Management

Case Study Deutche Bank Deutsche Bank was founded in Berlin in 1870 as a specialist bank...

Case Study Deutche Bank

Deutsche Bank was founded in Berlin in 1870 as a specialist bank for foreign trade by Georg Siemens and L. Bambeger.  During the early years  major projects included the. Northern Pacific Railroad in the US and the Baghdad Railroad in Iraq.  During WWI the Deutsche Bank lost most of its foreign assets and had to sell of many holdings.  At the same time, however the bank helped to establishment of the film production company, UFA, and the merger of Daimler and Benz.Darker days fell upon the Deutsche Bank after Hitler came to power, instituting the and the Deutsche Bank dismissed its three Jewish board members, and in subsequent years, took part in the confiscation of Jewish-owned businesses.  The bank itself fell into German government hands during which time it provided banking for the Gestapo and loaned the funds used to build the Auschwitz and IG Farben facilities.  It later contributed to a $5.2 billion in compensation fund following lawsuits brought by Holocaust survivors. In October 2001, Deutsche Bank was listed on the New York Exchange.  It was later named one of the major dirvers of the collaterized debt obligation market during the 2004-2008 housing bubble.In spite of Deutsche Banks’ involvement in these historical issues, it has recently made a commitment to both social endeavors and to the environment.  Deutsche Bank has invested in social projects such as StreetSmart, a campaign to raise money for charities for the homeless in the UK, and Surviving Winter, a campaign to help older and vulnerable individuals stay warm and well. Deutsche Bank has a commitment to long-term environmental sustainability. This includes reducing waste and working towards becoming more carbon neutral, and supporting innovative new technology. Since 2008 all electricity needs in the UK were met with renewable energies, and  85% of Deutsche Bank staff are now part of the Bin the Bin recycling initiative, reducing unrecyclable waste by 72% in two years.   

Case Study The HCT Group

HCT Group is an established bus operation with services across the UK , running including ten red London bus routes, Park and Ride services, and NHS staff transport.  HCT was launched in the 1980 to provide community transport in Hackney, London. At that time it was just one of many small community transport organizations that provided low-cost minibus transportation for marginalized communities, non profit organizations and social clubs.  It also provided transportation for disabled persons who had difficulty using public transportation.  HCT relied on grans and donations to support the operation.   However, in 1993, HCT like many similar companies found it hard to get grans to support their service.  Since the need in the community was just as great, HCT set out to find bold, new ways to meet their financial needs. This required rethinking how they conducted business and developing a new business model that would not rely on grants but on winning commercial transport contracts. HCT believed that if they could win such contracts, they could reinvest the profits into projects for the community that would have strong social impacts.  Part of this model included training the disadvantaged people of the community to take on the roles of drivers, passenger assistants and other jobs that not only provided them with income but allowed them to gain life-changing skills. HCT develop their own training skills to pass on to their employees and landed their first contract.  They went on to become the only accredited center for passenger transpotation training in Hackney, training 392 long-term unemployed people who became qualified in 2010-2011. By 2001 HCT had developed their skills as leaders in the transportation business to the point where they could compete for contracts with major transportation companies and won their first red bus route, opening them up to rapid growth.  Partnerships with other organizations opened up new depots and routes.  HCT now provides over 12 million passenger trips every year.  All profits are reinvested into the communities they service and fund training for long-term unempolyed.  At HCT it is not shareholders who reap the benefits but the skateholders.

Case Study:  Coca Cola

Coca Cola was invented by Doctor John Pemberton, a pharmacist, in 1886 in his back yard in Atlanta, Georgia.   His bookkeeper, Frank Robinson came up with the name and the flowing letters that don coke cans until this day.  The drink was initially sold at one soda fountain in Atlanta, bring in about $50 a day in revenue, while production costs equaled over $70, obviously operating at a loss.  A year after its inception, another pharmacist, Asa Candler bought the formula from Pemberton and through aggressive marketing made Coca Cola one of the most popular fountain drinks in America.  As the soda fountain era came to an end, the era of bottled soft drinks and fast food restaurants began to rise and opened up a new distribution channel for Coca Cola.  Today more than 1.4 billion drinks are consumed per day around the world in over 200 countries. The Coca-Cola Company is currently the world's largest beverage company, with more than 500 brands. They are the number one provider of sparkling beverages, ready-to-drink coffees, and juices and juice drinks in the world.According to Coca Cola’s 2012-2013 Sustainability Report, “At Coca-Cola, sustainability is a critical component of our business strategy. It is about improving lives, creating jobs, increasing opportunity, preserving resources and meeting needs for the communities we proudly serve around the globe,” said Muhtar Kent, Chairman and CEO, The Coca-Cola Company. “There are no issues that will more shape or define the 21st century than the global empowerment of women; the management of the world’s precious water resources; and the well-being of the world’s growing population.”Coca Cola’s sustainability focus is based on a framework of “Me, We, World” and has three leadership priorities:  Women, Water, and Well-being.  The focus on women addresses women entrepreneurs to help them overcome barriers to starting and operating businesses from fruit farmers to artisans in 22 countries.   In the area of sustainability, Coca Cola’s water initiative with companies and organizations throughout the world to reduce water use and deliver safe drinking water to communities in need. Coca Cola partnered with DEKA to provide Slingshot ™, a vapor compression water purification machine that can produce about 30 liters of water an hour on minimal energy usage, to communities in need of clean water in rural parts of Latin America and Africa.  In the area of well-being Coca Cola has focused on addressing obesity through production of low or no calorie products and has decreased its average calories per serving in its drinks by nine percent.   In addition, they support healthy living programs in many countries.Coca Cola maintains a philanthropic arm of the company that supports many community based initiatives, investing over $101.6 million in 2012 alone.  They have maintained their policy not to market to children, and address global climate issues through an ambitious goal of reducing their carbon footprint by 25% by 2020.

Case Study:  Intel and Corporate Social Responsibility

Intel Corporation is a semiconductor chip maker corporation headquartered in Santa Clara, California. Based on revenue, Intel is one of the world's largest semiconductor chip makers with an multinational presence. Intel Corporation was founded in 1968,  by semiconductor pioneers Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore under the executive leadership and vision of Andrew Grove. Intel makes motherboards, network interface controllers, integrated circuits, flash member, graphic chips, and processors, combining advanced chip design capability with a leading-edge manufacturing capability. Until 1981 the majority of its business was devoted to SRAM and DRAM memory chip manufacturing.  Currently Intel is actively developing the 3-D transitor and 4th generation core processors.  As a socially responsible corporation, Intel is actively involved in improving lives, the community, and the environment.  In 1988 Intel established the Intel Foundation to fund educational and charitable endeavors.  Intel corporate leadership has a history of investment and engagement in programs to support social issues that has generated significant value both for Intel and for their stakeholders.  Intel is especially active in developing “conflict free” mineral products. Many product made by Intel, as well as countless others in the marketplace, contain tin, tantalum, tungsten, or gold, that are know as "conflict minerals". These minerals are often sold by rebels to fund violent conflict.  Intel is partnering with other organizations to find conflict free smelters for its resource supplies.Intel supported Mike Mick Ebeling’s Not Impossible Lab’s to develop Project Daniel that initially set to provide a boy with new arms and his village in South Sudan with the Intel® technology, Ultrabooks™, using 3-D printing to develop prosthetics to help other civil war victims.  In other areas, Intel’s She Will Connect program strives to close the Internet gender gap for girls and women that excludes them from 21st century jobs and opportunities. This is especially critical in sub-Saharan Africa.  The project is intended to empower women, improve digital literacy training, provide online peer interaction, and gender relevant content.  It is expected to transform African economy and families.  Additionally, Intel supports educational projects especially for girls in Egypt, Tanzania, and 65 other developing countries through project such as Smart Girls and Girls Rising. Intel emphasizes the benefits communities and developing countries obtain when girls are educated leading to healthier and safer people, and less child marriage.  Intel India’s Empowering Women in Jharkhand, provides education and local economic support, Into empower underserved tribal women with education to start prosperous micro-businesses. Intel’s corporate culture has as its foundation a value for its people, the environment, human rights, and empowering the next generation.  Their commitment to the environment includes projects to improve energy efficiency, reduce emissions, conserve resources, and use innovative ways for sustainability.

Work through the Case Studies on Coca Cola, Intel, Deutsch Bank, HTC Group

For each company, analyze:

  • How do each of these companies address sustainability?
  • How does the focus on sustainability provide a strategic position for the company, if any?
  • Analyze why the company engages in social activities.
  • What form of corporate governance best fits a sustainable company?


Expert Solution



Essentialness Preservation and Environmental Change

The goal is to diminish the general carbon impression of our business activities by 15 percent by 2020, when stood out from the 2007 benchmark.

The Brampton activity changed over to an essentialness powerful lighting structure that uses half less imperativeness and gives half progressively light. These new establishments also chip away at development sensors for significantly progressively imperative save reserves.

In the appointment channels, the association has presented 2000 EMS-55 essentialness organization contraptions in candy machines. These devices start lights and alter cooling taking into account use, provoking upgraded imperativeness adequacy by up to 35 percent.

In like manner, the association presented 1,400 environment genial coolers at the 2010 Olympic Diversions to diminish ozone hurting substance releases by around 5,600 metric tons, the resemblance taking around 1,200 automobiles off the road for an entire year.

Finally, 37 overpowering commitment cream movement trucks and tractors were familiar with the Canadian task force in 2008 and 2009. These vehicles improve fuel usage and lessening surges by around 33% and make less noise and radiations when stopped in movement.

Water Use

The goal is to develop a water-supportable activity to restrain water use and have a water-impartial impact on the local gatherings by safely reestablishing the proportion of water used as a piece of the refreshments to the close by gatherings and condition.

A 20% diminishment in water use, joined by a profitability extent of 1.62 liters was practiced in the region of 2005 and 2007. Plant bunches focused on: 1) diminishing the water use extent; and 2) reusing the water used as a piece of tasks (wastewater treatment).

To help accomplish its water usage destinations the association made and used a water conservation tool kit to recognize exercises that would screen water. It realized reuse and recuperate water hovers through the plant's layer water treatment system. Likewise, it presented another osmotic water recovery system expected to recoup just about 11 million liters of water for creation. What's more water based holder rinsers were superseded with ionized air rinsers and the oil structure on all age lines was retrofitted to stop water use, saving around 28 million liters of water each year.

Down to earth Bundling and Reusing

The destinations are to: (1) keep up a key good ways from the use of 100,000 metric tremendous measures of packaging materials in the region of 2007 and 2010, (2) reuse or recover over 90% of waste materials at creation workplaces by 2010, (3) increase reused content in plastic (PET) containers to an ordinary of 10% by 2010.

For objective (1), Dasani PET container weight was diminished by 30%, saving 493 metric enormous measures of PET. Plastic breeze off terminations were plot 24% lighter, saving 235 metric enormous measures of tar. Also, lighter fibreboard was made for Minute Cleaning expert things saving 124 metric immense measures of fiberboard yearly. The association also impelled the Plant Jug, a 100% recyclable packaging made with up to 30% plant-based waste materials.

Objective (2) was cultivated in 2009, before schedule. The gathering in like manner realized a bound together reusing action that gets broken, hurt or ended thing packaging from satellite workplaces to be baled and offered to an advanced recycler.

Adventures were made to achieve green headways in reusing propels, limitless packaging materials, conveying and cooling gear controls and plan, and cross variety trucks.

Among the devices used was a prohibitive packaging database to perceive open entryways for future packaging material diminishments and to benchmark execution against the overall Coca-Cola system. See here for extra on sensible packaging.


At Intel, an inventive bleeding edge association, a key grouping of the association's corporate social commitment (CSR) tries is on biological stewardship. While the association has had productive supportability programs set up for quite a while, Intel picked that a convincing way to deal with develop the impact of its ventures is augmentation the commitment of its laborers in its CSR works out.

Exposing issues

Building commonality with an association's CSR practices and systems is a fundamental bit of extending laborers' pride and unwavering quality. Regardless, considering the way that delegates generally have limited exchange speed for information that doesn't explicitly influence their work, various at Intel were oblivious to the association's present exercises. To fix this, Intel picked to place assets into a phase to help exchanges from the CSR and activities gathering to agents to exhort them about the association's frameworks and activities. Intel in like manner expected to make a particular instrument to help association among laborers for sharing acknowledged methods or getting course on executing their contemplations. The past spring, the association moved the new passage "Green.Intel" on its basic intranet to focus just on Intel's environmental undertakings, with invigorates from the CSR and tasks gathering, chronicles on different Intel programs, an inside blog, and a talk conversation open to all laborers.

Since the Earth Day dispatch, the passageway has pulled in 17,000 watchers, and within blog has the most laborer people from any Intel blog. Up until this point, laborers have posted different requests for the CSR and tasks gathering to get some information about Intel practices and undertakings. Delegates furthermore used the portal to develop a gathering reinforced agriculture program through which they can join to purchase secretly created sustenance.

Broadening Open entryways for Inclusion

Various specialists who fall in the midst of the Intel toll twist need to wrap up clearly unique individuals in the association's CSR programs, yet they aren't presumably going to make openings isolated—either considering the way that they are unbalanced acting uninhibitedly or considering the way that they need to feel that commitment is upheld by the association. Dynamic commitment has the twofold points of interest of giving delegates an outlet for their own favorable circumstances and raising determination. It also can empower the association to recognize new opportunities to upgrade its practices and achieve its sensibility targets.

Characterizing Objectives and Adjusting Motivations

For commitment tasks to be ideal, laborers need to appreciate how they can accept an enthusiasm just as why they are taking an intrigue and what kind of impact they're having. Characterizing destinations for commitment and giving agents forces for help (and compensations for accomplishment) can give the necessary motivation to commitment—and can empower the association to accomplish its supportability focuses on even more viably.

Remembering the ultimate objective to engage companywide reinforce for improved normal execution, Intel has tied a piece of every specialist's variable compensation to the association's biological execution. Intel laborers can similarly win nonfinancial distinctions for bunch chipping in and excellent achievements in natural, essentialness safeguarding, and tainting balancing activity tasks and execution.

Supportability at Deutsche Bank :

— Hazard culture: 640,000 wrapped up

consistence courses

— Preparing: Approx. 500 agents

in the US and Asia arranged on

human rights, world inheritance areas

also, natural change

— Venture program: Made for

Extraordinary supported 9,812 social

adventures in 33 countries

— Differing characteristics: Representatives from 150

unmistakable nationalities currently work at

the bank

— Corporate Volunteering: Around

17,000 laborers were dynamic as

corporate volunteer and contributed

pretty much 188,000 hours in more than

3,000 endeavors

— UN Green Atmosphere Store: Affirmed

a fundamental USD 78.4 m adventure

into Deutsche AM's African green

essentialness get the chance to sponsor

— Maintainable Improvement Objectives

(SDGs): Oversaw ten viable

likewise, influence holds with a joined

volume of over USD 1.76 bn

— Coal introduction: Chosen to bit by bit

diminish the present introduction to the

warm coal mining zone over the

next three years

— Carbon unprejudiced nature: Stayed away from 289,694

colossal measures of CO2e outpourings in our own

tasks by purchasing boundless


— ES reviews: Led 727 client

likewise, trade studies by the

practicality gathering

— Green bonds: Went with

issuance of EUR 8 bn in green

bonds before the completion of 2016

— Efficient force imperativeness: Orchestrated EUR 3.9 bn in stretch out back

for maintainable force source adventures

— Deutsche AM: Oversaw EUR 9.9 bn of ESG assets

under organization

— ES chance organization: Distributed the ES Strategy

Structure on its site to manufacture straightforwardness

— Deutsche AM: Positioned by Bloomberg Business Week

as the principle asset administrator who casted a ballot 100 % for

68 ecological change related investor delegate votes


HTC has pushed a $10 million computer generated simulation sponsor for substance and advances that will drive sensible improvement around the world.

Taiwan-based HTC makes the HTC Vive VR headset, and its VR for Effect program was unveiled at the World Monetary Gathering in Davos, Switzerland. VR is required to be a $25 billion industry by 2021, as showed by tech counsel Digi-Capital.

The hold will propel substance that sponsorships the Assembled Country's Practical Improvement Objectives by 2020. HTC said that VR gives a huge opportunity to make and offer considerations in significant manners that brief change, and through VR for Effect, HTC Vive will hold and support substance and advances that make the most extraordinary experiences to change our world.

The Unified Country's Practical Improvement Objectives are a comprehensive proposal to make a move to end dejection, secure the planet, and assurance that all people acknowledge harmony and flourishing. The store will propel experiences that improve care and guidance and brief movement.

"The potential for Virtual Reality to empower us to learn, appreciate, and change the world is vast. VR for Effect is a test to the VR social order and substance fashioners over the globe to help drive care and to handle the best challenges of mankind," said Cher Wang, official and President at HTC, in a declaration. "HTC Vive will bolster the best contemplations using Virtual Reality that.


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